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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 01:32 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

Ok..... after installing a ton of cabs and tweaks and toped it off with cookiemonster.. the phone became unbearably sluggish. I mean.... it was awful! I loved the apps and auto weather animation but my tp2 frooze all day more than usual. I bguess I overtweaked. hehe. So anyways...... i hard resetted and and disable everything that has to do with Location service. and did not install no tweaks And this thing if 99.99% more stable and fastttttt! And to top it... no more sluggish performance. I noticed from hard resets and reloading from scratch that if u disable location weather, tf sense is far smoother and no jerky sluggish animations. U all should try it. u will be amazed.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 01:34 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

how do explain smoothness & ease on my TP2 with location control still on?
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 01:50 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

Originally Posted by Q_Q View Post
how do explain smoothness & ease on my TP2 with location control still on?
I had the weather location on multiple custome roms and stock and it slows tfsense quite a bit. Try disabling it and watch it.its allot smoother.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 01:55 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

Originally Posted by Q_Q View Post
Get an iPhone. Stable. Plenty of apps. Plug & play.
This isn't the phone for you.
6.1/6.5 both have some issues for few not all.
Both needed a modicum - ie small - of tweaks.
That't it. This isn't complicated.
Either you can handle it or you can't.
Make it easy on yourself.
saved a version of this in my sig....perfect
Dont Forget To Say Thanks!

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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 02:01 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

Originally Posted by Q_Q View Post
Get an iPhone. Stable. Plenty of apps. Plug & play.
This isn't the phone for you.
6.1/6.5 both have some issues for few not all.
Both needed a modicum - ie small - of tweaks.
That't it. This isn't complicated.
Either you can handle it or you can't.
Make it easy on yourself.
Exactly...except I don't really like the iphone, it isn't that stable from what friends with it say, and i could care less about apps. Also, if you had read my original post I was suggesting that this wasn't the phone for me, hence possible jumping ship to android. We will see how this thing does on a completely stock ROM...I really hope it works.

I will be honest though, I am all for cooked ROMS, custom this and that, but I really feel like MS should offer a product that works as is out of the box....is that really too much to ask?

Bringing this thread back on point....I am looking for people running the stock sprint rom that are having serious issues...if that is not you then this may not be the thread for you. Either you can handle it or you can't
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 02:28 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

Originally Posted by themogul8 View Post
Exactly...except I don't really like the iphone, it isn't that stable from what friends with it say, and i could care less about apps. Also, if you had read my original post I was suggesting that this wasn't the phone for me, hence possible jumping ship to android. We will see how this thing does on a completely stock ROM...I really hope it works.

I will be honest though, I am all for cooked ROMS, custom this and that, but I really feel like MS should offer a product that works as is out of the box....is that really too much to ask?

Bringing this thread back on point....I am looking for people running the stock sprint rom that are having serious issues...if that is not you then this may not be the thread for you. Either you can handle it or you can't
theres a whole thread dedicated to the issues with the stock sprint rom. theres one for 6.5 as well. you can look to those threads to see if there are fixes to what u need.

What company offers something that works fully, perfectly and with no bugs out of the box? How many times to you have to upgrade your antivirus, or install an update on your windows computer?

there are 3 companies that have a major hand in making these phones, HTC, Microsoft, and Sprint. yea, i know there are a ton more, but the ones that decide what you get and what it looks like. all 3 have to work together to give you what you have in front of you. If you get the EVO (i know i will be) then you have HTC and Google working together to make a phone, and i guarantee that it wont be perfect out of the box.

No phone like this is perfect out of the box. There will be issues/things you dont like, and stuff you do. If anybody is looking for a phone that just works, they should get a Rumor. But that doesnt work for the business/smartphone crowd. My girlfriend has issues with her BB, but she adapts and asks for help when there is an issue or something she wants different.

Its called adapting, and thats what this forum is here for. Its to help make your phone the best experience you can have. Shoot, thanks to this forum, Sprint has working MMS. And yes, the companies should do a little more bug fixing before they release stuff, but whats the fun in that?

Last edited by piranah; 04-22-2010 at 02:33 AM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 02:45 AM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Diamond: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

6.1 is really all you need. 6.1 FTW!
Trombone players do it in 7 positions!
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 03:35 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
Wirelessly posted (HTC Diamond: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

6.1 is really all you need. 6.1 FTW!
fun hater
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 03:42 AM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Diamond: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

Originally Posted by piranah
Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
Wirelessly posted (HTC Diamond: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

6.1 is really all you need. 6.1 FTW!
fun hater
You can have plenty of fun with 6.1!
Just think about all the tweaking and hacking you can do!
Oh well, To Each His Own! :P
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 05:45 AM
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Re: Is it just me or is windows mobile 6.5 terrible

Originally Posted by themogul8 View Post
Exactly...except I don't really like the iphone, it isn't that stable from what friends with it say, and i could care less about apps. Also, if you had read my original post I was suggesting that this wasn't the phone for me, hence possible jumping ship to android. We will see how this thing does on a completely stock ROM...I really hope it works.

I will be honest though, I am all for cooked ROMS, custom this and that, but I really feel like MS should offer a product that works as is out of the box....is that really too much to ask?

Bringing this thread back on point....I am looking for people running the stock sprint rom that are having serious issues...if that is not you then this may not be the thread for you. Either you can handle it or you can't
So what your saying is you dont want or havent tried the advice gave here by the kind people of ppcg? instead you just wanna make this into another complain thread?
in that case im all for it
Wow this rom really sucks,i have to control everything on it install the apps and at the end of the day it dont even pay the bill on its own?i have to wow? wm = thumbs down had to lol
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