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Old 02-14-2010, 07:16 PM
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Re: ROM Comparison & Review

Originally Posted by brazen View Post
Right, installing and tinkering with 2 rom's in the first week I've had the phone is clearly illiteracy.

In short, I'm just sick of people like you. Here's the deal: I've read for hours. I can understand harping on somebody who creates a new thread to say "Can you help me root my phone?" because that is covered ALL over the threads, it's stickied! But if I have done my own research and am looking for second opinions, guess what? I'm going to continue to ask. Perhaps you are unemployed and have nothing better to do than to spend about 15+ hours reading every post on a thread that is 100 pages long. Perhaps you are just a jerk. But I refuse to spend my entire free time answering each and every question on my own. I will do my research and if I can not find an answer to my question within a reasonable amount of time I will ask others. If I already have answered my own questions, but I simply want to know what others have found...I will ask others. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, THEN DON'T READ THE THREAD! The fact that you spend your time and effort to be a jackass about it....I mean, what good does that do any body? You certainly haven't convinced me to stop and you can be sure that people are going to continue to ask questions that you consider n00b in the future. So in summary: just grow up kid. If your not a kid, then you should seriously consider your maturity level because you are acting like a teenager/child. Now, considering that I've tried to be reasonable with you and you have reacted like a 4th grader, I doubt anything will change. So say what you will, but I am done conversing with you about this.

And here's something in general to everybody: if people didn't post so many comments/replies on these threads and fill them full of useless information....people would be more inclined to read the entire thread. The problem is that the useful posts get buried in a sea of unrelated commentary. Yes, there is a search feature, but I can assure you that gets clogged as well on popular topics. For example, I just tried to find a post on setcpu that I ran across and forgot to bookmark...try searching for setcpu and see how many results you get. For you guys that have 1000 posts and spend a great deal of time here, keeping up on just about every new reply, well that's great for you and your knowledge is appreciated, but not every body has the time or inclination to do that. So try to be a little more understanding when people ask questions. If you don't want to answer a question, THEN DON'T ANSWER IT. It truly couldn't be much simpler.
Take it easy man. Bradart is a good guy. I am going to show you something since you say Setcpu is hard to find: Try This. It is the first post. The search doesn't get clogged.

I do have many posts, I have been here 3 years. I have also been going to college and working construction. In fact I haven't taken less than 18 hours a semester yet, currently I am taking 19. I don't have a ton of free time, but I also don't see a reason for this thread. It is not a stab at you, we just have 30 new threads a day that there are no need for. Check out this video. I'm not trying to be a butthead, but I am saying that if you pay close attention to 1:28 in the video you will see why we are saying this.

Bradart if you need anything hit me up.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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