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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2010, 04:54 PM
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Thumbs down Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

Originally Posted by kabuk1 View Post
I was actually going to buy the sim unlocker soon, but I dunno about it now. I don't really wanna support people that don't stand by their products.
I'd advice against it. I originally purchased the SIM unlocker, had to replace my Touch Pro2 - and they wouldn't allow me to use my purchased unlocker on my replacement device because I didn't have my "RMA Sheet" from Sprint
  #92 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

i too was thinking of buying the sim unlocker but im having doubts now.i got a replacement tp2 about 2-3 months ago and i got a reply within the first couple days never had any problems with the hspl.I would like to see it being hosted else where since its not getting any support,i would also like to see a way to relock phone via sd card my tp2 usb port crapped out and couldnt relock my phone to send it in..anyone recently sim unlocked there phone?
  #93 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2010, 05:41 PM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

I did about one month ago.. mainly to flash radio ect and because I was thinking of using my sprint touch pro 2 with T-Mobile. I sorta regret now as I want to stick with sprint oh well.
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2010, 08:11 PM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

I feel like if they cant support it than make it free and post it up. I mean without this we cant have custom roms. Thats a lot of "power" if you ask me. I dont mind paying for a product but at some point, when you move on to another project, you quit suporting it, and your not putting any more effort into it, just be done with it and post it.
  #95 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

I agree that when you make required donations, than we become customers and than you are obligated to supports. if not than this is what happens and thats not good. Hopefully they can come around.

When I recieved my replacement phone I was able to use the hspl to unlock it with no problems! what I AM having to pay for is the SIM unlocker for US GSM networks. Like it s previously posted its only $6 bucks.
To the OP...i am not sure if you have tried olipro's email but, try email him at the olipro@gmail.com. Thats how I have been getting my questions answered about SIM unlocing my replacement phone. He also told me that originally they were not charging for replacements, but when the same people started to ask about unlocking mulitiple phone, thats when they started charging to SIM unlock replacements..
But I had no probs using the hspl on my replacement at all!
  #96 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2010, 09:11 PM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

Originally Posted by PropagandaX View Post
I feel like if they cant support it than make it free and post it up. I mean without this we cant have custom roms. Thats a lot of "power" if you ask me. I dont mind paying for a product but at some point, when you move on to another project, you quit suporting it, and your not putting any more effort into it, just be done with it and post it.
Ok, so I've read through this entire thread, and I'm hearing an over-arching sense of entitlement here.


2) RE-READ #1 when talking about how the license server was set up, the reasoning for making it non-free, etc. If you don't like it, write a new one.

3) The reason that the HSPL was limited to one free unlock was because previous unlocks were being re-sold. If you had the knowhow and talent to write an unlocker (which we've established that you don't) would you want to have it be re-sold when you did the work and provided it for free?

4) Caveat emptor (buyer beware), who would pay repeatedly for a product that was not delivered? "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice (or 3 times in the OP's case) shame on me!"

Let's just pull our heads out for a minute and realize that we are at the mercy of the handful of folks out there who have the skills to unlock these phones and if we want this to continue, then we'd better shut up and simply thank them for their hard work instead of arm-chair quarterbacking all of them.

/end soapbox

I may not have helped, but you can click "Thanks" anyway!
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 05:54 AM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

I have two laptop's and tried from both.... but they are on the same wireless internet connection. Should I try some local WiFi?

I agree that we are at the "mercy of a handful of folks" and I agree with the reasoning to only limit free unlock's to one. But I DO NOT agree with charging someone and then ...... nothing.....

That's it, I have paid.... I have posted....I have submitted ticket's.... I have done everything required and had no "help" with the licensing issue's.

I am TRUELY greatful for the tool and the ability to run a custom ROM I have hit the thank's button and donated, I just want to not get screwed again.... that's why I posted to this thread for some info....
"we'd better shut up and simply thank them for their hard work instead of arm-chair quarterbacking all of them"
I cant thank them for something that doesn't work....
........Also running Andriod when I feel crazy........
Don't forget to hit THANKS!!!!!!

Last edited by Srt4inSC; 03-19-2010 at 06:08 AM.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 05:57 AM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

Originally Posted by Srt4inSC View Post
I have two laptop's and tried from both.... but they are on the same wireless internet connection. Should I try some local WiFi?
it's probably to late cause once you try it and it detects that you have unlocked previously, then i believe it flags your phone. won't hurt to try though.

by the way, this is the wrong place to ask for help. should ask in the hspl thread.
  #99 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 06:04 AM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

Originally Posted by biggienick View Post
I forgot whether or not it relocked my phone after I updated my TP1 to the last official sprint rom using the RUU or whatever the official rom loader is called. in my mind, it seemed like it relocked it.
if that was the case, wouldn't it relock my phone everytime I flash back to stock before putting on a new ROM?

  #100 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 06:09 AM
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Re: *****hspl***** is there support for it anymore?

I can't seem to get any help in the HSPL thread..... seem's like no matter what I'm wasting my time
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