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  #671 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 04:06 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by legacy4eva View Post
Does anyone else try to download things to your card and some end up on the system taking up all the memory?
yes, and i didnt realize it till sometime later, thought it was the smoke...
whats the fix?
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  #672 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 09:43 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by mstevens View Post
This really does seem like the wrong place for this question.

For one thing, I have no clue what "GTX" might be, nor why I might want my ROM themed with it. As for Cookie's Home Tab, that's extremely easy to add, and doing it that way rather than cooking it into the ROM means it's updateable without having to re-flash. A big part of the reason I use the stock ROM is so I don't have to re-flash to update stuff.

You're likely to be much better off creating a new thread rather than burying this on page 85 of a thread devoted specifically to another ROM.
GTX is a White theme
The reason I posted it here is to judge interest. I figured that many stock users may be interested in taking the plunge into the world of flashing, but are unsure why or how... some may not. Thats why I asked the question. If the interest is there I will create a new thread when I start developing.

Thanks for the input
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  #673 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Did anyone find out if some one resolved led blinking issue without shutting the all the light function?
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  #674 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by june013 View Post
Did anyone find out if some one resolved led blinking issue without shutting the all the light function?
I had this issue last week - just appeared out of no where - I searched all over & found the MightyROM_Notification_Blinking_light cab to turn it off.
It worked but the side effect on my phone - stock 6.5 ROM + CHT 1.7.1 home screen - was that it stop all vibrate function & the slide out keyboard lights would not come on any more.

So I took off the tweak & guess what? The blinking notification LED light works as normal again - it blinks when I want it to.

Not sure, if I had done some tweaks recently that knocked things out of wack that somehow the MM cab resetted things back to par after removing it.

Last edited by Q_Q; 05-12-2010 at 04:58 PM.
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  #675 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Anyone knows which manila file stores the tab title as I'd like to modify the "Sprint Music". It is used to be 090661f7_manila, but in stock Sprint wm6.5 rom this file is no longer there so I presume there is a new file to store all those IDS definition.


Last edited by jeffH70; 05-13-2010 at 12:08 AM.
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  #676 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by jeffH70 View Post
Anyone knows which manila file stores the tab title as I'd like to modify the "Sprint Music". It is used to be 090661f7_manila, but in stock Sprint wm6.5 rom this file is no longer there so I presume there is a new file to store all those IDS definition.

On 6.1 there used to be two xxxxx_manila files: one removed the Sprint Music Store link and the other allowed you to change the name of the tab.

I used the modified 26948339_manila file from xda-developers that was made for 6.1 and it removed the store link from 6.5. However, the other file containing the name seems to have changed. I don't have the old file number on me right now but I remember it was not in the Windows directory. Still, getting rid of the Store link was my prime objective anyway!
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  #677 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by wherestheanykey View Post
What have you done so far to fix it, any cabs installed or reg edits?

All you really need to do is three reg edits, with no cabs required if you like.

1. Go to [HKLM\Services\CMGuardian]
create a new DWORD Value called "Flags" and set the value data to "4"
(if it is already there then skip)

2. Reboot

3. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing]
and delete the "isext.dll" entry

4. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings]
and change "ForceCellConnection" from "PhoneAsModem" to "Sprint"

(please omit the "" in all of these entries)

You should now be able to use ICS, but make sure your data connection is already intialized prior to using (open a web browser of check your mail) or you may be asked for a user name and password. I have my email checking every 5 minutes so it is never an issue for me.

First off, let me thank all of you for always taking the time to answer questions that noobies like me post. I've been a member of this forum for about 2 weeks now and I feel like I've learned more about phones and what they're capable of than I have in 15 years of having cell phones...

My first question is specifically about this "stealth Tethering". I still don't know what ICS is. Is is a program like WMWIFIRouter? If so, do people like it more? If so, why? I was planning on paying for WMWifiRouter. If I do get that program, do I have to do these Reg Edits in order for it to be "Stealth" or does the program already stealth my activities?

(Having asked the ICS questions, I just saw the following post; Has Boo's suggestion as to how to do this worked for the people that have tried it? http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=115051)

Originally Posted by neudof View Post
- Enable ClearType in Landscape:
1. Go to: HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation
2. Change value to 0 (DWORD decimal)
3. Soft Reset

- Classic Windows Mobile Volume
1. Delete HTCVolume folder in Registry
2. Soft Reset


What is ClearType?
Why is Classic Windows Mobile Volume better than what we have stock?

Thanks in advance guys. Awesome thread Neudof! =D>

EDIT::: I have GoodThingstoLife's Tweaks package and I noticed he has this; Enable Internet Connection Sharing (Sprint only, for now)... as one of the things he does in the Teweaks Package. Anyone know if with that I am "stealth tethering" or if I still need some of those Reg edits or an additional program like WMWIFIRouter?

Last edited by Marvsway; 05-16-2010 at 11:16 AM.
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  #678 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Clear type makes your text look more crisp, classic volume is not better, it is just a different look.
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  #679 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 12:37 AM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Looks like the well has run dry!

have all you stockers made the jump to a cooked rom yet?
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  #680 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 09:13 AM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Don't worry. Others will follow.
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