Originally Posted by shaun0207
Sounds a little detailed but it makes sense. I actually went to the Apple store today to get a MacBook Pro. I was gonna use BootCamp and run Vista. It seems like some of the programs in Ubuntu are similar to the Mac OS. What do you think?
Well, the point of Linux is that it is free and free to alter. You can run it on any PC. While OSX has more software, you can only (legally) run it on Apple branded PCs which tend to be overpriced. I still prefer Windows XP to any Linux or Vista or OSX but the main reason for that is that it does everything I want with a relatively low minimum requirement and I can build my own computer or price one out. In my opinion there are only 3 reasons to buy an Apple computer: You prefer OSX over any Windows or Linux, you like the way they look, Final Cut Pro. Since I don't prefer OSX over Windows that one is out for me. As far as form factor, it's not worth the premium to me, and I have Premiere and Avid on my Windows PC so I can do without Final Cut for my video editing.
It really comes down to what you want out of a PC and how much you are willing to spend.