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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 04:50 AM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

ydoucare... why do you have to give it up? because you want the hero? wow.. i could see if there was NO other options out there. but there are TONS!... its not that im frugal, its that i am stubborn... the whole thing is goofy...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 10:58 AM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

Is it really that surprising that Sprint is doing away with SERO? Have you seen their profit (or lack of) reports for the last year? With these SERO plans they were practically giving away their plans.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 11:19 AM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

Originally Posted by pjrey View Post
ydoucare... why do you have to give it up? because you want the hero? wow.. i could see if there was NO other options out there. but there are TONS!... its not that im frugal, its that i am stubborn... the whole thing is goofy...
Because I can afford to. SERO is not make or break for some of us. Who the hell are you to tell me otherwise?

Last edited by ydoucare; 11-20-2009 at 11:25 AM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2009, 04:09 PM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

who am i to tell you otherwise? hmmm.. pj? you can do as you please... obviously.. just surprised people are feeling bad for big sprint... you can afford to.. great. sprint loves people like you.. suckers...
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

Originally Posted by pjrey View Post
who am i to tell you otherwise? hmmm.. pj? you can do as you please... obviously.. just surprised people are feeling bad for big sprint... you can afford to.. great. sprint loves people like you.. suckers...
That was really not needed dude. There are alot of us out here who will be very happy to pay $$ for good service. I left Verizon Mid contract for sprint. I have 4 lines on my account and about to add a 5th, 2 of them are Hero's, 1 TP2, and a Standard phone. Will prob be adding a BB shortly. I am very willing to pay alot of $$ for service that is worth it to me. The same as alot of us with software for our phones. If it is worth it then y not buy it and support the devlopers.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2009, 06:26 PM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

Originally Posted by dannzeman View Post
Is it really that surprising that Sprint is doing away with SERO? Have you seen their profit (or lack of) reports for the last year? With these SERO plans they were practically giving away their plans.

they may give you a million different reasons but the reality is that they are trying to transition people off of SERO because they are losing money on it. sero was like a black friday sale. they used it bring people to sprint. now they want to transition people from SERO to plans that will make them money.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 01:20 AM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

Originally Posted by ydoucare View Post
I'm currently on the SERO 500 plan, but will soon be switching for the Hero. It was a good 2 year run on SERO, but have to give it up I guess.

The bright side is, if you call in to retentions, they should offer you the Everything Data 450 with a $20 recurring credit for the length of your contract, which would make it $49.99 instead of $69.99. There's a lengthy thread on the sprintusers.com SERO forums discussing plan changes.

I got off the phone with sprint yesterday and initially spoke to a rep that said there is no retentions department because I was threatening to leave them for bc my bill was to high after I switched to the hero, after being polite with the guy and explaining my difficulties, he says he can give me a plan with an "add-on" data package. I told him that this is not possible with the hero, he said sure yes it is. So then I return with "Have you ever activated a Hero before with an Add-On data package?" He says, "I've activated every phone you can image with just about any type of plan" So i'm like go for it. After waiting for a bit he comes back and says he can't do it. Duh, I already knew this.

Then he tells me he's going to transfer me to retentions. My response "I thought you said there was no retentions?" To which he replies sorry sir we have to follow a certain protocol. Yeah Right!!

So after going back and forth a bit with retentions and how my bill is about 20 dollars more than it previously was I got a $20 dollar monthly discount for the rest of my life with sprint (as mentioned by the previous poster) on top of this I keep all my bonus minutes roughly 400 and my 20% discount from work.

So to break it down Plan cost 69.99 - 20% (14.00) - $20 monthly discount i'll be paying about 35 dollars that's 1/2 off!!!, and with taxes and everything it should be back to what I was originally paying (about 42-43 dollars)

I am an 8 year customer, and retentions has always come through for me. If you've been with sprint for a few years give it a shot. It doesn't hurt to try.

PS I did have to sign a 2 year contract extension, but i've been with sprint for so long I don't think i'll ever move to a different carrier. Plus I get a Hero with an inexpensive contract to boot.
If I've helped please let me know by hitting

Last edited by gazment; 11-25-2009 at 01:24 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 02:33 AM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

for people who has plans that cant get the hero on, get a hero from ebay and exchange the esn number on it with another regular phone (if you know how to do that) and then activate it.
sprint will be fooled that the phone is the older on when the hardware is actually the hero

not sure if its possible on the hero for 100% but ive tried it before on htc diamond with another esn and it worked just fine
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

Originally Posted by laythy View Post
for people who has plans that cant get the hero on, get a hero from ebay and exchange the esn number on it with another regular phone (if you know how to do that) and then activate it.
sprint will be fooled that the phone is the older on when the hardware is actually the hero

not sure if its possible on the hero for 100% but ive tried it before on htc diamond with another esn and it worked just fine

yea that is also fraud.....
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: HERO/sero: bunch of BS!

Originally Posted by laythy View Post
for people who has plans that cant get the hero on, get a hero from ebay and exchange the esn number on it with another regular phone (if you know how to do that) and then activate it.
sprint will be fooled that the phone is the older on when the hardware is actually the hero

not sure if its possible on the hero for 100% but ive tried it before on htc diamond with another esn and it worked just fine

yeah we're looking for legal ways to handle this issue.
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