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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 09:58 AM
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Pocket PC: HTC EVO 4G Rooted
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Re: Can't flash roms (Updated with fix!)

Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
how hard was it the get a replacement you told sprint you had a bad nand?
Well I got it at Best Buy and exchanged there as well. That pink and blue stuff on my screen when I rebooted after flashing, which I mentioned earlier, no longer happens. My guess is that is indeed what it was. Anyway, I told them I didn't like the leaking at the bottom, that the back cover didn't fit flush, and that my 4G wasn't working when I was in Chicago over the weekend. I got a rev 0004, which seems more solid and doesn't have leaking, however the screen on this one is a Novatel and the bezel and back cover colors differ a little.
  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 05:53 PM
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Re: Can't flash roms (Updated with fix!)

Since there is a thread about flashing Im shutting this down. Please post anything related in that thread. If there is info that needs to be changed or added please PM the OP of that thread so it can be added.



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