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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2010, 01:55 PM
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Re: [ Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Originally Posted by lkillen View Post
I think lightning struck twice in your case. Take it back to Sprint. If it is in the third phone, I will be real suspicious.
After talking with several people at Sprint over the last few days I now have yet another replacement ordered, don't know how fast I will get it though as they said it's listed as being backordered. Somewhat odd as I got the last one just the other week in only two days. I sure hope that that this does the trick, thanks again for everybody's help, I'll let you all know how things go.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2010, 05:51 PM
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Re: [ Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Update : I got my second replacement yesterday, turned it on and nearly cried...I've never seen such bad separation at the bottom under the soft buttons before, though I know this is a known problem with EVOs. My 0002 had it a little but my first replacement ( which was an 0003 model ) did not at all. This latest replacement is an 0003 model as well but it was stunning how bad the light leakage was. I didn't even bother trying to activate it to see if it would fix the much more important problem of not being able to answer calls though...I'm sorry if I sound like a whiner, but it's just ridiculous how bad it was and I just can't see how this could make it through manufacturing or QA. I went to a Sprint store this morning after talking to them on the phone because they said the problem had to be verified there. Following that I called them back and they are sending me yet another replacement. One of the guys at Sprint support said his EVO does this from time to time ( unable to answer calls ) as well, I'm surprised more people don't experience it and that there are not more suggestions for how to possibly go about fixing it. Uggggg....
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 11:59 PM
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Re: [ Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

I work for Sprint tech support. Let me know if you have any more problems. I'll try to help.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 01:24 PM
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Re: [ Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Originally Posted by neopanther View Post
I work for Sprint tech support. Let me know if you have any more problems. I'll try to help.
Thanks, I may do that if this latest replacement ( which should arrive today ) doesn't do the trick.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 10:33 PM
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Re: [ Another Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

[Another Update] Well, this past Friday I finally received ( believe it or not ) replacement #3. As detailed above, #1 still exhibited this behavior and #2 I didn't even bother trying as it had the worst light leakage crack at the bottom imaginable. Anyway...#3 is doing the same thing and I'm now just about at the end of my rope as the saying goes. As before, I was able to get it to do this with stock and nothing installed. I just can't believe at this point that I could have gotten this many bad models, it has to be something else! What settings could there be on the network side that could be following me that might be making this happen? I was thinking about the stuff you get to using ## codes perhaps? The reason I mention this is because I did change one or two of those back on my very first EVO but it didn't start exhibiting this behavior until months later, do these live on the back end or on the device? I found them in the thread on XDA by a poster with the name of something to the effect of 'technofile'? His thread was originally about using Verizon PRLs on EVOs to get Verizon 3G but there were other things mentioned as well such as these codes to get to call quality settings I think. Please help, I love my EVO but if I can't reliably answer calls I'm going to have to try to get something else under the 'lemon law', probably an EPIC.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 05:54 AM
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Re: [ Another Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

The chances of all your recent EVO's having the exact same glitch is extremely slim to say the least. The ## codes should be left alone as well as the phones software until you pinpoint the actual cause of this problem. Keep your phone completely stock. There must be a common denominator with each phone that is causing this because they can't all be having the exact same problem out of the box. I mean anything is possible but what are the odds? Extremely slim. Where your replacements new or refurbished? Don't use any backup software. Use it bone stock and see what you can determine.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 09:40 AM
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Re: [ Another Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Thanks for your continued help TX. The reason I mention the ## codes is because at this point in my mind I've already eliminated all other possibilities since this it still happening on the latest phone out of the box with no SD, no programs installed, not even signed in to my Google or FB accounts. Last night I got my new MSL from Sprint so I could make ## code changes if needed but have not made any yet. Given all of this, what else might I try or what ## codes might I examine? The latest replacement I received is another 0003 model and it came with the latest HBOOT, radio and software, the PRL was one level old and I've updated it and the PRI is one back ( 1.77 I believe ) and I have NOT updated it. Thanks!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 10:50 AM
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Re: [ Another Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Anybody that might be interested in helping, please also remember the other odd symptom in this crazyness, that of the screen not responding properly on new texts sometimes. It's the reason I labeled the thread as I did, though I've been concentrating more on the incoming phone call issue as it's far more important. Basically, with any third party text program like Handcent, Chomp, or GoSMS , when they pop up their notification that you can respond to or dismiss or what have you, sometimes the screen comes on with the text but it's unresponsive. Similar to the phone calls in my eye, as if things partly woke up but not properly, because just like with the calls, as soon as I suspend the device and then bring it back on everything works fine. Please know that the phone issue happens even with none of these 3rd party texting apps installed, so they can't be the root of the problem, again, to me it just seems like another symptom of whatever the true underlying problem is.

Last edited by kkryter; 01-11-2011 at 11:37 AM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 04:48 PM
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Re: [ Another Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Go into your phones display settings and increase the screen time-out. Petit for 2 minutes for testing purposes and see if this has any effect on the slide-to-answer and upper notifications bar. Make sure your phone isn't plugged into the charger or Ian cable to pc when testing. (known to cause this problem randomly) also change the call ring tone, notifications tone. In the stock HTC text app main screen, press menu-settings and change the message alert tone there also. To whatever other than stock.

Process of elimination is what aiming at with this. Changing the screen time-out should have some effect on this. But this is not a solution obviously. My old 003 evoked that problem randomly. I'm thinking you need to request a revision 0004 hardware EVO which these bugs have been fixed. That's what I have now. No unresponsive screen for me anymore.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 10:45 PM
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Re: [ Another Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Thanks for the suggestions TX. I've implemented them even though I almost never use an audible ringtone, I usually leave my phone on vibrate. I'll let you know if I see any improvements though for sure. I've spoken with another member of these forums who works for Sprint and he's going to help me by looking at some things on that end. Thanks to both of you for your help!
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