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  #751 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 12:36 PM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

I need your thoughts:

Situation: I have a new Sprint Touch Pro 2. Thus, it has 6.5 and sense 2.5. It looks real nice. The problem is usability. I didn't expect to find that when you have unread voice-mail, sms, mms, e-mail, etc., that there would be no functional indicators, other than the Egyptian hieroglyphics on the top, for unread voice, text, sms, and e-mail. I learned that in order to make the phone usable, one must turn off Sense, which I've done. That revealed the far better thought out standard Microsoft UI.

Current thoughts:
A. Stock ROM vs. GoodThings2Life vs. Custom ROM.
1. Do nothing. It works, and it's documented. Battery life is phenominal. I added in the task manager links, Bluetooth works great, and I made the registry edits necessary to get tethering working.
2. GoodThings2Life: Several of the settings I checked were already set that way, and it changes a some. I'm fine with tearing out the Sprint apps because they have proven to me that they are inferior and something I would never use again. With GoodThings2Life, I can put in only what I want to put in. (Actually, it removes their links)
3. Custom ROM: It appears the best is Mr. X http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/cdma-tp2-d...-5-0-92-a.html . A custom ROM would probably put in some programs that I'm likely to want, and remove the ones I don't. The way this route would make sense is if the custom ROM is actually better in a way that translates to improved usability.

B. User Interface:
It doesn't appear as though GoodThings2Life nor a custom ROM solve the Sense UI usability problem. Besides the standard MS interface, I've researched WisBar, Ultimate Launcher, and SPB Mobile Shell. It looks like the first two require a degree in computer mysteries to get where you want to go. The last one looks easier, but I don't see where any give me the functionality that I need on the Today/Home screen. I also don't find anything that fixes the Sense Today screen so I can see relevant information, rather than big icons, nor allows me to define which apps have shortcuts when I scroll down below that.

Summary:If you have some ideas of how to get where I need to go, let me know.

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  #752 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by IT_Architect
I need your thoughts:

Situation: I have a new Sprint Touch Pro 2. Thus, it has 6.5 and sense 2.5. It looks real nice. The problem is usability. I didn't expect to find that when you have unread voice-mail, sms, mms, e-mail, etc., that there would be no functional indicators, other than the Egyptian hieroglyphics on the top, for unread voice, text, sms, and e-mail. I learned that in order to make the phone usable, one must turn off Sense, which I've done. That revealed the far better thought out standard Microsoft UI.

Current thoughts:
A. Stock ROM vs. GoodThings2Life vs. Custom ROM.
1. Do nothing. It works, and it's documented. Battery life is phenominal. I added in the task manager links, Bluetooth works great, and I made the registry edits necessary to get tethering working.
2. GoodThings2Life: Several of the settings I checked were already set that way, and it changes a some. I'm fine with tearing out the Sprint apps because they have proven to me that they are inferior and something I would never use again. With GoodThings2Life, I can put in only what I want to put in. (Actually, it removes their links)
3. Custom ROM: It appears the best is Mr. X http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/cdma-tp2-d...-5-0-92-a.html . A custom ROM would probably put in some programs that I'm likely to want, and remove the ones I don't. The way this route would make sense is if the custom ROM is actually better in a way that translates to improved usability.

B. User Interface:
It doesn't appear as though GoodThings2Life nor a custom ROM solve the Sense UI usability problem. Besides the standard MS interface, I've researched WisBar, Ultimate Launcher, and SPB Mobile Shell. It looks like the first two require a degree in computer mysteries to get where you want to go. The last one looks easier, but I don't see where any give me the functionality that I need on the Today/Home screen. I also don't find anything that fixes the Sense Today screen so I can see relevant information, rather than big icons, nor allows me to define which apps have shortcuts when I scroll down below that.

Summary:If you have some ideas of how to get where I need to go, let me know.

I suggest you either flash the Sprint shipped 6.1 rom or hspl unlock your device and flash a more stable custom rom with a newer build of 6.5 and Sense. In my opinion, the Sprint shipped 6.5 rom was rushed out there too quick. It is based on an early buggy build and coupled with Sense 2.5 which is very resource hungry anyway I think it is best to use something else. If you want something that just works then use the 6.1 shipped with the Rhodium Manila. If you really want Sense 2.1 or 2.5 then you are better off flashing a custom rom. Good Luck!
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  #753 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 01:29 PM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Got it! Anyone have a good idea for an interface, other than the Windows standard one, where you can see what all needs attention, and get to it from the Today screen?

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  #754 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by IT_Architect
Got it! Anyone have a good idea for an interface, other than the Windows standard one, where you can see what all needs attention, and get to it from the Today screen?

Well, I personally use the shipped 6.1 Sprint rom with the Rhodium Manila TouchFlo3d. I have the GTTL Tweaks cab installed with several other tweaks and a Theme I picked out. Works great! You'll just have to look around and see what look and features you need or want.
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  #755 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 11:03 PM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Have you not tried Co0kie's Home Tab on a Sense 2.5 ROM yet?? It allows you to put basically almost anything on your home tab.
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  #756 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2011, 12:36 AM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

I watched several videos on it, but I see no way to add links that show unread voice-mail, sms, mms, e-mail, etc., from the home screen like Windows Mobile does 6.5 stock interface does.
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  #757 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2011, 12:45 AM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by IT_Architect View Post
I watched several videos on it, but I see no way to add links that show unread voice-mail, sms, mms, e-mail, etc., from the home screen like Windows Mobile does 6.5 stock interface does.
You can add all of those things. There are notification icons for all four items, previews of emails like on mail tab, previews of SMS, etc. The previews won't all fit on one page, but you can have as many 'home' pages as you want and swipe left/right or up/down (4 levels for up/down). It of course runs better on a HD2, but if you don't use a crazy amount of stuff, it is ok on the TP2.
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  #758 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2011, 01:13 AM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

If it doesn't show HOW MANY unread voice mails, e-mails, and texts I have on the Today tab, then it doesn't work me.
Edit: I finally found what you might be talking about on the 2.0 where it shows a number in the corner of the icons. That works for me. I'm going to try it. Thanks!

Last edited by IT_Architect; 02-24-2011 at 01:19 AM.
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  #759 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2011, 06:28 AM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Here's a screen shot of my ROM with CHT (Co0kie's Home Tab). You can see the 'Notification Bar' has Voicemail, emial, sms and missed call and it shows you how many are missed\unread of each.

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  #760 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2011, 09:14 AM
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Re: Manila 2.5.2012 (Stock Sprint 6.5 ROM) - Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

That's usable. =D>

Thanks tons!
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