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Old 06-27-2010, 08:46 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
You have got to be joking. Handango is not a centralized app store. Find me Bing, Google maps, Tom Tom, Garmin, etc, etc, etc. They don't have it. They sell THEIR games and apps there, that is not a centralized app store and you look silly comparing that to the Android Market.

TellMe is not even remotely close. Tell me requires you to launch the TellMe app and has very limited functionality. Android has voice search in every aspect of the OS and throughout all programs. You again are making yourself look silly.

Skyfire is not a full flash implementation. Its server side rendering of flash. It does not function nearly as well as on Android and again is limited.

The hardware back button never fails, but what does it do when you are in Opera? Does it go back a page? Does it take you back into the OS? What does it do when you are in a menu? Its different every time you press it. In most programs it just kicks it back to the OS. That is not the same at all.

6.5.x does not make windows mobile fully finger friendly. Go into the settings and it instantly falls back to small non finger friendly lists and layouts.

That is the amazing response? Tell me and skyfire and Handango? These aren't even close to the same thing that android has, and makes me think you don't even know anything about Android. I WISH these things could compare, but I mean, they are not even close. People that have used both would be laughing out loud reading your post.
I'm running 6.5 on an HD2 and it is very finger friendly. I have no problems at all checking boxes or pressing anything.
And skyfire plays flash videos just fine and has been doing it for 2+years. Does it really matter how the flash gets to your phone or that it works?

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