Bug in Contacts/My Favorites Screen
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a contact in your contact list but do NOT add an email address.
2) Go to My Favorites screen and add that contact to your list.
Problem: Notice how underneath the picture of your contact there will (should) be 2 icons: First icon is a phone handset icon, and the 2nd icon is the envelope with a pencil/pen. When you click that envelope icon, it launches the SMS/MMS editor.
Has anyone else noticed this too?
It seems that the developers at HTC messed up the logic on the TouchFlo interface and are using the wrong icons for SMS and Email. The more contact detail you add in for a person, the more icons that appear under the picture and at some point, you will have both an envelope icon and SMS icon. But when you click on them, they seem to do the opposite - meaning SMS launches email and email lauches SMS.
I filed a bug at HTC and I got the canned, "backup your contacts and hard reset your phone" response. LAME!
I'd appreciate if anyone can confirm they are seeing this as well and if anyone has managed to find a fix, I'd appreciate the info.