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View Poll Results: Do you think our WM chefs should start aiding TP2 Android development?
Hell yes! 16 50.00%
Maybe...in their spare time? 7 21.88%
Hell no! WinMo-4-lyfe! 9 28.13%
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 03:07 PM
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Should the chefs start helping Android?

Well, I'm asking the question: How many of you think our chefs should take some time away from WM development and try to start aiding in the development of Android?

I mean, how many of you think Windows Mobile has gotten any LESS sluggish and any MORE enjoyable within the last 3 months of ROM releases? WM6.5 + Sense 2.5 is a pig on my phone even after a fresh flash. And then if you add CHT, you might as well just give yourself a sedative to help ease the pain of how slow the device runs.

Right now, I have Android 2.1 on my phone with the CPU overclocked to 700MHz and this thing SCREAMS! Not to mention, Android has a 1000x better developer base and all of the functionality of WinMo when rooted. If the Android developers could sort out the few remaining issues, I (and many others) would probably switch to Android 24/7! The only reason I even boot into WinMo right now is because sound doesn't work in Android and I always lift to Slacker radio.

Currently, the TP2 + Android is the BEST QWERTY Android device available (in my opinion). Wouldn't it be nice to see some of our awesome cooks working to move the ball forward on the last few issues in Android?

Last edited by kidwolf908; 07-14-2010 at 05:45 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 03:24 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Hellllllllllllll to the nizzzaawwwwwwwwwww..!!! If our chefs left WinMo alone, I'd leave WinMo all together lol..

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 03:29 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Hellllllllllllll to the nizzzaawwwwwwwwwww..!!! If our chefs left WinMo alone, I'd leave WinMo all together lol..
That's the point lol... WinMo already GOT LEFT altogether for Windows Phone 7.

There's really only so much more our chefs can do to make it any better and let's face it, it has a HUGE hill to climb to reach android performance right now.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by kidwolf908 View Post
That's the point lol... WinMo already GOT LEFT altogether for Windows Phone 7.

There's really only so much more our chefs can do to make it any better and let's face it, it has a HUGE hill to climb to reach android performance right now.
You're comparing apples and oranges... When Honda stopped making the CRX, people didn't stop buying/modifying them... When Windows XP was surpassed by Vista, people didn't stop developing in XP...

IMO, It's all user preference and as of right now I'm on board with WinMo (and so are about 80% of the other members in this forum)... Android is cool, but it's new still and has a long way to go before it reaches the heights Windows had done... And it's not Android that makes the phone run sick, it's that your comparing it to memory hoggin ass Sense 2.5 on a 528mhz phone, so of course a 1ghz phone with app's is gonna seem a lot cooler... But to some of us, being cool isn't everything... Being reliable is though, and I read far to many stories about people with Android to be able to say it's superior to WinMo as of yet... Maybe soon, maybe not, but as of right now WinMo deserves the attention it's getting from our chefs because without them it'd be a lost cause...

It's also ironic how it's mainly new users, and the younger generation that find Android to be so much better, I guess us old school guys who were Windows 95 pimpin back in the day have gotten so used to Windows being dominate that we never seemed to let new toys phase us... Windows will never die, bet that...
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Old 07-14-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

actually, i'd prefer that they stuck it out until windows phone 7. i'm sure that will get hacked and need optimizing.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Not all chefs are devs, some don't code and do all the stuff needed to port Android. Also, I know it seems like a lot would switch to android, but I'm not not all, I'm sure there would be a ton of people staying with Windows Mobile. All these chefs actually make it usable, I'm sure there are some features left on Windows Mobile that Android doesn't have and that probably would keep some from switching.
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Old 07-14-2010, 03:49 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

I guess I'm with the stick-it-out-until-Win7 crowd. Heard bad stories about Android's reliability and I'm very happy with my WinMo phone *now* . Personally, I've got 10 months to make up my mind...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
You're comparing apples and oranges... When Honda stopped making the CRX, people didn't stop buying/modifying them... When Windows XP was surpassed by Vista, people didn't stop developing in XP...

IMO, It's all user preference and as of right now I'm on board with WinMo (and so are about 80% of the other members in this forum)... Android is cool, but it's new still and has a long way to go before it reaches the heights Windows had done... And it's not Android that makes the phone run sick, it's that your comparing it to memory hoggin ass Sense 2.5 on a 528mhz phone, so of course a 1ghz phone with app's is gonna seem a lot cooler... But to some of us, being cool isn't everything... Being reliable is though, and I read far to many stories about people with Android to be able to say it's superior to WinMo as of yet... Maybe soon, maybe not, but as of right now WinMo deserves the attention it's getting from our chefs because without them it'd be a lost cause...

