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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2008, 08:43 PM
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Re: Extended battery

Damn those batteries, i wish they would make like a solar powerd shell case that just charges the mogul by sun or indoor lights, that way ya never have to plug it in to recharge... i mean cmon if they can make a 8 gig micro sdhc memory card thats the size of a pinky fingernail, i bet some company can make a solar case for our phones..... damn wishful thinking
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2008, 12:01 AM
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Re: Extended battery

Originally Posted by Gulanowski View Post
To update my previous post, I did manage to get the cover to stay. There is a video on Youtube that explains the "procedure"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4MMI4Y4kBg

Still, I think it speaks for itself that it shouldn't be so complicated to put a simple cover on. However, I'd be willing to overlook this if the battery's performance is really good.
are you able and willing to post pics please? i'm torn between the seidio, OEM and the mugen. all look to be gorgeous pieces... thanks.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2008, 01:36 AM
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Re: Extended battery

Originally Posted by Bizill View Post
are you able and willing to post pics please? i'm torn between the seidio, OEM and the mugen. all look to be gorgeous pieces... thanks.
Sure thing bud. Let me know if you want different angles.

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2008, 02:22 AM
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Re: Extended battery

gulanowski, thanks a bunch. alas, there is NO making up my mind. i may possibly lean toward the seidio, but mostly because of the covers that fit over the extended battery and door, as well as the holder/charging kit. but dang, i'd sure be handing over alot of my cash to them. perhaps i should apply the cliche, "don't spend it all in one place" to this purchase. thanks for all the pics guys. maybe i'll flip a coin...
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2008, 11:00 PM
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Re: Extended battery

Originally Posted by dzuchowski View Post
man you should of gone with the seidio extended 3500mha battery with the extended battery holster and covers for phone. I posted pics earlier in this thread.
OH I WANTED to go with the seidio... trust me! I know very well what 3500mAh vs. 2100mAh means when it comes to these battery's, just I didn't want to give up 60 bucks not including shipping for a extended battery this time around like I did with my 6700 last time. I wanted more bang for the buck, I figure I'll likely be upgrading to the touch pro at some point just like I upgraded to the mogul from the 6700, now the 2gb memory card and extended battery is sitting right here collecting dust... and I know I should sell it on ebay but as sad as it is I have a habit of holding on to things... never know when they might become useful so anyway... I had a really tuff time not getting the more powerful battery but the price was just too good for me to pass up the oem extended battery, and looking at the moguls extended oem battery compared to the apache seidio extended battery I own... the craftsmanship is alot better with the moguls oem... but thats not to say seido products arn't great, for all I know the oem apache's extended battery could look exactly the same or be the same quality... If anything im just saying im satisfied with the quality of this oem battery for the $34.99 price I payed including shipping..... umm.... I figured instead of paying 60 whatever dollars on just a battery I'd get a battery and a 8gb memory card so I can throw all my music on there, and that's what I did, I already have bluetooth headphones, and for the first two days I had the extended battery I was trying to train it by killing it from letting it continuously play music as much as possible, it took me two days to kill it so the 2100mAh ain't that bad, I mean i didn't leave the music playing while I was sleep so my results aren't scientific or anything lol ... as far as a case.. yeah your right seidio make their own cases for their extended battery, and I had one for the 6700, and its sitting right here as well lol, the belt clip broke within the first month if memory serves me well.... thos rotating belt clips always seem to ware out quickly from my experiences so instead of getting a case designed to fit exactly my phone I got two universal golla mobile bags, which will do just swell for my current phone and any future phone. i really don't need a body protector i put the wrist strap to good use...
well i have more of a finger strap..... but that's because I personalized it for my needs.... I sorta created this myself from a usb keychain and a camera lens cover....hard to explain...

and this is where I was going with the universal golla bags

this way I can hold my phone, my spare battery, ... maybe some headphones.... maybe my wallet... and I go to sixflags often so I need a secure low key cellphone bag like this.... so i won't loose it on a rollercoster... and won't have to leave it in the car... Ill figure it out lol but anyway... yeah I wanted the seidio, but decided to be different lol...

