We might be able to fix this, first tell me this have you tried the Internet sharing app? Have you tried a hard reset to solve this problem?
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”
Robert Kennedy Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time. |
just set your sprint connection to dial #777 with no user/pass and check save password. check ##3282# and make sure that your user name and AAA shared secret are your vision username and password that you use at sprint.com
easiest way is usually hit it with a ##786# put in the MSL and let it refurb, when it comes back up you reprogram it but it will reprovision with sprint and all should work perfectly fine.
of course this requires you know your MSL, MDN, and MSID |
Something I tried on my 6700 a while back, Put "spcs" as the user name and leave the other fields blank (also check the save password box)
Ive been able to connect this way when a bad rom flash would constantly ask for a user name when attempting to connect...
Current Device: Palm Pre
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Did you upgrade the phone on an existing plan or get a new line when you bought the phone?
If you got a new line you should return it and sign up on the SERO plan. just an FYI.. i have nothing else to contribute to this thread. |
I occasionally get the unable to connect for unknown reason message, usually if I dismiss it and try again I get on. Sometimes it takes a couple attempts. Still haven't figured out the cause though.
Sprint has ALWAYS has $h!ty service in the stores. They know how to sell phones/plans, but in my experience the stores are employed with 99% sales and 1% that actually know something. I have had much better help in this forum and sprintusers.com than ANY Sprint store. Try Sprint's call center tech support, as they may be able to help. THEY get paid to help with these kinds of errors, and actually helped me reprovision PCS on my 6700 recently. It WAS worth the 10 minute wait because I hung up with PCS working 100% . Get them to credit your account while you're at it.
I've got wifi at my home so i havent even attempted to connect to evdo till i read this thread, and to my luck, i can't even connect
looks like i've got the same issue as you ppcnewb, if you get a solution, post it please, im gonna call sprint tommorrow |