Re: Headset Icon stuck
Re: Headset Icon stuck
Well my problems fixed. Went to Verizon today and got a replacement Imagio. I told him I already soft and hard resetted the device. He's like, ok, I won't even bother trying then and gave me a new one.
Re: Headset Icon stuck
Yeah, my replacement I got last week has the defect where the light "leaks" from the sides the of screen making it look like is has a border almost. Time for yet another replacement. Hopefully the third time is a charm.
Unfortunately Roland was already taken...
Re: Headset Icon stuck
Looks like a design flaw to me. I had the same issue today. Soft and hard reset did nothing. Called VZW support and without any trouble they offered to replace the phone. As I remember, this is not a new problem for HTC - I had an XDA and a Jasjar that both had this problem. BLAST! Oh well . . . back to the i760 for a day or so.
Re: Headset Icon stuck
I have a Verizon Touch Pro 2. Today I plugged my phone into my DeWalt radio and listened to Pandora while I worked. Since I unplugged it i can't get sound out of the phone speaker other than ringtones when someone calls. I've used the headphone jack like 5 times since i bought it. I've tried a hard reset. I'm putting it back to stock rom from MightyRom now. I guess I'll have to send it off for replacement. This is BS!
Re: Headset Icon stuck
i am currently on my 3rd phone because of that very problem, 1st one went down in less than a week, 2nd 2 weeks, 3rd still going strong. VZW wont even send you a replacement next day air, it goes ground and the dont compensate for time w/o a phone at all
Re: Headset Icon stuck
Had the same problem, had to get the phone replaced after hard reset did not work, must be design flaw, as a mechanical engineer myself let me apologize for the genius who designed the headset socket and obviously did not spend enough time testing