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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:06 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
i use sashimi and thats it.. it has its own section for getting all your reg backups.. does PIM backup(your contacts).. and will auto install all your cabs,xml(restore all your email accounts with 1 file),scripts,reg,root folders to your device, automatically for you once your run it.. its amazing, but does require some dedication to getting it all down and set-up just right.. after that, youll laugh at the idea of dreading a hard reset or a ROM switch..

**i txt a ton, over 8,000 a month usually, but i dont back them up.. it slows your phone down.. i could care less about em... so, i wanted to add that sashimi will not back up your texts**

just about everything youd wanna know about it, and backing things up, auto config, anything can be found here.. warning, its alot of info and reading.. when it comes to sashimi though, theres 4 videos Youll probably wanna watch that will make it nice and silly simple for ya
i've started using xda_uc. got a nice package from xda that you add to your build and it does i'm guessing the same thing. it installs the cabs, runs the xml's and mortscripts etc. got all my emails setup by xml, just haven't taken the time to dive into backing up my favorites, etc. it is on my list of things to do.

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:13 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nyCecilia View Post
Yeah, I'm getting that I'm committed...next day I have free I'm going to just go for it, if my phone gets fried, I don't even much care anymore.
you really can't kill your phone flashing ROMs, only flashing radios. since there is only one gsm ROM on here anyways, you are pretty safe.
For you, I would start with the sprint lovers ROM. that thing is very sprint friendly, mostly just cleaned up alot and optimized. I haven't tried, but alot of people like it. just make sure you are synced to myphone so after a flash you can resync and get all your contact info back.
and don't worry about some of the other posters. i remember just a couple of months ago, I was ready to kill somebody because it seemed like they were trying to help me in a foreign language. now I understand much better.

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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:25 AM
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Exclamation Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nyCecilia View Post
If you seriously feel this way, then instead of criticizing and mocking me, you should be pointing out exact threads/articles that I should be reading.

I've already done the searching thing, and apparently it hasn't worked. I've tried following threads. I've even ventured into the ROMS to see if I could glance at it and figure it out. My head spun. Everytime I got close to figuring it out, dead end. Here's how it goes: "Hey guys, this is great, do this!!! No, doesn't work for me. Works for me if I add in these 10 steps. No that screws everything up. I can do it this way, but it eats up all my battery. Oh, it'll work, but only on Thursday and every other Sunday. It works perfectly! What's wrong with you dummies? Made my phone send SMS death threats to everyone in my contact list, not working. Make sure you run this cab before you even try it! That cab caused a memory leak. No it can't possibly cause a memory leak, it's just not logical. No, my phone is hosed, have to go get an Android." Yeah, really simple, real useful, and definitely not a waste of time.

You know why WM is going away? Because it's difficult to work with, and there's a lot of people in the know that have this same poor attitude, just criticize the user, which certainly doesn't help build an end user base. (there's also a few that are very, very helpful, too ) You're not helping anyone this way.
i tried to be helpful in my first response to you and you didnt like my advice remember.. you wanna be able to download cabs and have them do everything for you.. well sorry sweetheart, lifes not all cupcakes and freekin roses now is it... you want the stuff to work?? YOU design it! YOU develop it! or YOU can STFU! you wanna be technical your Carrier doesnt want you to download anything that isnt from them.. NO 3rd party anything.. read your freeaking contract... so the fact that you even have options that all these amazing minds come up with.. or the fact you have dedicated websites to turn to for help.. you should be freeking grateful.. instead you critize the fact you have to do a few things to get some things accomplished... so freaking what...you know what, i dont care if it took 20 steps and a soft reset after every one to get tethering for free to work, in the end, the result is worth it......

so if you want the simple way out of things, go buy a freekin iphone and go about your day... but you shouldnt be here ranting about how things dont work the way YOU freeking what them too, so the whole idea just has to be crap because lil ole Susie freekin Business Chic cant freeking figure it out.. so what.. the system works just fine.. the phone works just fine.. the OS works fine... YOUR broken.. YOU dont know what your doing.. thats the problem.. end of story..

and post #35 look at it.. i gave you what you needed
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 09:44 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

love the reply ;p!!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:30 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
I get your point, but this is really unnecessary.

Wonder what your mother thinks of that mouth.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:45 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nyCecilia View Post
I get your point, but this is really unnecessary.

