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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2008, 10:18 AM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

I do have insurance on my mogul. The sprint rep told me you are only allowed to add it with activation of a NEW phone, which make sense. If you do buy it used, just tell them it's new(they dont seem to care, plus it's new to you

But I would not keep insurance for more than 2 years, because...

$7/month x 24 months + $50(fee) = $218 which may be close the the cost of a new mogul without a contract in 2010. With a contract they may be much less. I'm sure by then there will be a better option anyway.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2008, 10:03 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

ins depends on the type of person you are. You can be honest or a hypocrite. really.

$7/month insurance for the phone
$20/month insurance for your health
$100/month insurance for your vehicle

If you don't pay $7 because thats too much then you won't be paying for health or car either.

$7 a MONTH is a small price to pay to replace a $200 phone.

If you are getting this phone for less than $200, why don't you tell us how?

I just got my buddy the phone for $200 shipped (no additonal fees) and 4 rumors, 2 sets of buy 1 get on free for $49.99 (no additional fees)

We have 11 lines on our account and a grandfather plan and 2 other unlimited plans. problems with our account every month and i am constantly calling and fighting the bill. It was just reduced from 1700 to $800! But because of a LOT of haggling with them.

Thats what i was able to do, but that won't work for everyone. I tried to help another friend but because their account is small and fairly new (2-3 years) they wouldn't give her **** and she had to pay $200 for a POS samsung!

So please let me know how i can pay $188 for a new mogul so i don't have to pay $7 a month :P
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2008, 04:49 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

I dont think you will find a mogul new unsubsidized for 188. You really have to consider what it costs to replace when deciding on insurance. If you can get a new one on ebay for 150 great but for me the $7 is a no brainer considering I am on my 5th mogul.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2008, 09:29 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by vst_ace View Post
I do have insurance on my mogul. The sprint rep told me you are only allowed to add it with activation of a NEW phone, which make sense. If you do buy it used, just tell them it's new(they dont seem to care, plus it's new to you

But I would not keep insurance for more than 2 years, because...

$7/month x 24 months + $50(fee) = $218 which may be close the the cost of a new mogul without a contract in 2010. With a contract they may be much less. I'm sure by then there will be a better option anyway.
Assuming you keep your phone for more than those 2 years, and discontinue the insurance after 24 months because of your above analysis...how would you feel in the middle of month 25 if you drop your phone in water or lose it? Wouldn't that one more month of $7 seem like a good deal at that time? The analysis you should be making, each month, is: What are the chances that my phone will be damaged or lost this coming month, what will the insurance likely give me as a replacement if it is, and is the chance that I will collect and the value of the replacement still worth $7 to me?

edit: also keep in mind that the $7 monthly is not only for insurance, but also for warranty extension. You are covered under the $7 TEP monthly charge for not only insurance replacement issues like dropped, water damaged, or lost phones, but also for mechanical or electronic breakdown issues.

Last edited by bakntyme; 05-02-2008 at 09:33 PM.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2008, 12:15 AM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by aughsum View Post
ill never pay insurance on any phone. you can get one for 200$ off ebay and probably sell a broken one for parts for 100, whats the point of insurance.
That sounds like a pain to me. Making sure ESN is clean, phone works, etc. Personally, $7 isn't a lot to pay (especially with my cheap SERO plan), and it lets me hop online any time I want and order a new phone, it shows up the next day, then I can set it up and activate it and send the old one back. Easier than looking on ebay for a deal, checking ESN, paying, waiting for shipping, dealing with it if it's screwed up in any way, etc.

Originally Posted by Wilochka View Post
Is this deductible an optional charge? There's a Sprint store I go to where I have never been charged for an insurance claim. I even once went to one Sprint store and they told me I would have to call some 800 number to get my phone replaced and the Sprint store i was originally referring to took care of it in 30 minutes.

What gives?
The deductible is for the insurance, which is only $3 or $4 of that $7. Insurance (asurion) itself covers the loss of phone, water damage, etc where you pay the deductable.

Broken screen/random problems/whatever go under the other fee in that $7, which carries no deductable. Basically, if the phone can be refurbished, you don't pay deductable.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2008, 12:57 AM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

insurance is great... my phone gets to scratched up, and I toss it in the microwave for 3 seconds...go to sprint and tell them when I woke up, my phone was dead....get a new one on the spot every time. I have 3 phones that stay new looking. love insurance
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2008, 01:08 AM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

When I was younger, I paid insurance for a cheap phone. Now that I've added some grey hairs to my scalp and have gone to more expensive phones, I find that paying a 50 dollar deductable is much better than pay 400 bucks for a new one. I spend 7 bucks at subways and don't give it a second thought. Same thing goes for the phone insurance.

Although you may never need it, its nice to have it when things go wrong.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2008, 01:43 AM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

I am just glad Sprint gives us insurance. My friend has a tilt and Att&t wont insure it.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2008, 02:05 AM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

you guys know what my #2 reason is for having insurance? I ride a motorcycle and if it falls i'm out $200-$300.

#1 i'm cheap and don't want to pay $200-300 at one time again for a phone.

$7 a month is nothing.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2008, 02:06 AM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by GhettoBSD View Post
ins depends on the type of person you are. You can be honest or a hypocrite. really.

$7/month insurance for the phone
$20/month insurance for your health
$100/month insurance for your vehicle

If you don't pay $7 because thats too much then you won't be paying for health or car either.

$7 a MONTH is a small price to pay to replace a $200 phone.

If you are getting this phone for less than $200, why don't you tell us how?

I just got my buddy the phone for $200 shipped (no additonal fees) and 4 rumors, 2 sets of buy 1 get on free for $49.99 (no additional fees)

We have 11 lines on our account and a grandfather plan and 2 other unlimited plans. problems with our account every month and i am constantly calling and fighting the bill. It was just reduced from 1700 to $800! But because of a LOT of haggling with them.

Thats what i was able to do, but that won't work for everyone. I tried to help another friend but because their account is small and fairly new (2-3 years) they wouldn't give her **** and she had to pay $200 for a POS samsung!

So please let me know how i can pay $188 for a new mogul so i don't have to pay $7 a month :P

good friend of mine works for nextel.. have a 15$/mo advantage plan. I tell him what phone I want, he orders it from the intranet, its billed to my account and they mail me the phone. I think they may have changed thier system so I might have to find a new way to get the Raphael for cheap. But yeah I havent has insurance since I was an idiot in 2002 on my vx6000. A mogul is beyond easy to find on ebay, with a clean esn, in mint condition for around 200.
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