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Old 01-11-2011, 09:40 AM
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Re: [ Another Update ] Intermitent wake up problems? Please help!

Thanks for your continued help TX. The reason I mention the ## codes is because at this point in my mind I've already eliminated all other possibilities since this it still happening on the latest phone out of the box with no SD, no programs installed, not even signed in to my Google or FB accounts. Last night I got my new MSL from Sprint so I could make ## code changes if needed but have not made any yet. Given all of this, what else might I try or what ## codes might I examine? The latest replacement I received is another 0003 model and it came with the latest HBOOT, radio and software, the PRL was one level old and I've updated it and the PRI is one back ( 1.77 I believe ) and I have NOT updated it. Thanks!
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