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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 12:01 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Okay Okay... I'm not saying Droid is bad or that windows is better, I know with-in time I'll getting an Droid phone. But I need something thats really going to KNOCK my socks off ( in amazement ) and the Droids that are out now isn't that much different for me to go to Sprint and spent 312.00 Bucks on the EVO. I'm a Flash junky and there just not enough development for me ( MY OPINION ) Plus I love my keyboard and I havn't seen and Droid that beats the PRO 2 keyboard. Maybe in the future HTC will come out with an TP3 that's an Droid and maybe the development will be a lot better.

Also there are a lot of good points a lot of people said in these post and it all boil down to being YOUR ON PERSONAL PERFERENCE.

Last edited by bobbyblack; 06-27-2010 at 12:12 PM.
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by bobbyblack View Post
I know with-in time I'll getting an Droid phone.
same way i felt, figured why procastinate might as well just do it now i too was a flashaholic but i kinda grew out of it i guess. i still flash my tp2 a lot but now its more of just experimenting. when the tp2 was my main squeeze i flashed to make it better because the starting point was so low, honestly i have no desire to flash my incredible, there really isnt a need to.

as far as your opinoin on the amount of development, are you basing that off what you see here on this site? i agree theres no where near the amount of android dev going on here as winmo but there are many android centric forums that are rocking just like this site. seems lately to me at least that this and perhaps xda are the only phone forums people visit. ive read a few post actually saying things like samsung and motorola android phones dont have a lot of development just because their specifc forums here are pretty dead. the original droid was/is the most popular android phone in the us, there is a LOT of stuff you can do with those and a lot of people hacking/tweaking/cooking for them.

htc does have a qwerty android phone floating around in the rumor pipeline but i doubt they would use the touch pro moniker for it. if they did bring back the touch pro name i would venture to say itd be a wp7 handset

Last edited by redd214; 06-27-2010 at 12:27 PM.
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by bobbyblack View Post
1. So many ROMs to select from, some great and some good. theres roms for android too.. gotta remeber android is a baby, winmo is a grandparent and damn near retired..

2. Three Letters... *CHT* Need I say more? why would you need CHT on Android? with widgets you can put anything anywhere already, without the need to install a 3rd party software(CHT) to do so

3. The updates and constant changings. Android has had offical updates every several months since its birth.. its on its 3rd software update in less than 2 yrs hasnt it?? took MS almost 3yrs to offically go from 6.1 to 6.5..and 7 is rumored to be another 5.. winmo loses the update battle

4. Damn near every App. on Droid you can get on windows. maybe so, but like iPhone, Andorid is being chosen over winmo by corporations for offical apps.. ie-radio stations,pizza places,netflix,just a few

5. Maxsense, a growning U.I. that is the SHIZZ-NIT. Maxsense is an elaborate skin job.. plenty of people dont even use it, so this is just a preference by you, not actually something most of the Masses are using..

6. All the people that help, the community. like andorid has no support?? PPCG is a PPC site first, other OS' second.. theres millions of android sites and support

7. All the different CABS. and ZIPS; Themes (different colors) and customs. again, this is all existent for android

8. CHEF's: ERG, VINN, Mr.X (still using some of his app. in all the different ROM's I flash) and Mighty. all great chefs, but make ROMs for certain handsets usually... if you browse around, youll find lots of chefs just as dedicated as the ones mentioned above-for other devices, including Android...

9. Then your SATODS and BignAdad (I call him BIGGS)

10. I think the TP2 (HD2) has more fans. of course theres more fans, winmo has like 10years of production over android.. winmo despite having a license fee(android is free), winmo offers more free things and has little to no spam what-so-ever.. this is really your only statement i see eye-to-eye with you on

So on that note; I'll wait to get a DROID phone as long as they have the TOP TEN, MY TP2 IS A TEN, Till they come out with something that has all the above. - and you do realize a "DROID" phone, is a product line from VZW right?? "DROID" is not short for the Android Platform.. its a specific line of devices.. hence no other carriers Android devices being called "DROID"... theres lots of Android options aside from "DROIDS"- dont limit yourself

Please tell me what you think.

P.S. I'm still a noob... LMAO

theres my 2 cents
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Last edited by boredandtattooed; 06-27-2010 at 12:27 PM.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
theres my 2 cents
WOW!! That was more like a Quarter
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

I will not sit up here and list everything that makes me stick with a TP2, but I will let everyone know the main things for me. If you have sprint SERO SERO SERO SERO SERO

Keyboard- I haven't seen a high end Droid phone with a keyboard

The flexiability of Winmo will allow the phone to do just about anything.