It's also ironic how it's mainly new users, and the younger generation that find Android to be so much better, I guess us old school guys who were Windows 95 pimpin back in the day have gotten so used to Windows being dominate that we never seemed to let new toys phase us... Windows will never die, bet that...
Honestly, I agree with you. I used to view Android as a toy that the dummies in the world could play with and think it was a smartphone. However, Android does everything I need it to do at a FAR greater pace than WinMo ever has. Of course Sense 2.5 is weighing WinMo down. And of course comparing my 528MHz WM6.5 ROM to a 700MHz Android OS is comparing apples to oranges, but even at stock, Android still wipes the floor with WinMo in performance. And I'm not talking strictly about how poorly Sense 2.5 performs, I'm talking about the inner workings of WinMo (like SMS/MMS client).

I understand that there are still issues with Android that need to be resolved (Exchange issues, app crashing, etc). But for a majority of things, I view Android to be the superior OS. And when you mention reliability, I understand what you mean. WinMo has been (for the most part) a very stable OS for me. However, with all the troubles I have had with SoD's and generally TERRIBLE response time, I would trade away some of that "reliability" for speed.

Naturally those die-hard Windows fans that have been around since WM5 or prior are going to be fans of Windows Mobile until the bitter end. But honestly, if those people opened their eyes, they would be a lot more satisfied with Android (at least on our TP2).

Originally, I loved how customizable and flexible WinMo could be. I loved being able to make the interface my own and make my phone unique and to my liking, but with the TP2's hardware, WinMo is just too much of a slug to endure. If I was on the HD2, I bet I would be perfectly fine with WM6.5.
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Old 07-14-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Android is cool, but it's new still and has a long way to go before it reaches the heights Windows had done... And it's not Android that makes the phone run sick, it's that your comparing it to memory hoggin ass Sense 2.5 on a 528mhz phone, so of course a 1ghz phone with app's is gonna seem a lot cooler... But to some of us, being cool isn't everything... Being reliable is though, and I read far to many stories about people with Android to be able to say it's superior to WinMo as of yet... Maybe soon, maybe not, but as of right now WinMo deserves the attention it's getting from our chefs because without them it'd be a lost cause...
I can't tell if you're speaking about Android-specific devices or Android on tp2.... if it's the former, then you're incorrect. Android has already reached reliable status and is very enjoyable (i use both an EVO 4G and TP2). Yes, 1GHz helps, but the ease of use for Android to do many of the same things that WinMo can do is really sweet. The support from devs makes it even better because it takes u to new heights that WinMo never reached because of lack of development.

You're right, it's not about being cool, it's about being reliable and in my experience this past month, Android is cool and reliable. Not sure where you're getting that WinMo is more reliable? In what way?

If HTC put an official version of Android on the tp2 hardware (not the hacked crap), it would be a lot less sluggish. The HD2 with its 1ghz cpu still gets the little waiting cursor when opening apps... wtf.
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Old 07-14-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by sjs01 View Post
Not all chefs are devs, some don't code and do all the stuff needed to port Android. Also, I know it seems like a lot would switch to android, but I'm not not all, I'm sure there would be a ton of people staying with Windows Mobile. All these chefs actually make it usable, I'm sure there are some features left on Windows Mobile that Android doesn't have and that probably would keep some from switching.
Originally Posted by aiiee View Post
I guess I'm with the stick-it-out-until-Win7 crowd. Heard bad stories about Android's reliability and I'm very happy with my WinMo phone *now* . Personally, I've got 10 months to make up my mind...
You guys must have better TP2's or better ROM's than I do because mine is god awful at the moment. My text entry in an SMS gets up to 40-50 characters behind what I'm typing. And randomly, my WM will just start dumping battery power like mad. I don't have any exchange servers set up and I have 2 e-mail accounts sync every 30 minutes, yet my battery will randomly heat up and dump 10-15% in 15 minutes even when the device is "asleep."

Also, why stick it out til WP7? Maybe our chefs will get it running on the TP2, but it will undoubtedly be just as sluggish as WM6.5 w/ Sense. Not to mention, WP7 removes a ton of the great things that I still love about WinMo (undetected tethering, modifying the UI, etc.)

I'm not trying to start a battle by any means, I just don't see any improvement in WinMo since the ROM I was on back in April except for the headway that the Android port has made since then.

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
I can't tell if you're speaking about Android-specific devices or Android on tp2.... if it's the former, then you're incorrect. Android has already reached reliable status and is very enjoyable (i use both an EVO 4G and TP2). Yes, 1GHz helps, but the ease of use for Android to do many of the same things that WinMo can do is really sweet. The support from devs makes it even better because it takes u to new heights that WinMo never reached because of lack of development.

You're right, it's not about being cool, it's about being reliable and in my experience this past month, Android is cool and reliable. Not sure where you're getting that WinMo is more reliable? In what way?

If HTC put an official version of Android on the tp2 hardware (not the hacked crap), it would be a lot less sluggish. The HD2 with its 1ghz cpu still gets the little waiting cursor when opening apps... wtf.
My point exactly. Thus the question about encouraging some chefs (or ANYONE really) to help get the Android port more bug-free and usable.

Last edited by kidwolf908; 07-14-2010 at 03:59 PM.
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