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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by mobius999 View Post
I wouldn't pay $10 more a month for the EVO. We might have hovercars by the time I see 4G. Paying for what isn't in my area is dumb. That, and they'll have to pry my SERO plan from my cold dead hands. As far as Hotspot goes..... well, I never paid for tethering either, but did it, so that's kind of a non-issue.

I'm job-shopping atm, and one of the things I'm looking for (aside from a better comp package) is company-paid cell. That's the only way I'm gettin anything new. Just can't bring myself to dump a $30 plan. I'll grab an EVO off ebay and still save money by not paying $600-$700 more a year.
how will you save money when sprint won't let you activate it? or you just gonna use it with wifi? guess I'm missing the point.

maybe those not in a 4g area can talk to CS and get a discount to make up for the 10.00/ month.

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:13 PM
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Wirelessly posted (TP2 Biznitch: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50433; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4
Originally Posted by mobius999 View Post
I wouldn't pay $10 more a month for the EVO. We might have hovercars by the time I see 4G. Paying for what isn't in my area is dumb. That, and they'll have to pry my SERO plan from my cold dead hands. As far as Hotspot goes..... well, I never paid for tethering either, but did it, so that's kind of a non-issue.

I'm job-shopping atm, and one of the things I'm looking for (aside from a better comp package) is company-paid cell. That's the only way I'm gettin anything new. Just can't bring myself to dump a $30 plan. I'll grab an EVO off ebay and still save money by not paying $600-$700 more a year.
how will you save money when sprint won't let you activate it? or you just gonna use it with wifi? guess I'm missing the point.

maybe those not in a 4g area can talk to CS and get a discount to make up for the 10.00/ month.
I was thinking the same thing. I will be calling them if thats the case. Im pretty pumped that it has fm radio built into it to. Im upgrading from my fair and flex family plan to the lowest everything family plan. Its more money but my wife wanted a new phone and most of the good ones make your drop legacy plans to activate the new phones.

Last edited by fr0st; 05-12-2010 at 10:17 PM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:24 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by Da Uniq 1 View Post
My main concern about evo besides switching from win /mo to android is will it allow me to do voice and data at the same time and will we have video calling? If so, then yes it is woth a few more bucks for me.

But it's like cars, TV's or anything else. what one person likes/needs isn't gonna cut it for everyone's wants/needs

engadget confirmed that you can use both voice & data at the same time.
they have a video about it.

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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 11:05 PM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

ill make the switch but only if i like the onscreen keyboard
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 01:07 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Yes I am switching but not till end of year.
Gonna watch what plays out pricing wise on the plans & the bugs get worked out from the early adopters.

For this much money I rather be on the sideline initially than get frustrated.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:57 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

If I am on SERO and switch to an EPRP plan will I still have to wait to be upgrade eligible for the EVO? I used my upgrade to get the TP2 when it came out last year.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 03:09 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

so long tp2 hello evo! my rebate aint gonna kick in till november thou.... thats why im saving money from every pay check ha ha
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 04:18 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by ibleedbloo View Post
If I am on SERO and switch to an EPRP plan will I still have to wait to be upgrade eligible for the EVO? I used my upgrade to get the TP2 when it came out last year.
i think you have to be on the everything plan for a year to get to sprint premier status. one of the sprint employees could probably chime in and let you know for sure.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 08:27 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
i think you have to be on the everything plan for a year to get to sprint premier status. one of the sprint employees could probably chime in and let you know for sure.
Originally Posted by SprintPressRelease
Eligibility requirements for Sprint Premier are simple: 1) For three consecutive months, consumer customers must be on an individual wireless plan of at least $69.99 per month or spend at least $99.99 per month on a plan that shares minutes, or 2) they must have been a Sprint wireless customer for at least 10 years. For complete rules about Sprint Premier, visit sprint.com/premiercustomer.
I moved from a SERO to an EPRP "Everything Plus" plan and was upgraded to SERO as it met the price requirements. I later moved to a different non EPRP plan so I could get my 25% corp discount, but kept my premier status as I am on a plan over $69.

NOTE: The requirement is on the base plan. If you get discounts that take you under that $69, you are still eligible.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 09:19 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
how will you save money when sprint won't let you activate it? or you just gonna use it with wifi? guess I'm missing the point.

maybe those not in a 4g area can talk to CS and get a discount to make up for the 10.00/ month.
My point was I myself won't pay more for a plan. I don't want to lose SERO. Bad enough I'd have to go to a plan maying more than double just to get the phone, taking another $10 on top for service I'll never see is not happenin.

I'll buy the phone, get the service paid by work, keep my private SERO with the TP2 on it. That's what I meant.

Some of the phones on the horizon look so nice though, I'd actually consider buying one and not activating it if that was my only option. For my day to day life, wifi is pretty abundant all around, add skype and who needs sprint?
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