Damn, I wish I remembered what they did to fix this for me. There was a corrupt com port or something to that nature. You need to speak with ATS (Advanced Technical Support). I think the guy I spoke with was Ryan. I know he was a team lead and although it took over a half hour for him to figure it out, he fixed it and showed that he knew his products. Just keep calling back if you get techs that can't fix it. There are a couple good ones.
Do this first, as it can take some time to go thru: 1. go to sprint.com and login to your account. 2. click on 'settings & preference' 3. next to 'power vision username' click modify. assign yourself a NEW username. 4. next to 'power vision password' click modify. assign yourself a NEW password. Wait a few hours... now let me explain how PCS vision works in a nutshell. Our devices communicate via mobile ip, and are capable of several mobile ip profiles. Sprint uses the first profile (profile 0) as a static, default profile used for obtaining OTA settings, which are then written to the second profile (profile 1). For reference, the NAI for the default profile is MDN@hcm.sprintpcs.com and the AAA secret is some encrypted string set by sprint. When profile 1 exists, it SHOULD be used, and should be your vision username as NAI and vision pass as AAA secret. Sometimes vision fails when the phone is set to use profile 0 still. Sometimes profile 0 is messed up and it cant build profile 1. Generally, if the default profile (0) becomes corrupted or messed up, you need to reflash the phone to correct it. Being a brand new device I am assuming that this is not the issue. So, we want your device to connect (dial #777) and initiate IOTA using the default MIP profile, in order to build profile 1 with your information. Lets make sure #777 is setup correctly to get us the initial connection: 1. Start, settings, Connections tab, Connections 2. Under Sprint click 'Manage existing connections' 3. Tick the button next to 'Sprint PCS' and click Edit 4. Name of the connection reads 'Sprint PCS'. Click next. 5. Number to dial reads '#777'. Click next. 6. Username, password, domain are all blank. Click finish. (as another user stated in this thread, you may try 'spcs' as username and the rest blank as well) Now we know you have a good NAI and pass and a good connection setting, lets try let it rebuild your MIP profile (profile1): Start, settings, Phone, Services tab, highlight 'internet' click 'get settings', click Start This will HOPEFULLY fix your PCS vision. If not, we can try to set your MIP user/pass manually: 1. Dial ##778# on your mogul 2. Click on 'Edit' 3. Input MSL 4. Left softkey 'view info' - down to 'M.IP Settings' 5. Verify Mobile IP settings: number of profiles: 2 active user profile: 1 MIP_MODE: mobile IP only MIP registration retries: 1 MIP registration retry timeout: 2000ms mobile node-ha authentication: disable send a registration request: enable dormant handoff optimization: disable 6. Left softkey 'view info' - down to M.IP Customer Profile1 NAI should be your NEW vision username AAA shared secret should be your NEW vision password At this point I would reboot the device and attempt to use data again. If you want to message me on AIM this evening (dcd1182) I will try to walk you thru this. Also I should note, it is possible to lock out your MIP account with SPCS. Do not retry IOTA too frequently. I am not 100% sure how it all works, but if you just had vision added to your plan at the time you bought the phone, it may have not been active yet when you tried IOTA. Really, I am thinking that once you go to sprint.com and set yourself a new (make sure you actually change it) username and password, IOTA will write it to profile 1 and your data will start working. |
Active user profiles index 0 Mip mode mobile ip only Mip Reg Retries 1 Mip Reg Timeout 2000ms MIP pre reg 30 Mobile Node HA Auth Disable Send a Reg Rewuest enable Dormant Handoff Opt Disable my settings are different than the ones you suggested to ppcnewb, should i change them? and currently, i cant access my vision password on the sprint and my phone isnt even updated (i previously had the sanyo m1, and its still up as my active phone there), should i call to fix this issue first? thanks in advance ALSO, my shared secret is a whole bunch of what looks like random characters ".GAIO%" then small cirlce box y with two dots box upside down ?, etc. ALSO, the above is my default profile, profile one has a blank for NAI and the same secret |
I think that all you need to do is go to phone settings, internet, and initiate OTA settings. It will pull your NAI and pass down into profile1. |
and i set up the #777 like said the error code also states that if the problem persist, i should contact sprint (which im doing right now, im on hold, theyre scratching there head) |
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