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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2011, 02:09 AM
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Originally Posted by dealpapa
wp7 is hot today

Last edited by Dr.8820; 02-13-2011 at 02:11 AM.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2011, 02:56 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

Pot-Roast :P

NOT gonna work man. TOO slow, and even IF you OC'd fast enough, that battery would be toasted in a FLASH!
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2011, 02:18 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

minimum specs for WP7 are almost 2x what our phones are.... the hardware is just too outdated for it to happen unfortunately...
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2011, 04:05 PM
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Wirelessly posted (htc Pocket PC: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

Just install one of the many WP7 themes out there if you really like the look of it and you want to impress your girl. lol!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2011, 12:56 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

Originally Posted by THE-COPS View Post
Pot-Roast :P

NOT gonna work man. TOO slow, and even IF you OC'd fast enough, that battery would be toasted in a FLASH!
don't listen to this guy. OC'ing has no negative effect on battery life
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2011, 07:39 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
don't listen to this guy. OC'ing has no negative effect on battery life

lol.. the hell it don't! The moment I tried WinMoSpeed .. when I jacked it to 710 MHZ and left it like that for the next hour, my battery life dropped like a barbell on a cement floor. Don't get me wrong, it was NICE. But it chomped the battery down like pac man. It was fully charged, and before I knew it, I was down to 2 bars at approx 3.74v tested voltage. Where full = 4.1v and about ready to die = 3.58v. I've done my homework man. And besides..it just makes sense.. you jack the speed up , it has to use more current and consume more power from the battery. You cannot get more out of the same. I'm not talking chit about you or anything like that. Just stating what I know from my electronics work.

Or were you just being a sarcastic smart@ss ? hmmmm

Last edited by THE-COPS; 02-14-2011 at 07:44 AM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2011, 02:55 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

Originally Posted by THE-COPS View Post
lol.. the hell it don't! The moment I tried WinMoSpeed .. when I jacked it to 710 MHZ and left it like that for the next hour, my battery life dropped like a barbell on a cement floor. Don't get me wrong, it was NICE. But it chomped the battery down like pac man. It was fully charged, and before I knew it, I was down to 2 bars at approx 3.74v tested voltage. Where full = 4.1v and about ready to die = 3.58v. I've done my homework man. And besides..it just makes sense.. you jack the speed up , it has to use more current and consume more power from the battery. You cannot get more out of the same. I'm not talking chit about you or anything like that. Just stating what I know from my electronics work.

Or were you just being a sarcastic smart@ss ? hmmmm
something must just be wrong with ur battery or ROM then. because that didn't happen when i did it and ur the only one to post this.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2011, 03:16 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

Originally Posted by jzsax1 View Post
i dont think it has the capability to run WM7... However the HD2 runs Wm6.5 and you can actually run 7 as well.. im not sure based on this if itll be the same case..

Let me break this down.

The HD2 is a one of a kind device, there is not other device like it, nor will there ever be. It is the only winmo6.x device that will ever get a WP7 port IMO, the only other highly doubtful but technically maybe possible is the Toshiba TG01. Let's look at the main reasons why:

WP7 was designed and has as a basic requirement at least a 1ghz snapdragon processor, or 1ghz hummingbird. The 528mhz qualcomm msm chip in the Pro2 would never be able to handle the OS, and attempting to write a driver to make them fit would be a task in utter futility. The TP2 also only has 288mb RAM, which technically meets the minimum requirement of 276MB ram (afaik) but I think it would struggle very much to run it since there is no OEM WP7 device with less than 512 MB RAM. The HD2 actually does have the 1ghz snapdragon, and 576MB RAM.

WP7 is also designed for a capacitive screen, as is Android. The HD2 is the only winmo phone that has or will ever have a capacitive screen.

These are the main reasons for a port never coming to the Pro2, the processor is a complete deal-breaker and in my opinion HTC did a royal screw job by releasing the Pro2 with such a weak processor no better than its predecessor.

It will never happen for any phone not named the HD2, in the future a port may work for an Android shipped phone, but that's not happening any time soon.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2011, 04:19 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
something must just be wrong with ur battery or ROM then. because that didn't happen when i did it and ur the only one to post this.
OC'ing your CPU does drain more current when it's being used. The trick to saving battery life is to manage the sleep function of your phone properly. Most of the newer rom's out now do a VERY good job of managing sleep. So, when you use your phone it's OC'd and very fast. When you don't use your phone, it's asleep and not draining very much current at all.

I'm on Energy's Titanium build with IPT and winmospeed OC'd to 710mhz. It stays like this all time. If i don't use my phone much except for calls and a few txt's, i don't have to charge my phone for at least a day and a half.

Note: I have an extended life battery i bought from Seidio . It has 1750mAh instead of the default of like 1200 or something (can't remember off hand). On the old battery, i would charge it each night. But i still got a full days worth of use with this combo and OC'd.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2011, 05:16 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 on Touch Pro 2?

Originally Posted by skyguy04 View Post
OC'ing your CPU does drain more current when it's being used. The trick to saving battery life is to manage the sleep function of your phone properly. Most of the newer rom's out now do a VERY good job of managing sleep. So, when you use your phone it's OC'd and very fast. When you don't use your phone, it's asleep and not draining very much current at all.

I'm on Energy's Titanium build with IPT and winmospeed OC'd to 710mhz. It stays like this all time. If i don't use my phone much except for calls and a few txt's, i don't have to charge my phone for at least a day and a half.

Note: I have an extended life battery i bought from Seidio . It has 1750mAh instead of the default of like 1200 or something (can't remember off hand). On the old battery, i would charge it each night. But i still got a full days worth of use with this combo and OC'd.
ever visit the many threads about OC? in there its stated by many users that OC
has no negative effect on battery. i think i know what I'm talking about n00b
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