What is the problem?
I sitll haven't seen specific details on the issues you have experienced. My Moogul was a pre-release seed unit and I have had zero problems. I know of a handful of peopel who had a button pop off of early units but there are very few known issues:
- bluetooth radio bug - keyboard bug - no EVDO RevA - no AGPS functionality - WiFi switching functionality All of these issues are going to be addressed in future updates. What exactly has gone wrong 5 times? |
People just getting, just because i did not know any better credits, I want a free phone because treo because I have been such a long time customer , however i know i have called in every month and got stuff, but I know I have made it difficult now for people that have REAL problem to get anything." You know those people, then I hate it to tell a customer that has a real gripe NO, because of the many that call in because they want something for free. I had worked for both ATT and Verizon and honestly those two SUCK. You may get what you think is a good deal but in the end you as a consumer are getting the big SHAFT. Every company has their problems. Honestly I take pride in trying to help out the customer for something that others had misinformed them on. Just today I had a Rep from a third party dealer call up to ask for credits on a ladies account , and get this , this is from his own mouth " I Know she does not have any problem with her account other than paying her bill on time, but dude if you seen her you would try to get her credits too, she works for hooters and she is hot and she asked" Customer like that make it hard for those of you who have problems to get anything done and trust me I heard it at ATT and Verizon retention as well.
well i am not trying to get any thing for free i said once that i would like to have the touch. and it was noted and then i get this call saying the want to make me happy and keep with sprint i said i was happy coz i am i just think that the mogul has a lot worng with it. like mine gets rid of all my name and numbers like every week and it will not call out on somedays and it rings when no one is callin and i have had one get really hott to were it about went up in flames i am on my 4th and i have been told after the 3rd if u want to move to a dif phone u can and i have been told the the 30 thing still stands no matter how long u have been with sprint.i have had to hard reset my phone like 5 time coz it will not go to any thing like the messagein i can't even open any thing on somedays. i don't tink any of us are trying to get anyting for free the mogul was just put out to fast and should have more work done on it
see real problems need to get addressed but we hear it everyday, some dude called in today asking to give him credit to get his phone back on , I looked at his account , he had free text from a year ago, free vision and has not paid his bill in two month. HELL TO THE NO. LOL
i here you on that and it make it hard for real things trust me i know i allway go to a repair center frist then if they can't fix it i calll and that way it is noted. let me add the the repair center here in santa maria they are really lazy and will not fix any thing they allways say it is a knowen problem lol
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