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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
um the whole point of having a smartphone is to add programs. Or else wed all have dumb phones that play java games and make calls. it should work right with programs on or off it.
Programs are fine. But to blame Sprint because a program that a third party company created doesn't work is ridiculous. I'm no programming expert, but I could cook up something that would somewhat work on a smartphone. What if I didn't program very well and there are flaws? Is that Sprint, Microsoft, or HTC's fault? I don't think so. Just because your Tom Tom Navigator (which btw is NOT technically supported on the Mogul last time I checked, but for most it still works) doesn't mean Sprint should bow down to you. If you had read my post before this one, you would see that I joked about the Titan as a Wii Remote. I actually saw someone ask for a program like that once (cant remember which forum). Imagine if someone had released something like that. Everyone would be whining that Sprint is crap because their Titan isn't a very good Wii Remote.Like I said before, I'll agree that it needs to work out of the box, but for those complaining that any random program doesn't work, just go hide back in your hole until you figure out exactly what it is you're complaining about.

Last edited by land2634; 10-22-2007 at 07:56 PM.
  #112 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
um the whole point of having a smartphone is to add programs. Or else wed all have dumb phones that play java games and make calls. it should work right with programs on or off it.
Really now?

The Windows Smartphone is the same thing as a PC... do you mean to tell me that Microsoft has to guarantee that every single program written by any developer out there has to work with every version of Windows? Usually when we go through an upgrade cycle at work, it's the software companies that have to issue fixes for their programs when they don't run on the latest platform properly. In some rare instances, Microsoft (or Apple) will issue a patch because there's a bug that affects the majority of third-party applications, rather than just one or two that weren't coded properly.

So what makes you think that WM6 is any different than Mac OSX or Windows Vista and that somehow you can add ANY program you feel like and it has to 100% work no matter who wrote it?
  #113 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by TC1 View Post
Really now?

The Windows Smartphone is the same thing as a PC... do you mean to tell me that Microsoft has to guarantee that every single program written by any developer out there has to work with every version of Windows? Usually when we go through an upgrade cycle at work, it's the software companies that have to issue fixes for their programs when they don't run on the latest platform properly. In some rare instances, Microsoft (or Apple) will issue a patch because there's a bug that affects the majority of third-party applications, rather than just one or two that weren't coded properly.

So what makes you think that WM6 is any different than Mac OSX or Windows Vista and that somehow you can add ANY program you feel like and it has to 100% work no matter who wrote it?
At least someone is thinking rationally...
  #114 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
the whole point isnt the programs working or not. they work fine. the whole pointis the resources available to run the programs is very weak. You get 64mb ram built-in yet only 22-24 available to you. Thats less than any WM device the past 4-5 years since the 6600 even. Never had a problem running programs on a WM device until now due to low RAM issues. That was the point i was making at least its the resources/device, not the actualy programs themselves. Ive used the same half dozen programs the past few years on all my WM devices -6600,6700,700wx,mogul and never had problems until now
And you didn't think with a new OS (WM6) that you would have slightly less resources than on previous devices? And what you you mean the whole point isn't the programs working or not? You just said it WAS the whole point? Which is it, or do you even know? The specs clearly state 64MB RAM, so it shouldn't have snuck up on you, and if it did, then thats your own damn fault for not reading before you bought (especially since you seem to profess all-knowing knowledge about previous devices... one would think when doing an upgrade that you would at least realize that the RAM is the 64MB, I believe the same as the 6700, and with a new OS in WM6, you could possibly expect less resources available to you).

Last edited by land2634; 10-22-2007 at 08:07 PM.
  #115 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 08:05 PM
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Well... I've been up since 4am waiting for the rom. Boy do I feel like a baffon.
  #116 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by SINNN View Post
Well... I've been up since 4am waiting for the rom. Boy do I feel like a baffon.
Not to be overly rude, but haven't you posted that point several times already?
  #117 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
lol yes ok let me get out my psychic hat and predict what resources will be available in wm7 right now.....get the point im making? no one knew, this was the first wm6 phone to hit us. No one could have predicted what resources would or would not be used. Also, are you not listening at all? yes the 6700, 700wx, and mogul are 64mb. Go ask a treo user for a RAM number off a reset youll hear about 35mb, same with 6700 wm5. So past experience says 30-35 mb free to the user. There wasnt much different between wm2003 on the 6600 and wm5 on the 6700 in terms of resources, so no one would not GUESS that from past experience. if youre psychic please let me know i need the lottery numbers for tomm! No one could have predicted wm6 would suck the resources we have down to nothing, sorry but youre wrong.

Im glad youre happy with your phone but give it up already the phone is at fault here not the users.
It doesn't take a psychic to think logically and realize that maybe a new OS will use more memory. People still seem surprised that Windows Vista does despite numerous warnings stating that fact. You will never be able to convince me or any logically thinking person that the phone, Sprint, HTC, or Microsoft is at fault for your third-party applications running. I have no problem running all Sprint and Microsoft supported programs on mine, and reset maybe once every few days, the same as you would expect from any normal PC. If you're wanting something that won't EVER need to be restarted, just go back to Pen and Paper to keep up with addresses, phone numbers, messages, appointments and the like. Although someone like you would get pissed if your pen ran out of ink yet complaining to the paper company. I'll say it one more time, yes the phone has faults, but when you come in here blindly pointing at things that are no ones fault but your own, don't expect any sympathy from me. And to finish, yes, I did read what I replied to. The point implied was that he just put programs on his phone and they won't run. Again, any logically thinking person can realize that a man fresh to programming can write something up poorly that will cause a device to run slow. I'm not gonna sit here all night and argue sensible thinking into you, because you are the kind of person that will try to fit a square peg into a round hole and then complain about it not working. You may be smart, but at least figure out who/what you're pissed off at before you just start popping off about things. Goodbye and enjoy your "POS phone".

Last edited by land2634; 10-22-2007 at 08:26 PM.
  #118 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
Im glad youre happy with your phone but give it up already the phone is at fault here not the users.

For $550.00 thats 55,000 Pesos!! i think... I better never be at fault!!!
  #119 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 08:30 PM
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Dasuper... wherever you are,who ever you are..... May your armpits get the curse of 1000 camel fleas!
  #120 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
Once again, as said elsewhere, vista and wm6 arent comparable. If no one had wm6, where would you expect some warning to come from since our phone was one of the first? There were never any clues like Vista pre-release so i dont know where you expect the info to come from magically. new OS's sometimes take less memory too it just depends how it was written and whats in the ROM. Its not brain surgery to understand that no one can predict how things WILL be coded.

you sound like a sprint employee the way you talk- typical just blame the user attitude not the real fault. "dont install programs your PPC isnt made to have them!!! we dont support that!!!" seriously they dont make/sell programs to install to look at theyre for use. the issue is phone resources simple as that when free RAM goes down to 9.8mb (did this morning) with NOTHING running them theres an OS problem NOT a program problem since NOTHING is running
Nope, not a Sprint employee. Have two members of family that have the device and a friend as well. None of us seem to have any problem going down that far on memory, so maybe you just got a bad device (also happens on PC's). Oh, I forgot, you would rather install any untested program and expect it to work PERFECTLY with your resources. To say that it isn't comparable to a regular PC OS being released is stupid. They are both based on your "precious resources" and MOST OF THE TIME, the newest OS uses MORE memory, especially with Microsoft. So, considering this is a newer OS from Microsoft, an intelligent person would expect something close to what has actually happened.
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