Yes i know it wont get 4g or even take 720p videos, but hey I have a digital camera already and 3g moves pretty good for me.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 04:00 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

I will list the reasons I am keeping my TP2

1) I just got it 6 months ago and still have 18 months on my contract

2) I don't have the money it would cost me to abandon the TP2 and buy the droid.
Oditius...(Samsung Mesmerize) US Cellular
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 07:33 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Having used the EVO for a week now, all I can say is, I am really liking what HTC and Android has done with this phone and if I had to choose between the 2 with no bias, I would take the EVO. I could be wrong but I think the Android Market has many apps that WinMo doesn't have like the Flixster app that let's me watch the movie trailers of the movies at the theater I want to go to, baby learning games for my kids, Trapster, 100% functional Pandora, etc. WinMo has Android beat on medical apps though. I don't like the fact that MS will make us pay for the same apps we used on 6.5 and under for WP7 and kill all ROM development. (not saying xda won't eventually crack the code, but it sounds like MS isn't playing). All that said I still love my TP2, hence the reason I am still over here and keeping my custom ROM signatures....LMBO
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 07:38 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by bobbyblack View Post
Okay Okay... I'm not saying Droid is bad or that windows is better, I know with-in time I'll getting an Droid phone. But I need something thats really going to KNOCK my socks off ( in amazement ) and the Droids that are out now isn't that much different for me to go to Sprint and spent 312.00 Bucks on the EVO. I'm a Flash junky and there just not enough development for me ( MY OPINION ) Plus I love my keyboard and I havn't seen and Droid that beats the PRO 2 keyboard. Maybe in the future HTC will come out with an TP3 that's an Droid and maybe the development will be a lot better.

Also there are a lot of good points a lot of people said in these post and it all boil down to being YOUR ON PERSONAL PERFERENCE.
Good points, I only jumped when I realized I could sell my TP2 for the same price I got the EVO for and got a $70 credit from Sprint for renewing 2 year agreement on another line.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 08:45 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

As a 'still' owner of both an Evo and a TP2 (i travel a lot overseas so the TP2 serves me well), I can only see the OP list has a some sort of last ditch effort to justify keeping the TP2 (which is a great WINMO phone..therein lies the problem...) over getting an Android. Only 3 reasons now I see to now that the TP2 has OVER any android phone: SERO, World capabilities, and the great keyboard. But, underneath it all, you're still attached to a dying OS that lags behind others in so many ways that no matter how many lists you want to produce from your heart.

More ROMS doesn't equal better. WINMO is so damn buggy, even today, that you need a lot of roms just to get most things to work right (and I speak from experience. I've tried damn near every ROM out there on my TP2). The one point about WINMO has a comparable app for damn near everyone in Android: No..not even close. And the few that they do share are done so poorly on Winmo.

I've been able to customize my EVO screens in ways I could only dream on TP2. No need nor care for CHT. Widgets sir..widgets...

I don't hate the TP2..never have never will...it was a reliable old car for me that did the job when I needed it to. But there are very few reasons to keep it over an android phone if you have the means to get one.
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 08:46 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
You have got to be joking. Handango is not a centralized app store. Find me Bing, Google maps, Tom Tom, Garmin, etc, etc, etc. They don't have it. They sell THEIR games and apps there, that is not a centralized app store and you look silly comparing that to the Android Market.

TellMe is not even remotely close. Tell me requires you to launch the TellMe app and has very limited functionality. Android has voice search in every aspect of the OS and throughout all programs. You again are making yourself look silly.

Skyfire is not a full flash implementation. Its server side rendering of flash. It does not function nearly as well as on Android and again is limited.

The hardware back button never fails, but what does it do when you are in Opera? Does it go back a page? Does it take you back into the OS? What does it do when you are in a menu? Its different every time you press it. In most programs it just kicks it back to the OS. That is not the same at all.

6.5.x does not make windows mobile fully finger friendly. Go into the settings and it instantly falls back to small non finger friendly lists and layouts.

That is the amazing response? Tell me and skyfire and Handango? These aren't even close to the same thing that android has, and makes me think you don't even know anything about Android. I WISH these things could compare, but I mean, they are not even close. People that have used both would be laughing out loud reading your post.
I'm running 6.5 on an HD2 and it is very finger friendly. I have no problems at all checking boxes or pressing anything.
And skyfire plays flash videos just fine and has been doing it for 2+years. Does it really matter how the flash gets to your phone or that it works?

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