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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 06:33 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Right, installing and tinkering with 2 rom's in the first week I've had the phone is clearly illiteracy.

In short, I'm just sick of people like you. Here's the deal: I've read for hours. I can understand harping on somebody who creates a new thread to say "Can you help me root my phone?" because that is covered ALL over the threads, it's stickied! But if I have done my own research and am looking for second opinions, guess what? I'm going to continue to ask. Perhaps you are unemployed and have nothing better to do than to spend about 15+ hours reading every post on a thread that is 100 pages long. Perhaps you are just a jerk. But I refuse to spend my entire free time answering each and every question on my own. I will do my research and if I can not find an answer to my question within a reasonable amount of time I will ask others. If I already have answered my own questions, but I simply want to know what others have found...I will ask others. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, THEN DON'T READ THE THREAD! The fact that you spend your time and effort to be a jackass about it....I mean, what good does that do any body? You certainly haven't convinced me to stop and you can be sure that people are going to continue to ask questions that you consider n00b in the future. So in summary: just grow up kid. If your not a kid, then you should seriously consider your maturity level because you are acting like a teenager/child. Now, considering that I've tried to be reasonable with you and you have reacted like a 4th grader, I doubt anything will change. So say what you will, but I am done conversing with you about this.

And here's something in general to everybody: if people didn't post so many comments/replies on these threads and fill them full of useless information....people would be more inclined to read the entire thread. The problem is that the useful posts get buried in a sea of unrelated commentary. Yes, there is a search feature, but I can assure you that gets clogged as well on popular topics. For example, I just tried to find a post on setcpu that I ran across and forgot to bookmark...try searching for setcpu and see how many results you get. For you guys that have 1000 posts and spend a great deal of time here, keeping up on just about every new reply, well that's great for you and your knowledge is appreciated, but not every body has the time or inclination to do that. So try to be a little more understanding when people ask questions. If you don't want to answer a question, THEN DON'T ANSWER IT. It truly couldn't be much simpler.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 06:43 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by koricua74 View Post
I'm currently running Gumbo 1.5c "Bare" w/Sense UI. I've used Fresh 1.0/1.1, TTG, and Modaco 1.1/2.2. Of all of them I like Gumbo's the best, it feels snappier than the rest but (it does have his modified kernel based on his ROM). Even snappier than Fresh 1.1 with either Modaco's or Gumbo CKs (until trying this ROM I felt either combination of Fresh+CK offered the best performance). Without CKs applied IMO all of the custom ROMs are essentially the same with minute differences any speed increases are perceived.

I'm now running Gumbo 1.5c bare w/ Sense UI as well and I love it. It does seem to be a TAD bit snappier than modaco's rom/kernel, but I'm beginning to see what you mean by minute differences.

Last edited by brazen; 02-14-2010 at 06:45 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 06:51 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by brazen View Post
Right, installing and tinkering with 2 rom's in the first week I've had the phone is clearly illiteracy.

In short, I'm just sick of people like you. Here's the deal: I've read for hours. I can understand harping on somebody who creates a new thread to say "Can you help me root my phone?" because that is covered ALL over the threads, it's stickied! But if I have done my own research and am looking for second opinions, guess what? I'm going to continue to ask. Perhaps you are unemployed and have nothing better to do than to spend about 15+ hours reading every post on a thread that is 100 pages long. Perhaps you are just a jerk. But I refuse to spend my entire free time answering each and every question on my own. I will do my research and if I can not find an answer to my question within a reasonable amount of time I will ask others. If I already have answered my own questions, but I simply want to know what others have found...I will ask others. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, THEN DON'T READ THE THREAD! The fact that you spend your time and effort to be a jackass about it....I mean, what good does that do any body? You certainly haven't convinced me to stop and you can be sure that people are going to continue to ask questions that you consider n00b in the future. So in summary: just grow up kid. If your not a kid, then you should seriously consider your maturity level because you are acting like a teenager/child. Now, considering that I've tried to be reasonable with you and you have reacted like a 4th grader, I doubt anything will change. So say what you will, but I am done conversing with you about this.

And here's something in general to everybody: if people didn't post so many comments/replies on these threads and fill them full of useless information....people would be more inclined to read the entire thread. The problem is that the useful posts get buried in a sea of unrelated commentary. Yes, there is a search feature, but I can assure you that gets clogged as well on popular topics. For example, I just tried to find a post on setcpu that I ran across and forgot to bookmark...try searching for setcpu and see how many results you get. For you guys that have 1000 posts and spend a great deal of time here, keeping up on just about every new reply, well that's great for you and your knowledge is appreciated, but not every body has the time or inclination to do that. So try to be a little more understanding when people ask questions. If you don't want to answer a question, THEN DON'T ANSWER IT. It truly couldn't be much simpler.
Well, lets see here.....

