Originally Posted by vst_ace
I do have insurance on my mogul. The sprint rep told me you are only allowed to add it with activation of a NEW phone, which make sense. If you do buy it used, just tell them it's new(they dont seem to care, plus it's new to you
But I would not keep insurance for more than 2 years, because...
$7/month x 24 months + $50(fee) = $218 which may be close the the cost of a new mogul without a contract in 2010. With a contract they may be much less. I'm sure by then there will be a better option anyway.
Assuming you keep your phone for more than those 2 years, and discontinue the insurance after 24 months because of your above analysis...how would you feel in the middle of month 25 if you drop your phone in water or lose it? Wouldn't that one more month of $7 seem like a good deal at that time? The analysis you should be making, each month, is: What are the chances that my phone will be damaged or lost this coming month, what will the insurance likely give me as a replacement if it is, and is the chance that I will collect and the value of the replacement still worth $7 to me?
edit: also keep in mind that the $7 monthly is not only for insurance, but also for warranty extension. You are covered under the $7 TEP monthly charge for not only insurance replacement issues like dropped, water damaged, or lost phones, but also for mechanical or electronic breakdown issues.