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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 05:03 PM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
DISCLAIMER: the following post is not accusing anyone of anything malicious, im just merely trying to figure out what is happeneing.

ok here goes, about 30 minutes ago (at a little past 1am) i was woken up by the sound of my tp2's dialing international calls! i promplty hard reset both and am in the process of doing flash dance/task29 and then reflashing. it seemed to be very similar to what was reported to be happening with the "3d Anti Terrorist" game that was floating around a few weeks ago (one which i neved installed btw).

one of my tp2s is running a custom rom that ive been tweaking and manicuring for months never had this happen before. the 2nd tp2 is running the vzw 6.5 and has NEVER been unlocked. the only new thing i have installed in the last few days on both phones are the cab in the original post and the verizon fix!

tp2 number 1 like i said is running a rom i cooked in my modified version of calkulins kitchen and has many programs/tweaks/hacks that ive used even back to my tp1 days and have never had this happen. tp2 number 2 only has a few things installed. a shopping list program, shp finance from the software forum here, opera 10, skyfire and opera mini5. all of these have been on there for a long time. like i said the only new things that have been installed on both phones are the cabs in this thread.

as my disclaimer said im not accusing anyone of anything. i just want to know wtf is going on!!! has anyone else had this happen to them or can someone give me an idea of what else may have caused this?

Thank you

EDIT: in my panic i failed to takedown the actual number. but both were dialing the number simultaneously, the voice on the other end sounded like a recording and i disticntly remember hearing the words "international calling". like i said this woke me up so i wasnt quite as on point as i usually am but i remember the numbers had a bunch of digits and started with "001" if that helps
It's actually impossible that it was caused by my tweak. Open up the .cab file and you'll see why. There are 0 files. There is only a list of registry entries, and even that is only via XML. It would be, from a programming and code standpoint, impossible for registry edits to do anything like that.

Try going through your 'Remove Programs' menu and see if there's anything else you installed and forgot about.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 06:30 PM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

Originally Posted by ⌥ saumaun ☢ View Post
It's actually impossible that it was caused by my tweak. Open up the .cab file and you'll see why. There are 0 files. There is only a list of registry entries, and even that is only via XML. It would be, from a programming and code standpoint, impossible for registry edits to do anything like that.

Try going through your 'Remove Programs' menu and see if there's anything else you installed and forgot about.
thanks for the response. taking it to pm so as not to derail the thread further
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

And anyone can look at my cab and see that only registry edits are used. I would love to help Verizon custom roms users who have issues with the cabs but I need information listed in my first cab post to help you out.
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.

Last edited by drewcam888; 04-26-2010 at 08:56 AM.
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

I have a T-Mobile USA HD2 with stock ROM. Installed [saumaun] Extended Area Code DB.cab. Neither the city nor the state appear for incoming calls. Am I doing something wrong?
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 02:00 AM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

I found something else that I think could be fixed, 1) Well the (562) area code is the SE LA counties, Including Long Beach and Whittier. If you wanted to change it you could have it say for 562 either Whittier or LOng Beach.
2) The Area code 720 is also part of the Denver Metro Area, you have it listed as just Colorado. So you could have 720 say Denver Colorado as well.
These are not major things so if you are not maintaing the app anymore no big deal.

Thanks. Still a great app!!
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 02:50 AM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
i was thinking that too. its exactly what people were saying wws happening. phone automatically making intl. calls in the middle of the night. but i never installed that game, never even downloaded it so that cant be it.

thanks for the anti virus ca, i will give it a go
I emailed lookout mobile about it, we'll see if I get a response. (never seem to from avast).

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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 09:26 AM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

Originally Posted by LeonSinger View Post
I have a T-Mobile USA HD2 with stock ROM. Installed [saumaun] Extended Area Code DB.cab. Neither the city nor the state appear for incoming calls. Am I doing something wrong?
Did you install my cab? If so then please export your registry so I can check it.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 07:59 PM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

Just flashed a new rom, had 2 update - thanks again, I love this tweak - it should be stock
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

Area code 360 consists of about 13 cities in Wa State. Everybody who calls in my town comes up as Vancouver Wa. is there a way i can tweak this to set 360 as Bremerton Wa, instead of Vancouver, besides this I luv this tweak, is there a way you can make me a cab file of the changed name for 360! Any help is greatly appreciated! buy the way im a noob and dont feel comfortable about manuel registry tweaks!
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: [UPDATED!] City AND State of Area Code on Incoming Call Screen [VZW Support Added

Originally Posted by kevo3000 View Post
Area code 360 consists of about 13 cities in Wa State. Everybody who calls in my town comes up as Vancouver Wa. is there a way i can tweak this to set 360 as Bremerton Wa, instead of Vancouver, besides this I luv this tweak, is there a way you can make me a cab file of the changed name for 360! Any help is greatly appreciated! buy the way im a noob and dont feel comfortable about manuel registry tweaks!
Here you go
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