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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 04:35 AM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by pinkbunniz View Post
Why is everyone taking shots at women. No offense but Ive had tons of conversations with men lately, and ive talked technical phone circles around them. Just cuz we are female doesnt make us dumb.
You're not the average girl in regards to smartphones and i think you know that, so please don't take offense. And i'm not saying women are dumb... I also said older people wouldn't know what to do with android, but that doesn't make them dumb either. The learning curve is much higher for Android than it is for the iPhone. That's why I'd rec the latter of the two for the average girl/older person. I'd do the same for a guy who didn't know much about tech, but let's be honest... what guy doesn't love tech?

On average, men are far more into tech than girls. Most of my guy friends have already had a couple of smartphones under their belt, while most of my girl friends are perfectly happy rockin dumbphones still (though this will start to balance out). However, some have iPhones. I've had to troubleshoot for those few with Android.

Would you give a 60 year old person an iPhone or Android? It's sort of the same idea. For a first smartphone, I'd recommend iPhone because nothing goes wrong really, it's just simple and executes what it's supposed to do. Android can be overwhelming for many people. It's not nearly as bad as WinMo, but it's still not as easy as iPhone.

Many girls I know have iPods, so they'd already know that aspect of it thanks to iTunes. Girls I know would not know how to put and find music on Android. It's not very user friendly with music. To be honest, I already know their first question would be how to sync iTunes with it. That's just an example. There are other areas that would freak inexperienced users out, like when you plug it in? You get 4 options that briefly stay on the screen. Not to mention all the menus that pop up. For devices without Sense UI, the learning curve is worse. Can they eventually figure it out? Of course, but the learning curve is much higher than on iPhone and ease of use would still be in favor of iPhone after the fact. I mean, it has one button on the front and the main page is just rows of shortcuts... and until recently you couldn't multitask or change wallpaper.... it doesn't get any easier than that! Not to mention iOS is on multiple generations of the iPhone, iPod touch, and now iPad.

Android, on the other hand, has so many features and options. Like I said, it can be overwhelming. I'd go all in that my girl friends would choose the iPhone 4 over EVO 4G if they played with both for a day. Ease of use while still having great features would sell them on it. But hey, that's just what I've noticed... so you really can't get mad at me for saying what I've seen

edit: haha, i just remembered you were the one who responded to me when I said girls drop their phones a lot. You're the exception, i swear! Girls DO drop their phones A LOT. Don't resent me, just speakin what I see with my own eyes! Half the time it's probably because they try to fit them in (sometimes tight) jeans/shorts with tiny pockets and other times they have to pull them out of their bag (i'd hate to see an EVO get scuffed up with all the junk that's in there... camera wouldn't have a chance).
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O

Last edited by lipidfats; 07-11-2010 at 04:52 AM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 07:01 AM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
You're not the average girl in regards to smartphones and i think you know that, so please don't take offense. And i'm not saying women are dumb... I also said older people wouldn't know what to do with android, but that doesn't make them dumb either. The learning curve is much higher for Android than it is for the iPhone. That's why I'd rec the latter of the two for the average girl/older person. I'd do the same for a guy who didn't know much about tech, but let's be honest... what guy doesn't love tech?

On average, men are far more into tech than girls. Most of my guy friends have already had a couple of smartphones under their belt, while most of my girl friends are perfectly happy rockin dumbphones still (though this will start to balance out). However, some have iPhones. I've had to troubleshoot for those few with Android.

Would you give a 60 year old person an iPhone or Android? It's sort of the same idea. For a first smartphone, I'd recommend iPhone because nothing goes wrong really, it's just simple and executes what it's supposed to do. Android can be overwhelming for many people. It's not nearly as bad as WinMo, but it's still not as easy as iPhone.

Many girls I know have iPods, so they'd already know that aspect of it thanks to iTunes. Girls I know would not know how to put and find music on Android. It's not very user friendly with music. To be honest, I already know their first question would be how to sync iTunes with it. That's just an example. There are other areas that would freak inexperienced users out, like when you plug it in? You get 4 options that briefly stay on the screen. Not to mention all the menus that pop up. For devices without Sense UI, the learning curve is worse. Can they eventually figure it out? Of course, but the learning curve is much higher than on iPhone and ease of use would still be in favor of iPhone after the fact. I mean, it has one button on the front and the main page is just rows of shortcuts... and until recently you couldn't multitask or change wallpaper.... it doesn't get any easier than that! Not to mention iOS is on multiple generations of the iPhone, iPod touch, and now iPad.

