1. So many ROMs to select from, some great and some good.
theres roms for android too.. gotta remeber android is a baby, winmo is a grandparent and damn near retired..
2. Three Letters... *CHT* Need I say more?
why would you need CHT on Android? with widgets you can put anything anywhere already, without the need to install a 3rd party software(CHT) to do so
3. The updates and constant changings.
Android has had offical updates every several months since its birth.. its on its 3rd software update in less than 2 yrs hasnt it?? took MS almost 3yrs to offically go from 6.1 to 6.5..and 7 is rumored to be another 5.. winmo loses the update battle
4. Damn near every App. on Droid you can get on windows.
maybe so, but like iPhone, Andorid is being chosen over winmo by corporations for offical apps.. ie-radio stations,pizza places,netflix,just a few
5. Maxsense, a growning U.I. that is the SHIZZ-NIT.
Maxsense is an elaborate skin job.. plenty of people dont even use it, so this is just a preference by you, not actually something most of the Masses are using..
6. All the people that help, the community.
like andorid has no support?? PPCG is a PPC site first, other OS' second.. theres millions of android sites and support
7. All the different CABS. and ZIPS; Themes (different colors) and customs.
again, this is all existent for android
8. CHEF's: ERG, VINN, Mr.X (still using some of his app. in all the different ROM's I flash) and Mighty.
all great chefs, but make ROMs for certain handsets usually... if you browse around, youll find lots of chefs just as dedicated as the ones mentioned above-for other devices, including Android...
9. Then your SATODS and BignAdad (I call him BIGGS)
10. I think the TP2 (HD2) has more fans.
of course theres more fans, winmo has like 10years of production over android.. winmo despite having a license fee(android is free), winmo offers more free things and has little to no spam what-so-ever.. this is really your only statement i see eye-to-eye with you on
So on that note; I'll wait to get a DROID phone as long as they have the TOP TEN, MY TP2 IS A TEN, Till they come out with something that has all the above.

and you do realize a "DROID" phone, is a product line from VZW right?? "DROID" is not short for the Android Platform.. its a specific line of devices.. hence no other carriers Android devices being called "DROID"... theres lots of Android options aside from "DROIDS"- dont limit yourself
Please tell me what you think.
P.S. I'm still a noob... LMAO