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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 07:49 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

Wow, I feel great. My first week of owning the Mougl and I hear bout all these issues. Lol. Mine seems to be holding up great! I left stock WM6 and haven't yet unlocked yet but loaded all my software and junk. Hope I don't get these issues.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:08 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

This is the best I could do with out my digital camera...I took it with my M-300.
Its easier to see it if you back up 2 or 3 feet from the screen.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:24 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

Thanks apacho01

If I back up 2-3 feet from my screen, I can't see anything at all. I guess that's an advantage of being old.

So this spot, is it dead? Does it only show up with a white background? Checking mine, I have a black background, so I would not normally see that.... Lemme open up an empty Note....

Ah wow. Ok, yeah, I see it on mine. Its a tiny bit whiter with a white background, all pixels work just fine and represent colors fine (so, for example, I would not see it using any apps, sprint TV, making calls, etc.)

But if I make a white background and just stare at that spot, I can see its whiter there.

Wow, you guys are picky. Here I thought there was some always-on white dead spot on the screen. Heck that could be one of the LEDs for the backlight for all I know.

What other defects did you find with the electron microscope?

Still, score 1 for you, clearly thats, er, whiter there with an empty white background doing nothing.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:36 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

That pic looks exactly like the one I described earlier that didn't show all the time & I assumed was normal until someone here pointed out that it was "clearly a hardware defect"........

The funny thing is I'm sure the TouchPro will have all kinds of defects too for anybody who wants to pick it apart like that.....

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:41 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

You can say you don't work for Sprint, have no problems, etc, or the opposite, it's all the same. The problems will speak for themselves for all those that have them. That is the masses I refer.
I posted several issues, and I knew some wouldn't appear for some people...especially since some are time dependent.

and here are a few examples of people that also take issue with the white spots you somehow don't notice:



There are literally hundreds of posts on multiple forums complaining about the white spots. It's not a terrible issue, but an issue worthy of replacing the phone. Unfortunately Sprint as well as you, don't think anyone should have this corrected. So be it. I have no idea why you are commenting here.
Often people take a stance with something and don't back down regardless of how much proof is presented, and often times even become more aggressive as a last ditch effort to feel righteous or empowered.

Everyone that has a problem with the white spots, or any of the previously mentioned problems, should replace their phone each time until they hit the magic number and get an upgrade. Unfortunately they have let it come to this.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:51 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

You guys are forgetting the most recent red light issue. The phones seem to be turning off, show a red light, and can only restarted by pulling the battery (if at all).

I do think the phone is flawed, I wish it wasn't too, because it has everything I want in a phone, its just that only half of it works correctly.

For the record - I am very gentle on my phones, yet I'm on my 3rd replacement since I upgraded from a 6700 10 months ago(Bad dpad, the refurb that replaced it had a bad input power jack, then the bluetooth light was stuck on). Oddly enough, I had my very first 6700 for 2 and 1/2 years without a replacement.

I've been trying to hold out for an Andriod phone on the Sprint network, but don't know how many more replacements I'm willing to go through.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:56 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

Originally Posted by Raging Idiot View Post
1. "White Spots". It was said that this is caused by a side effect from overheating during the use of the silent ring/vibrate function, but I don't readily believe it.
Perhaps it's caused by the battery, but no one has ever figured this out to my knowledge. Regardless, white spots does indeed occur on the vast majority of these units after a span of time, and it's to no fault of the customer.

2. Lock ups, keyboard issues: general "memory problems".
3. GPS problems, BT connectivity issues: general "chipset problems".

Don't even get us all started on how Internet Explorer is practically worthless for all but the most simplistic of web pages. Or how GPS wouldn't even work at all for the first several months until they released an update.

Of course we came up with work-arounds for some issues, but that doesn't mean we have to be happy about being mislead or not to expect fairness....ex: let me switch product for one I choose and let me pay the difference.

The cat's out of the bag, and there are plenty of Ragin Idiot's that bought into the garbage that Sprint sold them and now only want honest justice to be served. I understand all too well that neither Sprint, nor anyone else, will have a recall on this phone, but my point is that it's up to the individual to force the recall for their INDIVIDUAL phone via swapping it out until Sprint runs out of Moguls or goes ahead and issues the upgrade. Others have done this with great success, and I'm already on my third one now. It's becoming comical now, as each one has had the same problems, and the tech initially said otherwise but is now agreeing with me.
How could I sell one of these phones that has "White Spots" on the screen without advertising that they are there (or will appear)...and still make half the cost that Sprint is selling them.

There may be Sprint people who don't want people to talk bad about Sprint and would try to thwart this by living and breathing on the forums and squashing each negative post with a positive one, but like another poster said, wait 10 minutes in any Sprint repair store and you'll see what's actually happening in the real world here.

Unfortunately there are those that don't know how to explain things, and those that just try to manipulate the system without understanding why the system needs manipulating. I'm only pushing for a fight back for a solution to Sprint acting unethically.

Simply restated, if everyone was to return the defective products then eventually they would run out (or give up) and start issuing other options.
Apparently many have already received an upgraded model phone for doing just that.
You have a solid arguement here as what you describe is the case in better than 50% of the devices from what my personal experience tells me. I am on my 6th Mogul and finally I have one that hasnt shown any of these functionality symptoms. Your barking up the wrong tree though case it's not a Sprint issue. it's a manufacture issue.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:56 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

Strange. I had my 6700 for 1 1/2 years and went through 10! I am super cautious with my machine. Have a full leather holster and use a screen protector. Some of the 6700 were just because... But seriously, you must not even use a phone if you can go that long without replacing it. Care to post any pictures on it's condition?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:58 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
So very sad and so very true...........
I am on my fourth. White spots showed up on a brand new one (latest replacement) within a month. My dad sees them its not just me!

All Mogul owners should be offered a 199 deal on TP, that's the most I would pay. I paid about 150 for the mogul after rebates and such
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 10:09 PM
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Re: The Last Stand (Force a Mogul Recall)

Originally Posted by Goddbody View Post
You have a solid arguement here as what you describe is the case in better than 50% of the devices from what my personal experience tells me. I am on my 6th Mogul and finally I have one that hasnt shown any of these functionality symptoms. Your barking up the wrong tree though case it's not a Sprint issue. it's a manufacture issue.
Yeah, if I sold you my phone with white spots (semi-hidden within a carefully designed background) could I later tell you it's a manufacturing defect...and thus not my problem. lol
Sorry no dice. It's a problem they need to solve. They can blame whomever, but ultimately they are the ones that select, test, review, ship, supply, market, sell, the phone.
sheesh... I'm not asking for a miracle, just a different phone model without the problems for those that ask for it.
Besides, your math is a bit off... 5 out of 6 is not 50%, but perhaps you were just using the number that one person said earlier.
Microsoft, Helmi_C, No2Chem, NexVision, tiermann, Colonel, gguruusa, luv2chill, imcokeman, jakdillard...many others. Thank you. We are all on shoulders of giants.
What's in a name? That which we call a genius by any other name would be just as smart.
I beat up Sprint and all I have to show for it is this lousy
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