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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 10:28 AM
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got me a hero

after fighting back and forth with sprint, them telling me i can have a touch pro for $100 then calling me back and saying i cant do that, i went ahead and got a hero.. I was calling and complaining all day yesterday i finally got sent to a department that was willing to deal with me and seemed liked they valued their customers..

Anyway the guy steered me away from the touch pro and told me to try the hero, i really didnt want to spend anymore than the $100 they offered me a deal at in the first place. So what he did was worked it out to where i get $120 credited to my account, $10 a month for the next year, so upfront i have to pay the $279 but then i get a 100 mail in rebate and the 120 credit on my account im pretty much only paying $59 for the phone plus taxes. Have read nothing but good reviews on the phone, cant wait to get it and play with it a lil and move on from the htc mogul. Do you guys think this would have been a deal you would have done?

I talked with numerous CSRs and supervisors, not sure which department i was speaking to but i have had the most luck with them. The 888-285-4797 number is where the floor supervisor made the offer to me for the touch pro at $100 bucks. He then calls backs the next day and says sorry i ddint do enough checking and we cant do that for you is there anything else i can assist you with today. At this point im about to slam the phone on the ground.

But long story short if you have issues with sprint just keep calling and chatting online, i have found it more helpful on line, they give you the numbers you need to call, just ***** and ***** and threaten to drop them, and more than likely they will give you something maybe not exactly what you want but something sugar coated enough to keep your business.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 10:43 AM
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Re: got me a hero

Yea your one of the lucky one's. Sprint is now gaining more customer's than losing, Im an online rep and if you even hint that your leaving because you want a free phone or something I will tell you your ETF real quick. You guys dont know what goes on in the background with Sprint. But im glad that you are one of the few. I personally love this phone and you will as well. But it you were eligble for an upgrade why didnt you go to Best buy and get the phone there?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 10:52 AM
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Re: got me a hero

because the nearest bestbuy is over 45 miles away and i didnt want to pay the money up front, online they just added it to my account balance and ill pay it of in like 2 or 3 payments every couple weeks. and my mogul now is working fine im but im sure it will take a poop soon, cuz they only last me a few months. Thinking about putting it on ebay since i just got the refubished mogul on friday, still have all the protective covers on teh IR beam and camera, and i put a screen protector on it, any idea how much this would go for? yea there were a few people including the online chat supervisor that told me to go ahead and cancel, and i was like wow are you serious right now, would rather lose a customer who pays about 90 bucks a month then give me the offer that they had made, they would have lost alot more money by losing my contract than to give the offer and have me continue to be a customer for years to come.

Last edited by jhintz83; 10-15-2009 at 11:01 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 12:55 PM
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Re: got me a hero

Im not sure how much the Mogul would go for, It is quite old now that the Tp2 came out. you can try and put it up for 100 bucks I guess there is always someone out there that needs a phone that doesnt have TEP I have like 2 or 3 Tp laying around and I just give them away since they are so easy to come by if you know the tricks. As far as the online chat, yea Sprint's policies is if it aint in the notes...tough luck. Online we do not have the "authority" if you may, to provide any offer's. If something was offered call in you have much more luck that chatting.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 09:57 AM
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Re: got me a hero

please help, i am so confused on how to get my contacts onto my computer from my mogul. i dont have the hero yet but its coming today very soon i hope. im installing outlook right now and hopefully i can get it to work, i take it that the email client outlook express is completely different and wont work for what i need? if so what did i need to do to make this work, sorry for being a noob thanks for your time

the only program ive used to deal with concats is ns contact back up and that just stores contacts on your memory card, in format that only that program reads, would be nice if i could just download that to my pc and open into a program that will send it to the hero

Last edited by jhintz83; 10-16-2009 at 10:00 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 10:03 AM
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Re: got me a hero

Originally Posted by jhintz83 View Post
please help, i am so confused on how to get my contacts onto my computer from my mogul. i dont have the hero yet but its coming today very soon i hope. im installing outlook right now and hopefully i can get it to work, i take it that the email client outlook express is completely different and wont work for what i need? if so what did i need to do to make this work, sorry for being a noob thanks for your time

the only program ive used to deal with concats is ns contact back up and that just stores contacts on your memory card, in format that only that program reads, would be nice if i could just download that to my pc and open into a program that will send it to the hero

Transfer contacts to outlook on your local pc...you should be able to sync the Hero to outlook to retrieve your contacts. If you have an exchange server...you can upload them that way also and when you sync your phone with exchange they will all show up on your phone.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 10:16 AM
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Re: got me a hero

can i use google as an exchange server? i put in m.google.com as the server and then entered my username and password and all that, but then i get an error saying your account does not have permission to synchronize.... and then i cant do anything, i was following these instructions from
http://www.google.com/support/mobile...36&topic=14299... i cant believe how stupid i feel that i can not figure this out.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: got me a hero

Originally Posted by jhintz83 View Post
can i use google as an exchange server? i put in m.google.com as the server and then entered my username and password and all that, but then i get an error saying your account does not have permission to synchronize.... and then i cant do anything, i was following these instructions from
http://www.google.com/support/mobile...36&topic=14299... i cant believe how stupid i feel that i can not figure this out.

If I'm not mistaken you can use goosync to upload contacts. But, I haven't tested it myself
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 11:43 AM
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Re: got me a hero

i must be a complete idiot, ive been messing with this all morning, will probably just take the phone to sprint and have them do it, been researching and just cant seem to figure out what im doing wrong or what im not doing right lol.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:10 PM
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Re: got me a hero

ok not very sure what i did but i now have all my contacts in my gmail. now lets hope im bright enough to get them back onto the hero when it gets here. sorry for so many posts but this is a pain in the butt for someone that has not done this before, especically when following the instructions and not getting anywhere. but now so far so good
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