Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
I have the same issue arise when I have any number of contacts with an email address attached to the contact info. Unlike your case though, when I hit the SMS button, it brings me to the screen which displays all text/e-mail accounts and allows me to select. Pressing the e-mail button leads me straight to SMS. Strange to get used to but doesn't bother me too much. Unfortunately, I don't foresee HTC addressing this issue as it would require re-programming TF3D 2.1. They're already working on 2.6 so it seems it'd be a moot issue at this point. Nevertheless, I am sure that once some roms come out for the phone that this issue will be resolved by using a different/modified version of TF3D.
Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
i agree that it will probably be addressed in newer version of TouchFlo/Sense. I'm only mildy annoyed by the issue but thought I'd be a good citizen and report it to HTC. I got pretty annoyed with the canned response of hard-resetting the phone.
i only hope that the newer Sense/TouchFlo builds make their way officially to the Imagio - preferably sometime BEFORE the newer phones come out mid-late this year, otherwise it might be time to go winmo7 and see what's offered. |
Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
Response from HTC on this:
************************************************** **************** Thank you for your inquiry regarding the issues you are experiencing with the TouchFlo 3D user interface on the Verizon Wireless Imagio. I can understand how important it is to be able to fully utilize your device. After some research and testing, I was able to replicate your issue on our test devices, and at this time, we do not have a fix for this issue. However, this issue may be resolved when a maintenance release becomes available for this device. Please keep up to date with our HTC support web page and our social networking web pages, all listed below, for more information. For the time being, I would recommend that you tap on the contact then use the messaging and email tabs on the interface for communication. I want to apologize for any inconveniences you may have experienced. I want to thank you for contacting HTC. In order to help improve our service I’d like to invite you to take a survey at http://survey.htc.com/worldwide. ************************************************** **************** |
Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
I dont have this problem. I have contacts which have email accounts, and i have them im my favorites. when i click on them, it brings 3 icons up,. first is phone, second is envelope with lines and pencil, whick is text messaage, and the third is solid envelope with a pencil, which brings up e-mail....but of course i have their email addresses in the contact information. mine goes straight to what ever i click...if you just add their email address to your contacts you will get the 3 envelopes.
Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
Well HTC was able to duplicate the issue so it may have something to do with the combination of the number of details you fill in for a contact.
Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
I have the same issue where if I tap the envelope with a pencil I go to the SMS screen and if I tap the text bubble with pencil I go to the Email screen. This has been right from the beginning. Most of my contacts have email addresses.
Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
July 21, 2010 (From HTC): Thank you very much. With your steps i was able to duplicate the icons crossing over with both a corporate and mobile as well as corporate and Home number being attached to the contact. At this time we do not have a definite fix for this concern but we have forwarded on the information for further review. Also you may check some of the user communities. It is quite possible someone has already written something for this and posted up on the windows marketplace for download. Beyond that the best thing that I could recommend right now would be to keep an eye out on our community sites such as our twitter and facebook broadcast as that will be the first place we publish this information. I want to thank you again for contacting HTC. In order to help improve our service I’d like to invite you to take a survey at http://survey.htc.com/worldwide. Signed, Amber HTC Technical Support http://www.HTC.com http://community.HTC.com http://www.Facebook.com/HTC http://www.YouTube.com/user/HTC http://Twitter.com/HTC
July 20, 2010 (My Reply to HTC): I received your response email. To help you with your endeavors to correct this glitch, here's the screen I am looking at: Go to the bar at the bottom and slide the slider until it highlights in blue the person a/k/a "My Favorites." Press the "+" to add a contact. If the telephone numbers for Company and Mobile are inputed in the data fields along with one email address under contacts, then under "My Favorites" under the picture you'll see the telephone icon, the email icon, and the SMS/MMS icon. The last two icons are the ones with the switched functions. Pressing the Email icon will result in "From: (SMS/MMS); To: "Person's Name" <(800)555-1212>". Pressing the SMS/MMS icon results in the screen requesting the user to "Select an Account" with SMS/MMS highlighted, but with the option to select picture message and video message available along with "Setup E-Mail." However, when the contact's information includes the following: Company telephone number, Home phone number (which is a number people are not often giving to other people these days out of privacy reasons), and one email address, then the icons listed under the contact's picture are: phone, phone with a house, SMS/MMS, and email. However this time, the SMS/MMS icon does result in "From: (SMS/MMS); To: "Person's Name <(800)555-1212>" and the Email icon results in the "Select an Account" with SMS/MMS, Picture Message, Video Message, and Setup E-mail. I hope this helps resolve the matter. July 20, 2010 (From HTC): I apologies for the delay in response. I have been trying to duplicate your concern but it may take some time due to availability. I wanted to let you know we are looking into this issue though and had not let it fall to the side. If you could please reply back to this so I know you are aware of the situation I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. Unfortunately this is a very unusual issue that we have not heard of before nor could find anything about online but its such a simple concern we doubt its a hardware issue. If you have not re added anything yet or have it backed up you may want to try doing a hard reset in order to make double sure the Rom update was installed correctly. but in the meantime we will be looking into this issue further. I want to apologize for any inconveniences you may have experienced. I want to thank you for contacting HTC. In order to help improve our service I’d like to invite you to take a survey at http://survey.htc.com/worldwide. Signed, Amber HTC Technical Support http://www.HTC.com http://community.HTC.com http://www.Facebook.com/HTC http://www.YouTube.com/user/HTC http://Twitter.com/HTC |
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Re: Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
BTW: The new upgrade ROM on HTC's website for the Imagio absolute does not fix this issue. Been there and tried that, it is an actual programming error on the part of HTC. I do not know of other HTC phones doing this. The only work around right now is to make sure you have the "home phone" field filled in, even if it means you put in a bogus number. At least this is what worked for me.
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