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  #591 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 12:51 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

If I were you I would talk to Asurion about what Sprint told you because a "comparable" phone is not about the cost of the phone, which obviously the sprint rep thought, but comparable in features. what would be comparable in features to the Mogul? The TP1 or TP2. OR they should have offered you the Samsung Moment, in this case. Dont let that Sprint store get away with that!! ASurion and SPrint have a close relationship and have to hold eachother accountable seeing how the less service they get from customers the better. The more people that have insurance that dont have to use the deductible thru in Asurion, the more money they continue to make. If each individually owned sprint store didnt have to send out for reliable replacement they would never lose money. So make sure you hold sprint account for there sorry excuse for a system they have going.
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  #592 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

I don't have insurance on my Sprint Mogul.

My usb port is not allowing for syncing and charging happens infrequently.

I am out of contract and the sprint service center said I can pay $119 for a mogul replacement of a refurbed Mogul. They said that if I trade into any other phone it'll extend my contract out 2 years.

I'm kicking myself for not trading up to the touch pro when I could.

Sprint upgraded me for free the 6700 to 6800.

Oh well...
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  #593 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 10:51 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by zxcvzxcv View Post
I don't have insurance on my Sprint Mogul.

My usb port is not allowing for syncing and charging happens infrequently.

I am out of contract and the sprint service center said I can pay $119 for a mogul replacement of a refurbed Mogul. They said that if I trade into any other phone it'll extend my contract out 2 years.

I'm kicking myself for not trading up to the touch pro when I could.

Sprint upgraded me for free the 6700 to 6800.

Oh well...
You can probably buy a used Mogul on ebay for less than that... but I wouldn't bother because it'll just crap out too. I would recommend getting TEP with your next phone, but not with the mogul. I say this because they'll either give you another broken mogul, or a lesser phone.My contract runs out in April and I'm going to see who has the HD2 or the SonyEricson X10 at that time. If you can find my other post, I'm done with Sprint based on their inability to provide customers with honesty, understanding and fairness. Good luck!
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  #594 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 04:36 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

11/30 my mogul after 2 1/2 years died on me. That phone was perfect. Perfect in a way Ed Norton from Fight Club would feel complete about and now it's all gone...gone man.
12/1 got a refurbished mogul but after hours and hours talking to Sprint it just would not connect to the internet.
12/5 called Sprint again about not being able to get internet went through the whole process again and finally the rep had it and said he'd be sending me another Mogul.

So for me being in New York City they seem to have plenty of them.
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  #595 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 05:40 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Well, I gave up, I took my 6th mogul in and told them I would take the treo pro instead (for free and no contract extension). And in true sprint fashion, they ORDERED ME ONE, so I'm assuming its a refurb. We'll see how this goes. I asked two different reps if it would come with the accessories (it takes a different charger than the mogul) and they told me yes. I'm probably going to end up in jail for punching someone if it doesn't lol. But I only have to put up with sprint until april, they have infuriated me beyond belief with this mogul crap while being completely unapologetic and inconveniencing the crap out of me. As always, good luck to everyone else!
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  #596 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by potatoofdoom View Post
You can probably buy a used Mogul on ebay for less than that... but I wouldn't bother because it'll just crap out too. I would recommend getting TEP with your next phone, but not with the mogul. I say this because they'll either give you another broken mogul, or a lesser phone.My contract runs out in April and I'm going to see who has the HD2 or the SonyEricson X10 at that time. If you can find my other post, I'm done with Sprint based on their inability to provide customers with honesty, understanding and fairness. Good luck!
I am about to buy a Touch Pro off someone. I am out of contract with Sprint right now and if I extend the contract and add TEP, will they allow me to upgrade to a touch pro2 if the touch pro 1 is broken?
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  #597 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 08:44 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by zxcvzxcv View Post
will they allow me to upgrade to a touch pro2 if the touch pro 1 is broken?
at this point, it depends on the rep or store that you go to. some will do it, some won't.
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  #598 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 10:28 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by Sgt.Kickass View Post
11/30 my mogul after 2 1/2 years died on me. That phone was perfect. Perfect in a way Ed Norton from Fight Club would feel complete about and now it's all gone...gone man.
12/1 got a refurbished mogul but after hours and hours talking to Sprint it just would not connect to the internet.
12/5 called Sprint again about not being able to get internet went through the whole process again and finally the rep had it and said he'd be sending me another Mogul.

So for me being in New York City they seem to have plenty of them.
Well I got my second replacement. First one couldn't connect to the internet, this one can but it likes to randomly restart, sometimes it restarts while restarting. I'm never going to get a good one am I?
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  #599 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 10:29 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Did an advance exchange and they sent me a refurb mogul, i found my old touch worn down touch pro switched over and went back to the store and now im awaiting my Brand new TP2.. lifes good. so now i have a Band new never used 6700, 2 new-ish less than 3 hours used moguls and a TP2 on the way.. Im never paying for an upgrade again.lol.. by the way, yesterday was the last day for advance exchange. sprint shut it down, guess to many people were getting TP2's..lol.. good luck to the rest of you seeking an up grade. Am I the only one who like thesmaller silver lined touch pro 1 design better than the new "BIGGER" version Looking forward to disecting the TP2.
Its not about the quantity of your post, but the quality... Research is your friend...

Last edited by Eturnulrs704; 12-11-2009 at 10:32 PM.
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  #600 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 03:59 PM
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Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by Eturnulrs704 View Post
Did an advance exchange and they sent me a refurb mogul, i found my old touch worn down touch pro switched over and went back to the store and now im awaiting my Brand new TP2.. lifes good. so now i have a Band new never used 6700, 2 new-ish less than 3 hours used moguls and a TP2 on the way.. Im never paying for an upgrade again.lol.. by the way, yesterday was the last day for advance exchange. sprint shut it down, guess to many people were getting TP2's..lol.. good luck to the rest of you seeking an up grade. Am I the only one who like thesmaller silver lined touch pro 1 design better than the new "BIGGER" version Looking forward to disecting the TP2.
Eturn you gave out bad info bro..Sprint just did an advanced exchange with me over the phone because of a busted USB Port on my Mogul..What ever an advanced exchange is anyway..I hope they don't send me that damn Treo Pro crap...
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