I'm a man going through an extremely messy divorce, raising my son, working full time while doing odd jobs on the side, and maintaining a house on my own, and i STILL have enough common sense to figure out how to root my phone and run roms on it, not to mention starting to make my own rom AND learning how to develop and modify system components of the phone. I'm okay with the fact that i'm smarter than you, but i'm a little irked by the idea of you getting angry when nobody answers the question that has already been answered 5000 TIMES. Maybe i am being an ass, but if that scares you off of the forum then it will only raise PPCGeeks' average I.Q.

You're fired, discussion over.
Olympic-class smoker since 2005.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 07:16 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by brazen View Post
Right, installing and tinkering with 2 rom's in the first week I've had the phone is clearly illiteracy.

In short, I'm just sick of people like you. Here's the deal: I've read for hours. I can understand harping on somebody who creates a new thread to say "Can you help me root my phone?" because that is covered ALL over the threads, it's stickied! But if I have done my own research and am looking for second opinions, guess what? I'm going to continue to ask. Perhaps you are unemployed and have nothing better to do than to spend about 15+ hours reading every post on a thread that is 100 pages long. Perhaps you are just a jerk. But I refuse to spend my entire free time answering each and every question on my own. I will do my research and if I can not find an answer to my question within a reasonable amount of time I will ask others. If I already have answered my own questions, but I simply want to know what others have found...I will ask others. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, THEN DON'T READ THE THREAD! The fact that you spend your time and effort to be a jackass about it....I mean, what good does that do any body? You certainly haven't convinced me to stop and you can be sure that people are going to continue to ask questions that you consider n00b in the future. So in summary: just grow up kid. If your not a kid, then you should seriously consider your maturity level because you are acting like a teenager/child. Now, considering that I've tried to be reasonable with you and you have reacted like a 4th grader, I doubt anything will change. So say what you will, but I am done conversing with you about this.

And here's something in general to everybody: if people didn't post so many comments/replies on these threads and fill them full of useless information....people would be more inclined to read the entire thread. The problem is that the useful posts get buried in a sea of unrelated commentary. Yes, there is a search feature, but I can assure you that gets clogged as well on popular topics. For example, I just tried to find a post on setcpu that I ran across and forgot to bookmark...try searching for setcpu and see how many results you get. For you guys that have 1000 posts and spend a great deal of time here, keeping up on just about every new reply, well that's great for you and your knowledge is appreciated, but not every body has the time or inclination to do that. So try to be a little more understanding when people ask questions. If you don't want to answer a question, THEN DON'T ANSWER IT. It truly couldn't be much simpler.
Take it easy man. Bradart is a good guy. I am going to show you something since you say Setcpu is hard to find: Try This. It is the first post. The search doesn't get clogged.

I do have many posts, I have been here 3 years. I have also been going to college and working construction. In fact I haven't taken less than 18 hours a semester yet, currently I am taking 19. I don't have a ton of free time, but I also don't see a reason for this thread. It is not a stab at you, we just have 30 new threads a day that there are no need for. Check out this video. I'm not trying to be a butthead, but I am saying that if you pay close attention to 1:28 in the video you will see why we are saying this.

Bradart if you need anything hit me up.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
Take it easy man. Bradart is a good guy. I am going to show you something since you say Setcpu is hard to find: Try This. It is the first post. The search doesn't get clogged.

I do have many posts, I have been here 3 years. I have also been going to college and working construction. In fact I haven't taken less than 18 hours a semester yet, currently I am taking 19. I don't have a ton of free time, but I also don't see a reason for this thread. It is not a stab at you, we just have 30 new threads a day that there are no need for. Check out this video. I'm not trying to be a butthead, but I am saying that if you pay close attention to 1:28 in the video you will see why we are saying this.

