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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2008, 10:52 PM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

Ive owned both and love both phones. What it came down to for me, as most Mogul users was the keyboard. If you dont care about a virtual keyboard, the Touch is great. Personally I like having a full board, even if it makes the phone a bit larger. Now tha tthe Mogul has the task mgr and GPS its a no brainer to me.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
I'd take comments like the "Touch is total garbage" with a grain of salt.

Sure it's OK to prefer to one over the other, but to call it total garbage isn't that helpful and not that truthful...
i agree if the touch were such garbage nobody would have one it all boils down to your personel preferenceand how will use the phone

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 12:19 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

I used the touch for a couple months, then switched to the mogul, and after I bought the mogul I could not even stand to touch the touch. I hated the look and feel compared to the mogul.

with the touch, I had my stylus out all the time, and my screen protectors were getting replaced biweekly, since I switched to the mogul, I never use the stylus, and rarely even touch the screen. Some creative button mapping, and a little bit of a learning curve, and the mogul can be entirely navigated using hardware buttons. much easier and quicker then the touch.

In my opinion, the mogul is far supperior, and I like being able to play music over wifi on my home network, can use it as a jukebox in my room, while leaving the music on the computer in the office.

like has been said before, it boils down to personall preference. sure the memory was great, but the lack of a keyboard or xtra buttons made most software that required that kind of memory useless anyway. I rarely went over 50% usage, so I switched to the mogul. I have only recieved a low memory warning once, trying to run a speed test at speedtest.net (java based).
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 12:34 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

Ive owned both and i decided to keep the touch mainly because of the size and i didnt like the slide out keyboard. id rather just have a touch keyboard and i do text alot. I do most of my texting one handed so when i had a mogul i rarely ever used the slide out keyboard . I actually did a whole spanish project on my touch in the class before. ( i love winmo.) I type emails and notes and word docs no prob on the touch. i use touchpal and it works great there are also many other keyboards. I think the main differences are.

Touch- Tiny size, more memory
Mogul- Keyboard, bulky but manageable

everything else is pretty much the same or close to the same.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 12:40 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

when i was buying a new phone i was deciding between the touch and the mogul. personally i think i made the right decision going with the mogul. idk if its the same for you, but i have big fingers so typing on the screen of the touch would have been very difficult for me

Last edited by the evil i; 05-05-2008 at 12:44 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 12:43 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

For me, the touch is like a new girlfriend and the mogul would be the wife. The touch is smaller, sexier, and kinda fun in the beginning. While the mogul, which has some issues (memory) seems to have everything you need, and just right in your hands. my apologies for the rotten analogy.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 01:09 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

Originally Posted by dschoenike View Post
For me, the touch is like a new girlfriend and the mogul would be the wife. The touch is smaller, sexier, and kinda fun in the beginning. While the mogul, which has some issues (memory) seems to have everything you need, and just right in your hands. my apologies for the rotten analogy.
so i dont know if you stuck with your wife or the girlfriend?
I really don't think I should be doing this....
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 02:09 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

Well I love the size, feel, speed of the Touch.. I text like all day long, and I talk a lot on the phone. The only complain I have is the battery doesn't last that much if you are a heavy texter and phone talker like myself. So I am getting a Mogul tomorrow just to compare and see.

So the Mogul has less ram (speed issues will be the first thing i will notice as i seen in other issues, videos and friends), it has a hardware keyboard which is good so that adds the big bulky size, the battery life being better we'll see.. gps i dont need, wifi i dont need when i have Rev.A .. but being that I can use the touchscreen (keyboard and all that) and not having to slide the keyboard we'll see how that works since the mogul screen is not as good as the touch..

Typing on the Touc I'm so use to it, I'm so fast, I mainly use Polen Vista Keyboard(T+ Qwerty) or TouchPal v3 now(Full keys Qwerty) .. I'm 6'3ft.tall and its not a problem. flash on the camera is a little turn off but screw that. Phone fits anywhere

Good Luck on your decision..
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 02:21 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

Originally Posted by splicitysplat View Post

Touch- Tiny size, more memory
Mogul- Keyboard, bulky but manageable

everything else is pretty much the same or close to the same.
You forgot WiFi. For many people, the program wmwifirouter alone makes the Mogul their preference.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 02:44 AM
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Re: Any former Touch users?

I have a Mogul and have only played with the Touch.

To be honest, I like the Touch's form factor (though the Mogul is no way near as bulky as some people make it out to be), and I like the memory it has.

This weekend, I installed Resco Keyboard, Touchpal, and PCM Keyboard, since I like to type one handed when typing in URLS and quick text. (I use the slide out for longer texts and word docs). I mention this because I tried them all with the screen rotated to see if they could be used on the Touch.

Yep, lol. I could type just fine with Resco Keyboard with the "I"-Whatever" skin. In fact, the keyboard size kinda reminds me of my Palm Treo. Maybe that's why I could type fast with it. (The Mogul's keyboard is noticeably larger and while it fits comfortably in my hands, it was tough to get used to at first).

I type the above just to say this: I do alot of Gaming (just installed Madden NFL a few minutes ago, lol), I cannot game with the Touch. That's the deal breaker with me.

The lack of buttons on the Touch rules it our for a future purchase. I was considering it for the memory, because coming from a Palm device, this memory management thing is stupid.

With that said, if you don't do gaming, than try the Touch with either Resco Keyboard with the I-Skin (or whatever the name, the skins included, lol), or even PCM Keyboard. You'll be fine with that set up. WiFi is cool, but not necessary because you presumably will have Rev.A . The only time WiFi is really useful IMO is if you're in a foreign country and decide to use Skype, or if you have real ****ty Sprint signal, and want to go online.

If you do enjoy gaming, I just want to be clear that the Mogul is just fine for the most part. As long as you close out all other apps, you'll be just fine. The one drawback I can think of is that some, and I mean some games require more memory than the Mogul actually has, lol!

Like Atlantis Redux. It needs 20MB free just to run. I boot at around 23-24. I will install this later, but I'm not sure if the gameplay will be very responsive, we'll see.

Another is Egyptian Prophecy - The Fate of Ramses. It needs 22MB free to run.

But in any case, those games, and the others like them are the minority (RPG games mostly). Madden NFL 2006 runs just fine, lol!

I should also note that I love my Mogul, just not the memory problems. (While I love the Touch form factor, I think the Mogul actually looks better and more professional)

I will also note that there are exceptions to gameplaying with the Touch. What I mean is, games like TomeRaider have on screen buttons. I think the Pocket NES Emulator can have on screen buttons too, but don't quote me on that, lol I like SNES and Genesis.

Midnight ramble over, lol!

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