Originally Posted by Gulanowski
Consider yourself lucky gnext. The 3600mah battery isn't very impressive. It seems to last just as long as the regular 1500mah stock battery. I didn't fully discharge/charge it, but even so it was FAR from what I expected. I'm going to train it for the next few days and see if it improves, and if it doesn't I will be calling Lion battery. I mean, I have kind of crappy service around here, I have blue tooth running and I use it a fair amount, but even so the performance from the battery is far from what I was suspecting it would be.
I'm sorry to hear that... your 3600mAh wasn't a seidio was it? sounds like you got a crappy battery ether way. yeah the first thing I did once I got my battery was let it charge with the phone powered off, then once it finished charging I let the battery discharge completely without ever plugging it back to charge... and it took me a day a night, a day, and another night to kill it, and that is I was using wifi, lisening to mp3's via bluetooth, using slingbox, texting, using various im programs, using skyfire watching videos, again it wasn't a scientific process ( I can't use the phone while im sleep lol) but the point is i was trying to kill it and it took a satisfyingly long time for only 2100mAh lol. I hope training your battery improves its lifespan, but from what I hear the first charge is the most important, so possibly you could have already shorted it permanently... hopefully im wrong...
*edit* ok I see now you have a mugen, I forgot what brand it was I saw but it was a battery for the mogul and I was like WTF is that! it looked like a cheap @$$ pice of !@#$%.
It looked exactly like this
only it was in the phone and my reaction was WTF! lol cuz the white plastic was bubbling too lol its no wounder it sells for only $4.99 on ebay and that's the buy now price...