Ima noob and havent complained about the Mogul because it would be laughable since I got it for free in an exchange for the 6700. The people who have the right to complain are the ones that shelled out anywhere between three to six hundred for the thing. But dude go with the Tilt, its a nice phone and id do it, because I would be able to get out of my contract sell my mogul and only pay around 100 bucks for the Tilt, but I get a 30 percent discount on my monthly bill from sprint and there 7pm nights are standard, and their insurance plan kicks ass. Basically if I go over to At&t Id be paying an extra 30 bucks a month plus the price of the tilt, and its more practical to stay with Sprint and the Mogul, anyways back to the topic, Id say your better off going with the Tilt, Id do it being in your position.
Wow... That is a great deal. I didnt even see that. I'm getting a mogul for sure now, I cant afford AT&T's service.
Just wondering though, I want to get a contract mogul. They have good deals on ebay, and they are 99 bucks. Can I get sero with something like that, or am I SOL unless I buy the phone out right? |
As long as the phone says Sprint on it your fine, and you can get it insured which with the Mogul is something I strongly suggest you do its an extra 6 bucks a month but well worth it, Ive been given new PPC's at no charge countless times because sprint would rather strip them down and rebuild them at the warehouse then waste their time repairing them. So if you can get it for. And as far as the problems being reported about this phone, it basically depends on the person if you want play a game, listen to music, surf the internet, and be on a bluetooth call all at the same time, then this phone will crash on you(Most phones would lol) If u want a multimedia phone to play with you get the Touch, but If you want a more Business geared phone (Wifi, Hardware keyboard) Then this phones for you. Personally I love Wifi, and the upcoming GPS and Rev.A is ganna be a big upgrade for this phone. Hey if you can get it cheaper, go for it, cause truthfull right now this phone aint worth 300 bucks, again this is coming from someone who got it for free, so take it for what its worth.
What's most important to you, service/price, call quality/pda functionality? Does AT&T have good coverage where you live?
If price is a big factor then you won't beat the SERO plan with Sprint. I would rather have a CDMA Tilt than sign on with AT&T. The mogul would be a great phone if it had 128MB of RAM. If you can wait a month or two I'd see if they come out with one. READ: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=13308 I paid 300 for this phone, and at times I'm upset about it, but most of the time I think this thing is friggin awesome. It's a powerhouse in every aspect except the RAM, IMHO. I was tempted to swap for a touch after I messed with one at the store, but I couldn't live without the hardware keyboard. I don't use the wifi much, but it's a big plus and I don't use the flash for pictures, but I like having it for a flashlight. I'd say go down to a sprint store and mess with the mogul and the touch. If you get a touch that is set up with a number and has data access, try loading "Touchpal" keyboard. If you don't need the physical keyboard or wifi it is a very sleek phone with relatively few reported problems. Good luck in your choice. |
As for the 6800, it probably doesn't mean as much coming from someone who creates a new ROM and base constantly, but since my last two iterations I've been beyond thrilled with it. Stable, great BT, fast, no memory issues and I am a very heavy user. This thing replaces a laptop 90% of the time, 3+ hours of talk per day, push email, web surfing, document writing, yadda yadda. .... Sure I'd *love* a Kaiser/Tilt, but AT&T is grossly overpriced, and has terrible service in my area. Not a chance I'd go to AT&T just to change phones. My .02, - DogGuy |