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  #151 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 09:52 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Now that we've gotten it out of the way that its not stealing, you are wrong technology has changed by Verizon keeping the best network with towers and their going lte, all of this is costing billions and the company needs to make up for it.
And that's why I propose paying for it via a voice/text plan which I derive benefit from. Not by a mandatory data plan because of the model of phone I use which data plan minimally would provide benefit.
If you drove up to the gas station and the attendent forced you to purchase the "premium" gas rather than the regular stuff just because you had a nicer car than the next guy you would look at him in bewilderment because of the rediculous logic. Same here with these debates which are taking place now.

Why does Verizon need to choose what's "best" for me? For years I determined what was best for me and now they insist that a data plan is also "best" for me. Stupid!

I'm glad you admit it is because of their hidden agenda to build up the towers, etc.
If they want to invest in infrastructure they should use their PROFITS to do it, take a little less so that users who want to pay for that portion of their service will do so on the merits that they NEED and will benefit from Verizon's sacrificial investment.

Until then........ Long live Page Plus Cellular=D>
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by WBFAir View Post
As I have said, I have been through all this before and if you think what you think sprintgirl keep in mind that all I have been doing is trying my best to reply to what ever crap I get as I have barely made one single new point on anything for about 5 pages now.

So yeah if all I get is insane crap then how am I supposed make that into anything else.

But as I said I've been through all of this before and no one yet here can dispute the right and the wrong of this, which btw is why this kind of thing always ends up this way with nothing but crap.

But in the end all I have to say is, if you think I am so wrong and you are so right then let’s put that to the test.

Like I have always said, lets make this a choice and see what happens an let the results from that decide as after all if I’m so wrong then no one will dump there data plans and nothing at all will happen.

But you all know that’s not what would happened don’t you and by all of your very own zealousness to fight this you are by your very actions admitting just how much you know that, an how wrong you are, an proving me right every time with every word, as simply put, you all know just as much as the carries know as why else would they make this mandatory and take that choice away, that there would be a enormous amount of people that would dump this data plan in a heart beat an those are all the people that agree with me and know how wrong you an this is and as such then you would end up paying more for your precious data and that is what you are all really afraid off and why all your arguments end up being nothing but crap.

So simply put again, lets test if I’m wrong an you are right is, help get this optional an lets see what happens, but as long as you fight against that all you are doing is proving me right with every word and showing how deep down inside you all know it.

So go on banter an twist this all you want but until anyone of you are ready to prove that with what I am proposing, then none of that means anything.
Originally Posted by WBFAir View Post
Wow its really amazing what you classify as making the grade for the grand decision.

Basically its anything that makes you able to steal, huh p

Well read what else I posted and when you are ready to put your money where your mouth is then let me know.
Wow, is this Guy serious right now? You do realize all that is regulated by the government thru businesses like FCC and such? So obviously its not stealing so why would you want to bet me, I'm already right. You make it seem like this is something their in court for or something.
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  #153 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Wow, is this Guy serious right now? You do realize all that is regulated by the government thru businesses like FCC and such? So obviously its not stealing so why would you want to bet me, I'm already right. You make it seem like this is something their in court for or something.
Like I have said the wheels on the bus goes round and round.

How many pages back was it that I proved this one wrong.

For crying out loud even you admitted it yourself p

Like I said p want to prove me wrong, make this a choice an lets see who the winner is.

Until then, you got nothin

Last edited by WBFAir; 03-07-2010 at 09:58 PM.
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  #154 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
And that's why I propose paying for it via a voice/text plan which I derive benefit from. Not by a mandatory data plan because of the model of phone I use which data plan minimally would provide benefit.
If you drove up to the gas station and the attendent forced you to purchase the "premium" gas rather than the regular stuff just because you had a nicer car than the next guy you would look at him in bewilderment because of the rediculous logic. Same here with these debates which are taking place now.

Why does Verizon need to choose what's "best" for me? For years I determined what was best for me and now they insist that a data plan is also "best" for me. Stupid!

I'm glad you admit it is because of their hidden agenda to build up the towers, etc.
If they want to invest in infrastructure they should use their PROFITS to do it, take a little less so that users who want to pay for that portion of their service will do so on the merits that they NEED and will benefit from Verizon's sacrificial investment.

Until then........ Long live Page Plus Cellular=D>
You do realize that the example you gave is perfectly legal. So if you're the person who's going to buy premium anyways its no problem.
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 10:08 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Sure, anything is legal.

I think WBFAir was really thinking that Verizon was using extortion to get peoples money.