Last edited by gxnext; 06-07-2008 at 11:43 PM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2008, 11:05 PM
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Re: Extended battery

Consider yourself lucky gnext. The 3600mah battery isn't very impressive. It seems to last just as long as the regular 1500mah stock battery. I didn't fully discharge/charge it, but even so it was FAR from what I expected. I'm going to train it for the next few days and see if it improves, and if it doesn't I will be calling Lion battery. I mean, I have kind of crappy service around here, I have blue tooth running and I use it a fair amount, but even so the performance from the battery is far from what I was suspecting it would be.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2008, 11:50 PM
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Re: Extended battery

Originally Posted by Bizill View Post
gulanowski, thanks a bunch. alas, there is NO making up my mind. i may possibly lean toward the seidio, but mostly because of the covers that fit over the extended battery and door, as well as the holder/charging kit. but dang, i'd sure be handing over alot of my cash to them. perhaps i should apply the cliche, "don't spend it all in one place" to this purchase. thanks for all the pics guys. maybe i'll flip a coin...
Good luck, It was a hard decision for me as well... I can't tell you which to get, but I will highly recommend that you get one! Theirs nothing like using your phone heavily for hours on end or even days on end without a recharge or a low battery alert popping up, and if anything you'll still have a back up battery... If you feel like carrying around the back up that is...
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2008, 12:05 AM
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Re: Extended battery

Originally Posted by Gulanowski View Post
Consider yourself lucky gnext. The 3600mah battery isn't very impressive. It seems to last just as long as the regular 1500mah stock battery. I didn't fully discharge/charge it, but even so it was FAR from what I expected. I'm going to train it for the next few days and see if it improves, and if it doesn't I will be calling Lion battery. I mean, I have kind of crappy service around here, I have blue tooth running and I use it a fair amount, but even so the performance from the battery is far from what I was suspecting it would be.
I'm sorry to hear that... your 3600mAh wasn't a seidio was it? sounds like you got a crappy battery ether way. yeah the first thing I did once I got my battery was let it charge with the phone powered off, then once it finished charging I let the battery discharge completely without ever plugging it back to charge... and it took me a day a night, a day, and another night to kill it, and that is I was using wifi, lisening to mp3's via bluetooth, using slingbox, texting, using various im programs, using skyfire watching videos, again it wasn't a scientific process ( I can't use the phone while im sleep lol) but the point is i was trying to kill it and it took a satisfyingly long time for only 2100mAh lol. I hope training your battery improves its lifespan, but from what I hear the first charge is the most important, so possibly you could have already shorted it permanently... hopefully im wrong...

*edit* ok I see now you have a mugen, I forgot what brand it was I saw but it was a battery for the mogul and I was like WTF is that! it looked like a cheap @$$ pice of !@#$%.

It looked exactly like this

only it was in the phone and my reaction was WTF! lol cuz the white plastic was bubbling too lol its no wounder it sells for only $4.99 on ebay and that's the buy now price...

Last edited by gxnext; 06-09-2008 at 10:23 PM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2008, 12:09 AM
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Re: Extended battery

Honestly, I'd prefer a portable battery charger over making the phone that much bigger. Battery pack with a USB plug on the end > huge case for the Mogul in my opinion.
Mogul < Touch Pro < Hero < Evo 4G
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2008, 12:35 AM
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Re: Extended battery

Originally Posted by JaredC01 View Post
Honestly, I'd prefer a portable battery charger over making the phone that much bigger. Battery pack with a USB plug on the end > huge case for the Mogul in my opinion.

Oh I used to do that too, carry around a usb outlet adapter and a unusually short usb cable. came in handy a few times too... but really ether way its adding bulk, just depends what you would rather carry around.... personally I would carry it all if i could (occasionally i do lol) but i would look retarded lol... im pretty sure I already do lol... but don't worry usually its just me and my phone, and no extras.... but if I'm planning on being mia for a while I'll bring my back up.

I wish I had a smaller usb converter now that I look at it...

Last edited by gxnext; 06-08-2008 at 12:49 AM.
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