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  #661 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2010, 05:59 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

To answer the question of the thread: yes they are
Just got mine today.
The phone looks new but I haven't messed around with it long enough to find out if anything is wrong. Based on what many of you are saying I am worried as it is nearly suicide for my job to go without a phone.
I must admit, I was hoping for the Touch pro (althought it isn't a big deal) since my cousin was able to get one about a month before I brought mine in after only complaining about the keyboard sliding out slow (wth kinda reason is that...)
I guess it depends where you take the phone and how relaxed the techs are
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  #662 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 12:41 AM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

met a friend of a friend and she had the touch pro. they gave her a tp2 because of the timestamp issue. i need to take my mogul to the store she took it to.
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  #663 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:43 AM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

I took my wifes Mogul into an authorized reseller/service center because some of the hard buttons weren't working anymore. They told me they couldn't fix it and they would send another Mogul over in a couple days. I asked about any other phones and they said nothing else is available. Oh well, maybe next time.

I also had my TP looked at a week or two before, they offered a Snap or BB Curve if I didnt want the TP. I said no thanks and took the TP.

The Mogul used to be mine, we've probably swapped it out 10 times or more. The TP, i think its my 2nd swap in the year I've had it.
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  #664 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 08:47 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

If you have swapped it out more then 3 times with TEP issues, I think you can request an Advanced Device Exchange and move into something else similar, I don't know how happy you will be with the offerings, or if they even have any offerings since it is an old device, but it can't hurt to ask. Try calling Customer Service.
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  #665 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2010, 11:43 AM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

I had my mogul 6800 replaced 3 or 4 times. First time was after owning it about 2 or 3 years, then the keyboard stopped working. So they sent me a refurbished and that keyboard was messed up too. So i sent that back and got another that worked great, was also refurbished. Then last year, my cat accidently spilled coffee on it, I let it dry out a couple days then worked fine. But a few weeks later the screen mysteriously cracked. But my limit for getting another phone was reached, so I bought the samsung exclaim, after using a way older phone i had lying around that eventually died.

Anyways, this year was up for a new up to 3 times replacing my phone. So I activated my cracked screen mogul and did the replacement plan. Before this last time, I never had to pay for a replacement. Here it is 2010 and they sent me a refurbished mogul 6800. The keyboard was messed up like most of them are, so I sent it back, and finally they said they were out of stock and were gonna upgrade me to the touch pro.

So I got excited about that, but when I got the phone, first they said was black, but it was silver. And since it was an upgrade fromt he mogul, they're supposed to send power cords and what not, but I got nothing besides a refurbished phone. Then after inspecting the phone, the screen was slightly raised on the right side, which would end up breaking if you got it caught on something, so I returned that too.

When I talked to them, I complained I got no power cords or anything, so they guy said he would send a new phone with a power cord. Not knowing what kind of phone I'd get, since it's never what they say it's gonna be to my experience, I opened the box when it came in. And low and behold, it's a brand new in the box touch pro 2!

I think the fact almost every phone they sent me was messed up, they finally just upgraded me to the newest htc model sprint has. After all that replacing and getting bad phone, basically I started with a mogul about 3 years ago, and now have the htc touch pro 2 for $100. Sounds like a good deal to me.
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  #666 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

yes today a friend picked a referb up.
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  #667 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2010, 10:57 AM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Went today with Keyboard issues...offered me the Snap or a Samsung something, or any other phone as long as it was not a smartphone. Put in a replacement order.....came back the next day to pick up my ........refurb Mogul! 4th one in about the past 9 months. The last one lasted about 4 months...

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  #668 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 08:59 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Went out of country and decided to leave mogul at home. I turned it off (bad idea). When I came back, it wouldn't turn back on! it stopped charging too! Just received my refurbished one.
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  #669 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 04:52 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Got a refurb mogul 3 days ago wth transmitting problems, sprint just ordered me another one...will be my 4th!
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  #670 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2010, 02:18 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Yes, here we are October 2010 and Sprint is still giving out Moguls. I'm receiving mine after having the PPC6700 for 4 years and 5 replacements. I promise you that if its a refurb Mogul, I'm calling Asurion asap. Especially when rep at the Sprint Repair Center gave me my options, I was OK with him mentioning the Mogul but asked that if I could get the TP2. His response was "impossible, the TP and the TP2 were different technology and features." I didn't want to argue with because I know he was an idiot. What he didn't know that early part of last year, my wife cracked the screen on her Mogul and instead of going to the Repair Center, I called Asurion. What they told me was that I would have to wait a couple of days to find a replacement or I could take the TP now. But the Asurion rep warned me the if get the TP it would be a down-grade and in future she would not qualify for a phone with a QWERTY keyboard. I agreed, my wife wanted that phone.
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