Bradart if you need anything hit me up.
Thanks, man. Also, i just noticed this:
Right, installing and tinkering with 2 rom's in the first week I've had the phone is clearly illiteracy.
It didn't take me NEARLY that long to try every single rom available. twice. lol.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 08:27 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
Take it easy man. Bradart is a good guy. I am going to show you something since you say Setcpu is hard to find: Try This. It is the first post. The search doesn't get clogged.
In fact, I did do just this. Result? " Results 1 - 10 of about 49,500 for setcpu". The thread you refer to is now 28 pages long. Case in point. However, I was not referring to finding ANY post about setcpu, I was referring to finding a very specific reply that somebody had listed the settings that worked best for them. There are lots of these, but this one happened to catch my eye. I can appreciate you disagreeing with me in an adult manner, but I still think you guys are being unreasonable. Bottom line: I will continue to ask questions here and anywhere else I feel if after doing a reasonable amount of searching I do not find an answer. You can get your panties in a bunch if that helps you in some way, but I'm here to stay.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by brazen View Post
In fact, I did do just this. Result? " Results 1 - 10 of about 49,500 for setcpu". The thread you refer to is now 28 pages long. Case in point. However, I was not referring to finding ANY post about setcpu, I was referring to finding a very specific reply that somebody had listed the settings that worked best for them. There are lots of these, but this one happened to catch my eye. I can appreciate you disagreeing with me in an adult manner, but I still think you guys are being unreasonable. Bottom line: I will continue to ask questions here and anywhere else I feel if after doing a reasonable amount of searching I do not find an answer. You can get your panties in a bunch if that helps you in some way, but I'm here to stay.
The last thing I would want is to not have a member here. I think you have it all wrong. If you hopped over here and asked about setcpu in the Gumbo thread people would have been on board to help with that.

I am not trying to be unreasonable. You haven't read the stickies, until you have it is hard for me to agree with your reason. The stickies are there for you to read and makes sure this doesn't happen. I saw in the Upgrades section there is a question (only releases and posts pertained to them in their respective threads) go in there. Which was asked 2 days ago in this forum. So there was no searching.

You can take a cheap shot. Tell me I'm a girl, that's cool. I am not being aggressive, I am only trying to keep this thread clean because mods have to come and delete 400 threads a month.

Anyway, like I started my post, I am not trying to run you off. I am glad we have a new member.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 08:50 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
I saw in the Upgrades section there is a question (only releases and posts pertained to them in their respective threads) go in there. Which was asked 2 days ago in this forum. So there was no searching.
The "ROM vs. kernel" question? Is that the one you're referring to? Yes, I did post that to the upgrades section by mistake. To be honest I was sloppy and didn't realize it was in the upgrades section. My bad, I know better than that. Somebody commented about it, I found his comment to be completely reasonable and so I re-posted the question in the general forum. And this is a good example of what I'm talking about. I DID search for the answer to that question and I probably could have answered it myself had I spent a few more hours reading on my own. But instead, I asked a simple question and a couple people (including you!) provided a quick, 2 sentence answer which was extremely helpful and exactly what I needed.

Look, I get what you're saying: search before posting. I get it. BTW, I wasn't trying to be offensive or taking a cheap shot and I wasn't calling you a girl, I was just using a figure of speech.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 08:59 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

I am just trying to bring this down from people hating to each other to a place where people can talk. These threads get shot down, they have ever since I've been here. The problem is its personal preference and people start fighting about it.

Haha I guess I just noticed it then, that is old news. My bad. Yea, it was a reasonable question. Glad I could help.

Its all good. People just start getting offensive when people say things because without body language we don't know if the person is joking or not. Alright, it seemed like you might have been, that's how things get misconstrued.

Fresh 1.1 - No bloatware - Pretty snappy - Been a while since it was updated because he's working on a kitchen - Not as good on battery as some - High awake times (FOR ME, others have said the opposite)

TTG - Super fast - Better batt life - Of all the roms on this board people like TTGs because it is better for speed and batt than Fresh. This sounds like I don't like one though, that's why I don't like to answer this question. I actually run Fresh right now because I like his kitchen and taskbar.

Gumbo 1.5c - Aggressive Memory killer kernel (its nasty, its fast, it saves a ton of battery on 528/245 Hero On demand SetCPU setting) This rom is FAST. I would run this rom except for the fact that I miss about 30% of my texts.

Modaco - First rom for the phone. Slow to update (because he doesn't actually have a Hero) - Has a kitchen online, but it is payed. I would probably use it but I would rather donate to Flipz.

What will happen is 90 people will disagree with me and TTG might think I am a **** because I'm not running his rom, when he is helping me with some stuff at this very minute. I don't like to make these posts for that very reason.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

^lol i never actually had any intentions of making my rom publicly available when i first started^
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