Originally Posted by willysp
Originally Posted by dmackdaddy
Is it worth the ordeal to setup, download and install?
No. It's nothing special, costs $/month. If it provided A-GPS functionality for mapping, etc, then would be worth it. Not worth paying for, IMO.
I am not paying for it yet... I think only some of the stuff you have to pay for, it's like a Deluxe version or something. I could be wrong. I used to have it along time ago on my 6600 and then didn't use it much. But I think this version is much better, and quite useful if you don't have a ton of time to surt around on the web for info. I will see what it costs when the 'trial' if this is what it is, runs out... and decide.
But why not try it for a bit and see?
Buying movie tix is real easy through it..... works great... I have done it like 5 times in the last couple weeks.