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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
Its is a biggie I'm sure HTC patched the flash flaw that was used to root after the second OTA. You can be the Ginnie pig let us know if you still have root after you flash. I would wager that you don't and it could take weeks to find root again. If thats a chance your willing to take go for it. I will wait a couple extra hours for the geniuses to give us the go ahead. I just hope they have it rooted for the weekend thats all I can ask.

We already know it has a different version of flash so what do you think the chances are of it having the same flaw? 0 zero .. Nada.. zilch....

You know how when someone spells something wrong in the first few words you instantly stop? This is a perfect example. Thought i'd share.
I now know why the female reps have been all annoyed with me for all those "image" apps I downloaded.
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by BenS View Post
If I'm fully rooted would I have to do anything to do the froyo update or would it just write over everything return it to stock and be possibly root protected?

You can't protect it. You can only wait till someone breaks the code. Don't worry, there will be about 5 posts on it once someone does.

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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

Originally Posted by BenS View Post
If I'm fully rooted would I have to do anything to do the froyo update or would it just write over everything return it to stock and be possibly root protected?
People just don't understand. It is POSSIBLE that HTC/Sprint might have block root on the upcoming update. But if your rooted, DO NOT update, or you might not be able to get root again for quite some time.

I don't know how FastRX8 does it, people just don't get it! How many times do we have to say it!
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

You think this will stop people from the 2% of disbelief after hearing tomorrow? I'm sure some folks will wear that "CHECK NOW" button out.

Originally Posted by glidersgalore View Post
Hate to be the kill buzz here but........... waiting all day tomorrow will do nothing. This is from Phonescoop:

HTC Evo 4G Getting Android 2.2 FroYo on August 3
Today, 6:48 PM by Philip Berne

Sprint has announced that its first WiMAX handset, the HTC Evo 4G, will also be the first carrier offering to push Android 2.2, or FroYo, to owners. Starting next Tuesday, August 3, Evo 4G owners will begin to receive the over-the-air update. Android 2.2 offers numerous performance improvements, including improved Web browsinng with Flash 10.1 support. The update will also let users voice dial over Bluetooth and install certain applications on the phone's external memory, instead of using the smaller internal memory storage. Sprint also says users can update manually by navigating to the Settings > System Updates menu on their devices.
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

Thanks for responding but I was actually just wondering if you had to do anything in particular to apply the update to a rooted phone. I am fully aware that we will lose root access once this is performed. I'm running fresh 1.01 currently and have no plans of losing my root which means I won't be updating. I was mainly interested if you had to say flash a stock rom or something to insure proper installation of the update. I have some friends with unrooted Evo's and I'll push them to do the update so I can check it out on their devices first while custom roms are finalized. I firmly believe that if people do update rooting will be a possibility once again. Sprint/HTC/Android need this to occur so they have free testing and development performed. If anyone thinks for an instance that there aren't any real insiders from these organizations "working" these forums and probably even releasing roms I would say they are most likely mistaken. Free research is done here I guarantee that.
"Blessed art thou, Griffon, whose beak hath rent no morsel of the sweet wood of this tree, for it grips the belly with a raging torment!" ~Dante
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: OMG froyo!

Lmao....Froyos gonna be here!!!!!omgomgomgomgomg........hey....wheres my root? Lmao
Proud member of the CozBoogie Militia!!!!

When life gives you lemons...find someone whos life gave them tequilla and have a party!!!!

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  #167 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:18 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

Originally Posted by BenS View Post
Thanks for responding but I was actually just wondering if you had to do anything in particular to apply the update to a rooted phone. I am fully aware that we will lose root access once this is performed. I'm running fresh 1.01 currently and have no plans of losing my root which means I won't be updating. I was mainly interested if you had to say flash a stock rom or something to insure proper installation of the update. I have some friends with unrooted Evo's and I'll push them to do the update so I can check it out on their devices first while custom roms are finalized. I firmly believe that if people do update rooting will be a possibility once again. Sprint/HTC/Android need this to occur so they have free testing and development performed. If anyone thinks for an instance that there aren't any real insiders from these organizations "working" these forums and probably even releasing roms I would say they are most likely mistaken. Free research is done here I guarantee that.
I misunderstood your question. Well when the previous OTA dropped, people with rooted devices who did the update ended up bricking their EVOs, so I would say its better to be in a stock ROM and then do the update just to be safe. Thats if your friends don't care about rooting.
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  #168 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: Official Word - Froyo availble August 3!!!!

Originally Posted by lawmangrant View Post
Yea, but none of the others, have a word from sprint. Thanks "dad"
Yeah and they still don't since instead of putting this in those threads, you started a new one...
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:24 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30


This the link to the official Sprint press release.
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  #170 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:28 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

Originally Posted by BenS View Post
Thanks for responding but I was actually just wondering if you had to do anything in particular to apply the update to a rooted phone. I am fully aware that we will lose root access once this is performed. I'm running fresh 1.01 currently and have no plans of losing my root which means I won't be updating. I was mainly interested if you had to say flash a stock rom or something to insure proper installation of the update. I have some friends with unrooted Evo's and I'll push them to do the update so I can check it out on their devices first while custom roms are finalized. I firmly believe that if people do update rooting will be a possibility once again. Sprint/HTC/Android need this to occur so they have free testing and development performed. If anyone thinks for an instance that there aren't any real insiders from these organizations "working" these forums and probably even releasing roms I would say they are most likely mistaken. Free research is done here I guarantee that.
As to your conspiracy theories (dont mean that in a bad way-just sayin') all I'll ask is this-why then did the last OTA break root? If Sprint "needed" all of this "free research" why bother breaking root. Not saying they dont reap the benefits of the hacking but IMO it's a bit of a stretch to say they need it. They do lose $ from free tethering.
As far as updating to Froyo-once it's rooted I cant see how the process would be anydifferent than flashing a Beta Froyo ROM now, just wait for the rooted version and then flash your brains out

Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
I misunderstood your question. Well when the previous OTA dropped, people with rooted devices who did the update ended up bricking their EVOs, so I would say its better to be in a stock ROM and then do the update just to be safe. Thats if your friends don't care about rooting.
Actually the bricking happened on non-rooted devices as well. If you remember, Sprint pulled the OTA and then re-released it. A number of people who got bricked tried the update twice for some reason.
It had nothing to do with being rooted. Plenty of rooted users accepted the upgrade and simply lost root.
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