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Old 12-08-2007, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by CDRacingZX6R View Post
Just wondering though, I want to get a contract mogul. They have good deals on ebay, and they are 99 bucks. Can I get sero with something like that, or am I SOL unless I buy the phone out right?
You must order a new phone from the SERO sales at the time you signup for new SERO service. Ebay phones are a no go. But just compare the outright cost of SERO to the massive savings over a 24 month period and the couple hundred extra out the door is taken care of very quickly. Also, make sure you search around for HTC/Sprint rebates, slickdeals and fatwallet are good for that.

As for the 6800, it probably doesn't mean as much coming from someone who creates a new ROM and base constantly, but since my last two iterations I've been beyond thrilled with it. Stable, great BT, fast, no memory issues and I am a very heavy user. This thing replaces a laptop 90% of the time, 3+ hours of talk per day, push email, web surfing, document writing, yadda yadda. .... Sure I'd *love* a Kaiser/Tilt, but AT&T is grossly overpriced, and has terrible service in my area. Not a chance I'd go to AT&T just to change phones.

My .02,
- DogGuy
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