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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 03:10 PM
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Getting really pissed about battery life

I would see previous posts about poor battery performance in the past, and just ignore them, because I had always had decent battery life. I found out early on how much push mail drains so I set it up for longer incriments of time.

Now I'm starting to see really absurd battery drains. I would charge my phone up at night and leave for work, and lets say at 8:30am this morning I unplugged it from the charger. Now at 11am, my meter shows 74%. I think over the course of that 2.5 hours, I installed skyfire, and read 2 emails and 2 text messages. I can't figure out what the hell has changed recently to make this problem start happening. I did have a charging cable go bad about that time. It would not charge the phone, and would constantly show errors if plugged into a computer. Wonder if it ruined my battery?

I run mightyrom, and recently switched from Sense to Titanium. I do run System Seven for mail push but it had never before caused any real drain. I'm thinking of just going to get my battery replaced, and maybe trying a fresh hard reset. I'm just a little disappointed that on average, I go from 8:30am -> maybe 9pm and down to under 40% with medium usage. Not playing any kind of media. I open some web pages, emails, text messages, and make some phone calls. Pretty lame how spotty the battery is.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 03:49 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

wow, your getting better life than me. I'm typically at 40% or less by 1pm and putting it on the charger. I use the heck outta it tho. I just have lots of chargers available where I typically hang, work,home,homeoffice, car. I just live with it. Saw pics of a tp2 with a 3500mAh. Nice batt life, but big bad bulge not for me.
I do think my battery life is worse than when new(3 months ago). You could try a clean start(hard reset) and test it with nothing on for a bit. Might see something using lots a juice. Otherwise gotta just deal with it.

Last edited by cbreze; 12-10-2009 at 03:51 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 04:11 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

hey guys,

i used to have battery problems all the time and i changed a few things to remedy this problem...i had google latitude installed which probably killed the battery cause it keep constantly trying to update my location, push email was set to every 2 hours, push internet was set to every 4 hours, and slide2unlock...and on top of all this i dont get reception at work which kills the battery cause it it constantly searching for a signal. After disabling most of these service the battery has dramatically improved. I'll agree the battery on this phone is pretty bad compared to my previous phones but considering it has a 3.6 screen and is very web/media-centric im not surprised.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 04:16 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

hmm now that I think about it... Slide2Unlock is something I added recently but didn't think it contributed to battery life issues. Is that really true? I just removed System Seven but maybe I didnt need to. Maybe s2u2 is the culprit?
I might try the discharge/recharge process once as well.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

Wow. And I have the opposite experience. My TP1 lasted 10-12 hours in a regular work day, and it wasn't my primary number. Now I've swapped my primary to the TP2, and I get atleast 1.5 and possibly 2 days out of a single charge. I pulled my phone off the charger this morning at 6:30. I'm at 70%, and I've installed Swype, sent > 75 text messages, and have Acrobat running in the background all the time (I like to read!). I'm running the 2nd to latest MightyROM. Sync with exchange, but every 15 minutes during the day. (30 at night). No push pages setup(push internet disabled). S2U2 is running as well.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 04:46 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

I'm running Energy's latest 6.5.3 Rom, Dec 7 28011 with S2U2 and easily get 1.5+ days. It seems to drain quickly for the first 5-10%, then slows to a crawl. Sweet.

Regarding S2U2, I saw huge increase in batter drain on my TP, but with the TP2 my battery life actually seems to improve with S2U2.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

Originally Posted by jdisrael View Post
hmm now that I think about it... Slide2Unlock is something I added recently but didn't think it contributed to battery life issues. Is that really true? I just removed System Seven but maybe I didnt need to. Maybe s2u2 is the culprit?
I might try the discharge/recharge process once as well.
there is a good chance that s2u2 may be one of the problems...ive read a couple threads where they said it was causing a battery drain...i also disabled the automatic screen dimmer..i felt that also reduced my battery life cause i think it takes more energy dimming and brightening the screen as opposed to jus keeping it at a set brightness

EDIT: supposedly some of the 1% battery increment cabs also reduce battery life..which i find totally stupid

Last edited by hathetran; 12-10-2009 at 04:53 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 05:00 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

It must be something I did in the course of tweaking settings. I might just hard reset with mm latest and not try and tweak anything.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

have you guys tried a battery reset yet?

There is a rumor that there's a bug in WM that causes it to measure the half-full battery charge on a new phone as full(You know how when you buy a new phone, how the battery is only half full), and it will only charge to that level from then on no matter how much you calibrate it. I dunno how truthful this rumor is, but I have noticed a HUGE difference after doing this.

1. Let the phone go completely dead, until you can't even boot it up.

2. Charge for about 5 minutes, just long enough to get enough of a charge to boot up & hard reset(obviously, back up your data before you do this step).

3. Let the phone do it's configurations & reset, then plug it back in & let it charge OVERNIGHT.

And S2U2 is a major battery hog. I won't use it.
85% of scientists are atheists. What troubles me is that there are still 15% that aren't.

kabuk1's battery life tips ~ TamsPPC
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 05:42 PM
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Re: Getting really pissed about battery life

I think I get pretty good battery life. In fact I was just testing it today for playing movies. I let the phone sit and play Casino Royal at 50% brightness. After the first time through the battery was well above 50%. I left push running all day and still had 15% battery life after it played the 2hr+ movie 2 times. Pretty good for that type of media usage IMHO.

I am running a1jatt REV1 6.5.1 ROM and also running S2U2.

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