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View Poll Results: Do you think our WM chefs should start aiding TP2 Android development?
Hell yes! 16 50.00%
Maybe...in their spare time? 7 21.88%
Hell no! WinMo-4-lyfe! 9 28.13%
Voters: 32. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

why is anyone trying to make decisions for chefs/devs??

let the chef/dev decide what platform they wanna use..

its not our choice..
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Android, in such a short time, is far more mature (in general) than Windows Mobile. I am so impressed with the integration of apps. It does so many of the things I always wished WM would do. Of course, having a huge screen (EVO) and nearly twice the processor don't hurt performance, which has been a welcome change, too. Still, I might could stand the sluggishness I experienced at times if the integration was there. I want to be able to have information pushed and pulled to and from one app to another, like contacts. And, I don't agree that Sense 2.5 in a custom ROM is the main culprit of the slowdowns. Months ago, when I tried Android on my TP2, w/o overclocking or anything, it was so much faster and smoother to use than WM. Even the stock 6.1 ROM was not as smooth as that.

I thought my TP2 was the best phone I'd ever had, and it was, but I am finding it easy to move away from WM and to Android. It is amazing how far it has come so rapidly.

P.S. I do miss Bing, though. The traffic from Google is hopelessly outdated by the time the information gets to my phone. I always found Bing did a much better job with hardly any delay in getting accurate traffic info.

Last edited by hankbear; 07-14-2010 at 04:30 PM. Reason: Added Bing.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 04:45 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
why is anyone trying to make decisions for chefs/devs??

let the chef/dev decide what platform they wanna use..

its not our choice..
Not trying to decide for them at all. I was just trying to get the community as whole (Android and WinMo advocates) to speak up about what they wouldn't mind seeing.

Obviously anyone on this forum should appreciate everything that the chef's do for us in their builds. It's just getting a little old (for me at least) to upgrade and flash a new ROM only to see little to no difference in speed or usability.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
I can't tell if you're speaking about Android-specific devices or Android on tp2.... if it's the former, then you're incorrect. Android has already reached reliable status and is very enjoyable (i use both an EVO 4G and TP2). Yes, 1GHz helps, but the ease of use for Android to do many of the same things that WinMo can do is really sweet. The support from devs makes it even better because it takes u to new heights that WinMo never reached because of lack of development.

You're right, it's not about being cool, it's about being reliable and in my experience this past month, Android is cool and reliable. Not sure where you're getting that WinMo is more reliable? In what way?

If HTC put an official version of Android on the tp2 hardware (not the hacked crap), it would be a lot less sluggish. The HD2 with its 1ghz cpu still gets the little waiting cursor when opening apps... wtf.
My brother has already returned his EVO twice for Android related issues... So as far as being reliable, I guess you got lucky but you can't say I'm wrong when I witness first hand him bringing his brand new phone in more than I bring in my year and half old phone... Android shit should just stay in the Android forum IMO, Android has nothing to do with WinMo and a large majority of us love WinMo for the time being... Sucks that there are so many haters...

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by kidwolf908 View Post
Not trying to decide for them at all. I was just trying to get the community as whole (Android and WinMo advocates) to speak up about what they wouldn't mind seeing.

Obviously anyone on this forum should appreciate everything that the chef's do for us in their builds. It's just getting a little old (for me at least) to upgrade and flash a new ROM only to see little to no difference in speed or usability.
well maybe you should learn how to make things yourself then??
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:00 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
well maybe you should learn how to make things yourself then??
Don't take it personally bud. It's just an opinion.

If I could make ROM's for myself, I would, but it still wouldn't change the fact the WinMo is a pig with Sense for lipstick.

My brother has already returned his EVO twice for Android related issues... So as far as being reliable, I guess you got lucky but you can't say I'm wrong when I witness first hand him bringing his brand new phone in more than I bring in my year and half old phone... Android shit should just stay in the Android forum IMO, Android has nothing to do with WinMo and a large majority of us love WinMo for the time being... Sucks that there are so many haters...
I am not a hater of WinMo per se, I am a hater or WinMo on the TP2.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by kidwolf908 View Post
You guys must have better TP2's or better ROM's than I do because mine is god awful at the moment. My text entry in an SMS gets up to 40-50 characters behind what I'm typing. And randomly, my WM will just start dumping battery power like mad. I don't have any exchange servers set up and I have 2 e-mail accounts sync every 30 minutes, yet my battery will randomly heat up and dump 10-15% in 15 minutes even when the device is "asleep."
I didn't say that my Phone doesn't have issues, but it's sure much better then it was when I had a Stock ROM on it. The chefs actually made it usable. I do have these issues, my text lags a lot, I also don't use exchange servers. I like android sure, but what I was saying is that not all the chefs are devs too. They can't just start porting android with no knowledge of it. We also shouldn't be telling these chefs what they should or shouldn't be doing, they're taking there time to make these ROM's with no expectations of anything.

It's not just easy to learn how to port android onto a phone. It's not that easy, if it was it probably would have been done by now. What bored was saying is that if you really want Android on this phone so bad, why don't you start porting it, rather then saying what other people should do.

I would sure love to see Android fully ported to this phone, but that doesn't mean we should just tell the chefs what they should and shouldn't be doing.
If someone helps you press thanks!!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:15 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by hankbear View Post
Android, in such a short time, is far more mature (in general) than Windows Mobile.
You think if Windows Mobile just came out it wouldn't be far more mature than the competitors as well..?? Your comparing a brand new O/S to something that's aged and prospered for quite a while... Again, this is an apples/oranges topic....
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:20 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Apparently cooking ROMs and writing code are one in the same... And...writing device drivers for linux is definitely something a cook who uses a visual kitchen to create a ROM can do with ease.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by Scenemaker View Post
Apparently cooking ROMs and writing code are one in the same... And...writing device drivers for linux is definitely something a cook who uses a visual kitchen to create a ROM can do with ease.
Sounds highly unlikely to me... If writing codes were as simple as cooking ROM's, and the assumed bounty had been offered (like it already has) I think we would have had an excellent Android OS already ported for us WinMo users... But since it hasn't quite worked out like that, I doubt it's that simple...
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