Originally Posted by thacounty
Take it easy man. Bradart is a good guy. I am going to show you something since you say Setcpu is hard to find: Try This. It is the first post. The search doesn't get clogged.
In fact, I did do just this. Result? " Results 1 - 10 of about
49,500 for setcpu". The thread you refer to is now 28 pages long. Case in point. However, I was not referring to finding ANY post about setcpu, I was referring to finding a very specific reply that somebody had listed the settings that worked best for them. There are lots of these, but this one happened to catch my eye. I can appreciate you disagreeing with me in an adult manner, but I still think you guys are being unreasonable. Bottom line: I will continue to ask questions here and anywhere else I feel if after doing a reasonable amount of searching I do not find an answer. You can get your panties in a bunch if that helps you in some way, but I'm here to stay.