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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 02:49 AM
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Battery mileage will vary greatly depending on what you do though.

I use IM+ 24/7, which is a huge battery drain. Top that off with my office getting huge interference for some reason giving me a weak signal and I can kill the battery in 6-8 hours pretty easily.

One thing I notice is that if I set Windows Live to sync "as items arrive" and I get semi frequent email throughout the day, my battery will die WAY FASTER.

I'm talking down to 50% within a few hours sometimes.

That seems wrong to me, for push email to kill the battery that badly... It's set to only download 2k worth of the email per email received and play a notification sound.... that's nothing.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 03:11 AM
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Originally Posted by stearic
Wow, i'm surprised at all these problems people are having with their phones and the battery life. I've taken my phone off the charger at 8pm, went over to a girls place, used it for like 15 minutes or so to talk to her on my way to her place, next morning around 11am i check my phone and it still says 100% on the battery, so battery life for me seems to be great. Even with moderate txting for 8 hours after i take it off will only get me no less the 50% or so.
Why are you so surprised? Some people ar experiencing great battery performance while others are not.

Right out the box, I charged mine up, added NO apps and by the next morning, (mind you I was sleep) it was down to 20% as though I'd been using it throughout the entire night.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by onthehunt
I ordered the extended battery from wirelessground. I will report on the battery life after I've had a chance to use it. Hope it helps.
Im glad there is an extended battery available. I'm holding out for an extended slim.

After the added bulk of the extended battery on the 6700, there's no way I want to add that ugly look to my 6800.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 01:55 PM
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I'm 99% sure that its almost entirely to do with your signal strength.
Searching for signal seems to really kill this battery, especially when switching into roaming.

I found that where I work, I have zero sprint signal and roam 100% of the time (which is ok, because I don't use the cell at work much). I noticed that my phone won't even last the whole day unless I charge it at my desk.
However, on the weekends when I'm home and have perfect service all day, the battery will easily last more than a day.

I think the reason some of us have worse battery life than others has to do with where we live geographically.

Something that I've found helps a little bit is to put my phone into "roam only" when I'm at work. That way, its not constantly looking for another Sprint signal, and it seems to last the day like this.

I'm dissapointed about this since my HTC GSM phones could go days without a charge.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 09:34 PM
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my mogul too is having the same issues....had mine for a week or so and could go 2 days of normal use with out a charge...Its now been 4 weeks and i might get 12hrs with little use...the only thing i did was flash to the new ROM and im not sure if that is what affected it so im gonna try to go back to the org rom and see if theres any differance and to figured out this problem cuz theres something going on
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 11:25 PM
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There is no such known issue with this device and nor with any similar models sold by the different carriers in US and Europe.
That's bullshit or HTC's carrier partners are not forwarding the information. I was lucky to get 5 hours of occasional use out of this puppy until I found this proggy that completely shuts down EVDO on demand (Comm Manager doesn't btw). Now I get 8 hours of occasional use.

Problem is with the buffer zone (carriers) between HTC and consumers and I'm wondering if a concentrated phone-in day wouldn't change their minds. Main issues with this phone are:

- lousy Bluetooth support
- muffled incoming voice quality under slightly noisy environments
- short battery life
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2007, 12:00 AM
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There's definitely something weird.

Today my battery went from 100% to 60% in 2 hours signed on to IM+ only, not even actively im'ing anyone and no emails received really.

Other days I can go 8+ hours actively IM'ing and receiving several emails throughout the day and even short phone calls.

My phone is sitting in the exact same area at work on any of these days, so the signal strength is basically identical.

Makes no sense...
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2007, 12:54 PM
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Battery problem? Me too...

Mystery Drain? ~ The other morning, I charged my 6800 to 100% full battery and the phone mysteriously went completely to 0% and shut off on me within two hours of non-activity. No intentional (or pocket) calls were placed, nor was there any record of any calling activity. No applications were running (really), the device was locked, and the screen switched off with the power button. I recharged the battery that afternoon and have been at least five days without any similar issue.

It has happened again though, sorta. Last night, I charged the mogul for hours until it was completely full, then I unplugged it based on the four hour comment and I went to sleep. This was around 5 AM. When I woke up around 11 AM, the battery on the phone was 20%... I did not have any programs running, just like before. No activesync, nothing at all. I did not place or receive any phone calls during this time or use any other function of the phone. It was simply switched off and placed on a table next to my bed. WiFi switch is off, bluetooth is always off. I don't ever run those things if I'm not using them. I have the HTC Home plugin, X-button and LED Killer 3 installed and that's it.

If there are any PPC gurus reading this post, please help to advise me if it would be a good idea to exchange my phone or purchase the Total Equipment Protection plan from sprint, because I'm really nervous. This is the first time I've owned any type of PDA-phone and I simply cannot afford a replacement. I've read a whole lot in a variety of forums, but I am still very new to this and I've only got about a week to make any changes before my 30 day support period is over.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2007, 03:38 PM
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I had Mars WeatherPanel installed when I was having battery issues. I had the update every 4 hours setting on.

I disabled that feature yesterday and today my battery is A LOT better. I've made/received a few calls this morning, surfed the net, played a few games and after 7 hours, I'm at 90%!!!
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2007, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by codedancer
I have had my phone for a month and find the battery comfortably lasts through the day; however, I have done the following to maximize battery life:

1. Turn off Receive all IR beams
2. Turn off Bluetooth when not in use. (On ~3hrs a day)
3. Use a Black skin with white lettering that permits me to run the brightness at 50% on battery.
4. Poll email instead of push.
5. Set Activesync to run manually so it only runs when connected to USB.

The result is better life than I had on my 6700.
How do you set Activesync to only run when the phone is connected to a USB? It runs at startup for me and I can't find a way to stop it from doing that.
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