Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
well maybe you should learn how to make things yourself then??
Don't take it personally bud. It's just an opinion.
If I could make ROM's for myself, I would, but it still wouldn't change the fact the WinMo is a pig with Sense for lipstick.
My brother has already returned his EVO twice for Android related issues... So as far as being reliable, I guess you got lucky but you can't say I'm wrong when I witness first hand him bringing his brand new phone in more than I bring in my year and half old phone... Android shit should just stay in the Android forum IMO, Android has nothing to do with WinMo and a large majority of us love WinMo for the time being... Sucks that there are so many haters...
I am not a hater of WinMo per se, I am a hater or WinMo on the TP2.