Wonder what your mother thinks of that mouth.
my mother died at birth, but hey, thanks for putting salt in the wound right after Mothers Day and all...

look id be pissed to if i just got chewed oout like you.. but does an attempt to disrespect me, really need my dead Mother in it??

if you wanna Burn me, come after me, im a big boy, i can handle things just fine.. but what relevance does my dead Mother have in this convo about freakin cell phones anyways...

you come up with some actual questions on what to do, where to go, or asking for help.. ill still be glad to help you... but ranting and critizing how things are, isnt the most productive way to get things accomplished just know that..
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:57 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
my mother died at birth, but hey, thanks for putting salt in the wound right after Mothers Day and all...

look id be pissed to if i just got chewed oout like you.. but does an attempt to disrespect me, really need my dead Mother in it??

if you wanna Burn me, come after me, im a big boy, i can handle things just fine.. but what relevance does my dead Mother have in this convo about freakin cell phones anyways...

you come up with some actual questions on what to do, where to go, or asking for help.. ill still be glad to help you... but ranting and critizing how things are, isnt the most productive way to get things accomplished just know that..
Hey guy, really, I'm sorry to hear about your mother. That's awful, Sunday must've been really hard.

I don't wanna burn you, not in the least, but you're talkin at me like I'm a dude, first of all, and second, like I have some ax to grind, when that couldn't be further from the truth. Yeah, I blew off some steam because I was going crazy trying to get my phone back together, and it's really frustrating. It's nearly there now. BUT EVEN SO, you all have convinced me to try to flash my phone. I've tried like heck to avoid it, but the way you talk about it it can't be all that.

So with the help of some really nice people here (and hopefully you too), I'm gonna go for it next time I get some sitdown time. K? Unfortunately, that day is probably not today....

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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:31 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nyCecilia View Post
Here's how it goes: "Hey guys, this is great, do this!!! No, doesn't work for me. Works for me if I add in these 10 steps. No that screws everything up. I can do it this way, but it eats up all my battery. Oh, it'll work, but only on Thursday and every other Sunday. It works perfectly! What's wrong with you dummies? Made my phone send SMS death threats to everyone in my contact list, not working. Make sure you run this cab before you even try it! That cab caused a memory leak. No it can't possibly cause a memory leak, it's just not logical. No, my phone is hosed, have to go get an Android." Yeah, really simple, real useful, and definitely not a waste of time.
everyone gets frustrated, but puttin it out there like you did above is rather out of line wouldnt you say.... you kinda spit in the face there of the people who work hard to get things right...

glad to hear your thinking about flashing... we look forward to your questions on how to make that work as well LOL had to go out with a joke after all that
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 08:11 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

+1 for thread of the year
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 04:24 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

k, a new week, and a calmer me

over the weekend got fed up again with finding all the little updates (the 2016 error, which I thought was included in tweaks, apparently wasn't, so a day of that and I was frustrated again lol) and upgraded to Stock 6.5. I suppose it's okay, but waaaaay too flashy for me. The moving clouds make me dizzy, and when I went back to the WM interface, I was still stuck with those really messy menus and not finding a way to organize them (I did try to make folders, but the screens still look completely disorganized to my eyes). I just want a list, in an order that *I* choose, what I use most often, or at the very least alphabetically. I can't even find the lock settings anywhere (trying to not use PocketShield), not in the main screen, not under tools, not under settings, what a PITA!

BTW, I think it was Dom who pointed out that I could delete programs just by deleting? THANK YOU, you have changed my life, sir! If you have any pointers on how to create a shortcut, it would be equally appreciated, then I could just leave PocketPlayer on the card and re-create the shortcut instead of reinstalling and copying everything back over.

So now I have about an hour or so and I thought I'd read up on how to flash a custom ROM (that barenaked rom deal sounds pretty nice at this point) and perhaps have some sort of backup plan in place. The first step is "unlocking" my phone? But where do I start? Can someone point me to a Step A, Step B, etc? All the stickies in this forum seem rather random, a list of "unlocked" radios doesn't help at all if you don't know what to do with them. Google search turned up some videos, but not too easy to follow...watching them now just to get an idea, but honestly, it isn't as easy as seems to be presented if you've never done it before. Hmmmm.

So, all that to ask...Where the heck do I start?

Last edited by nyCecilia; 05-17-2010 at 04:27 PM.
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