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I got a quick question in your reg. tweak 23
If I wanted to change the calender soft key to call history how would i go about doing that. I know you need to go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\11 2 I changed the default string to say "Call History" so the name pops up in the lower left of my screen but i don't know the string to open the path of call history. I assumed I would have to open my phone first and then open call history but i'm not sure i have tried everything. If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot. |
18-Change ringtone/vibrate/LED flash characteristics If you would like more control over how your device rings/vibrates/flashes its LEDs on events, you can can change the Script values of these events. For example, for an incoming call performing 'activate device, play ringtone, wait 3 seconds, repeat': HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "apw3r" (REG_SZ string, no quotes) For performing 'active device, set volume to 33%, play ringtone, set volume to 67%, play ringtone, set volume to 100%, play ringtone (no repeat)': HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "ac33pc67pc100p" (REG_SZ string, no quotes) The following are the full codes available to you. Please note that all the codes are executed simultaneously except after a ringtone play / wait code. E.g. 'v1p' will vibrate and play at the same time, while vibrating for 1 second. But 'pv1' will play the ringtone through all the way first, then start vibrating for 1 second. a = activate device cN = set volume to N in percentage max volume fN = flash notification LED for N seconds p = play ringtone. Note that this will play the ringtone all the way through before continuing with the next code. r = repeat. Note that this should be the last code in your Script string, if used at all. vN = vibrate for N seconds wN = wait for N seconds. Note that the device will wait this long before continuing with the next code. NOTE: I tried this on my 6800 and changed the v0 to v1 and now it doesn't have just one long vibrate. v0 sets it to vibrate always. ----------------------------------------------------- I can't seem to get this one to stick. Like everytime I set it, 24 hours later, it reverts back to the default settings. I try to have it set to, "av0pr". A pretty simple line, but it keeps going back to the old settings everyday. Anyone else have this problem?
20-Change scroll bar size Navigate to HKey_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\ and tweak the following values. cyHScr : Horizontal Scrollbars Height in pixels (default is 13) cxVScr : Vertical Scrollbars Width in pixels (default is 13) ----------------------------------------------------- Did this one & when I put it back to defaults I can't get my icons to go back to 3 lines. They are still in 2 lines. Any ideas? |
Sprint TouchPro2
Re: Reg tweaks [07/15/2007 rev.2]
Do we have a way to slow down the LED's that just blink normally?
Like the blue light when bluetooth is on, and the green one when the phone is on? I want to slow it down, its kind of annoying |
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