Main Entry: ex·tor·tion
Pronunciation: \ik-ˈstȯr-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property; especially : the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice
2 : something extorted; especially : a gross overcharge
ex·tor·tion·er \-sh(ə-)nər\ noun
ex·tor·tion·ist \-sh(ə-)nist\ noun

But, like I said, Verizon is able to do what ever the hell they want. Until they morph into a monopoly they aren't doing anything illegal. We're free to jump around from carrier to carrier.
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  #156 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
Sure, anything is legal.

I think WBFAir was really thinking that Verizon was using extortion to get peoples money.

Main Entry: ex·tor·tion
Pronunciation: \ik-ˈstȯr-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property; especially : the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice
2 : something extorted; especially : a gross overcharge
ex·tor·tion·er \-sh(ə-)nər\ noun
ex·tor·tion·ist \-sh(ə-)nist\ noun

But, like I said, Verizon is able to do what ever the hell they want. Until they morph into a monopoly they aren't doing anything illegal. We're free to jump around from carrier to carrier.
This is a valid point if view, I'm not arguing this.
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  #157 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
Sure, anything is legal.

I think WBFAir was really thinking that Verizon was using extortion to get peoples money.

Main Entry: ex·tor·tion
Pronunciation: \ik-ˈstȯr-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property; especially : the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice
2 : something extorted; especially : a gross overcharge
ex·tor·tion·er \-sh(ə-)nər\ noun
ex·tor·tion·ist \-sh(ə-)nist\ noun

But, like I said, Verizon is able to do what ever the hell they want. Until they morph into a monopoly they aren't doing anything illegal. We're free to jump around from carrier to carrier.
Highly doubt he will understand that definition...cant even spell or read...practically illiterate.
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  #158 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 10:42 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
This is a valid point if view, I'm not arguing this.
Gee a point that is wrong which supports your opinion that stealing is right is something you agree with.

What a surprised.

With all due respect dtrush, if you read through the definition you listed it virtually precisely describes what the carriers have done.

An if you go back to the long explanations of that, that I have written, that is clearly correlated.

Last edited by WBFAir; 03-07-2010 at 10:49 PM.
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  #159 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 10:47 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by sprintgirl View Post
Highly doubt he will understand that definition...cant even spell or read...practically illiterate.
Carefully sg, kinda supporting the crap in crap out thing I was describing.

An btw its not the majority of my post that show red misspelled lines in the sections of quotes to reply.

Not that I don't make a goof or two but when you have to repeat virtually every 500 word post you make 10 times its bound to happen.

But I typically will catch most of those an make corrections.
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  #160 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: Data Plan Required

Originally Posted by WBFAir View Post
As I have said, I have been through all this before and if you think what you think sprintgirl keep in mind that all I have been doing is trying my best to reply to what ever crap I get as I have barely made one single new point on anything for about 5 pages now.

So yeah if all I get is insane crap then how am I supposed make that into anything else.

But as I said I've been through all of this before and no one yet here can dispute the right and the wrong of this, which btw is why this kind of thing always ends up this way with nothing but crap.

But in the end all I have to say is, if you think I am so wrong and you are so right then let’s put that to the test.

Like I have always said, lets make this a choice and see what happens an let the results from that decide as after all if I’m so wrong then no one will dump there data plans and nothing at all will happen.

But you all know that’s not what would happened don’t you and by all of your very own zealousness to fight this you are by your very actions admitting just how much you know that, an how wrong you are, an proving me right every time with every word, as simply put, you all know just as much as the carriers know as why else would they make this mandatory and take that choice away, that there would be a enormous amount of people that would dump this data plan in a heart beat an those are all the people that agree with me and know how wrong you an this is and as such then you would end up paying more for your precious data and that is what you are all really afraid off and why all your arguments end up being nothing but crap.

So simply put again, lets test if I’m wrong an you are right is, help get this optional an lets see what happens, but as long as you fight against that all you are doing is proving me right with every word and showing how deep down inside you all know it.

So go on banter an twist this all you want but until anyone of you are ready to prove that with what I am proposing, then none of that means anything.
RETARD says what?! Yeah lets make it optional...oh wait it already is you have the choice to buy a smartphone or nonsmartphone...duuuuhhhh! and notice you have nothing new to say and admit it...pete and repeat were sitting in a boat...pete fell out and who was left? Nobody here would drop their data plan...we dont all steal wifi like you!

Last edited by sprintgirl; 03-07-2010 at 10:54 PM.
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