Android, on the other hand, has so many features and options. Like I said, it can be overwhelming. I'd go all in that my girl friends would choose the iPhone 4 over EVO 4G if they played with both for a day. Ease of use while still having great features would sell them on it. But hey, that's just what I've noticed... so you really can't get mad at me for saying what I've seen

edit: haha, i just remembered you were the one who responded to me when I said girls drop their phones a lot. You're the exception, i swear! Girls DO drop their phones A LOT. Don't resent me, just speakin what I see with my own eyes! Half the time it's probably because they try to fit them in (sometimes tight) jeans/shorts with tiny pockets and other times they have to pull them out of their bag (i'd hate to see an EVO get scuffed up with all the junk that's in there... camera wouldn't have a chance).
I agree. When I bought the Evo, I gave the Moment to my best friend, already had to help her twice, but in fairness, Sense helps a lot, she played with my Evo when I left it home by accident, and now she wants it, but the Moment frustrates her at times.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 09:16 AM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by pinkbunniz View Post
Why is everyone taking shots at women. No offense but Ive had tons of conversations with men lately, and ive talked technical phone circles around them. Just cuz we are female doesnt make us dumb.
I think it's not so much a "shot" at women, because I've met PLENTY of women who can put a lot of guys to shame when it comes to tech, I think it's a matter of some "people" who aren't comfortable with tech.

I tell people when they're buying a computer, stop asking for the one that will control a nuclear submarine. Have a budget and buy what you can afford, not what the salesman is trying to get you to buy. A lot of people are afraid of tech in general simply because the jargon and lingo have made it incomprehensible. All professions have this barrier. They use specific jargon to exclude the general public and elevate their profession above others.

Technology should not and cannot be a mystery to people. If they choose to educate themselves, my mom at 55 did it and never once backed down from asking questions to anyone who talked tech at her. My dad on the other hand didn't have that same interest. In general, women and older people are (stereotypically) more inclined to be less tech savvy. Of course, that is NOT to say that ALL women and older people are less technically savvy. If that were the case, all those COBOL programmers in their late 50s and early 60s wouldn't have found work during Y2K.

When someone asks me what they should buy in terms of a new computer or technology, I encourage them to research as much as possible. I offer to walk them through stuff whenever I can. I also encourage them to treat the technology like any other commodity, look at the need, look a the price, see what you can afford, and for gods' sake, DO NOT let anyone intimidate you. You can ALWAYS walk away from the sale, they need you, YOU don't need them.

What does all this have to do with ifads and fruit? Exactly that, the fruit company has positioned itself as "easier" than PCs. That's only true IF you subscribe to the whole paternal, "we'll take care of you and you don't have to worry your head about what's going on under the covers" pat on the head. I DO want to know what's going on under the covers, I DO want to be able to control what goes in the machine I buy, I DO NOT want someone else telling me I can't. The fruit company does exactly that.

Pretty =/ Functional::Functional==Functional
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 10:35 AM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
HOW is this a real discussion? The ifad is nothing more than color (oh, wait, is it actually color yet?) over substance. I can do everything I want on my Evo AND change the battery and NOT worry that some megalomaniac afraid of boobies is going to terminate my applications.

The ifad is nothing more than a glorified tablet pc. Yes, Fanbois love it. Yet, the rest of the world sees it for what it is, a really expensive etch-a-sketch.

Of course, if we were talking about the WePad (oh, sorry, seems Cupertino made them change their name), to the WeTab (are they done suing universities yet over the use of their logo?) then we'd have a real discussion.

ifad is just that, when you have no real specs, dazzle them with color.
actually calling the iPad an oversized etch-a-sketch makes me think you have never really used one. Comparing the EVO to an ipad doesnt make any sense like we have said because they are 2 completely different devices. My ipad battery lasts so long that I dont care to change it, I can multitask and I dont care about porn. I can do anything on my ipad that you can do on a normal PC much faster and more efficiently.

MODS: please close thread turning into sexist arguments and comparing 2 completely different devices
Sony Clie->Palm M105->Palm M505->Palm Z22(stolen)->HP RX1955->HTC Mogul->Touch Pro->Touch Pro 2>Evo 4g!

OMJ rom
Godmode kernel tearing fixed
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by aaron580 View Post
actually calling the iPad an oversized etch-a-sketch makes me think you have never really used one. Comparing the EVO to an ipad doesnt make any sense like we have said because they are 2 completely different devices. My ipad battery lasts so long that I dont care to change it, I can multitask and I dont care about porn. I can do anything on my ipad that you can do on a normal PC much faster and more efficiently.

MODS: please close thread turning into sexist arguments and comparing 2 completely different devices
I disagree.

Ifad=closed system from start to finish
Evo=Open system, based on anyone with half an idea to contribute.

That alone should be more than enough reason for someone to use an Evo or ANYTHING non fruit.

As for your "assertion" that this is becoming a sexist thread, you decided not to read at least TWO of the replies including mine which were anything BUT sexist.

Thanks for not reading.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 08:00 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by pinkbunniz View Post
Why is everyone taking shots at women. No offense but Ive had tons of conversations with men lately, and ive talked technical phone circles around them. Just cuz we are female doesnt make us dumb.
I agree 100%. I consider myself a geek. I know more about phones than many men. My normal forums are XDA-Developers, PPCGeeks, Engadget, BGR and this great forum.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 11:02 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
I disagree.

Ifad=closed system from start to finish
Evo=Open system, based on anyone with half an idea to contribute.

That alone should be more than enough reason for someone to use an Evo or ANYTHING non fruit.

As for your "assertion" that this is becoming a sexist thread, you decided not to read at least TWO of the replies including mine which were anything BUT sexist.

Thanks for not reading.
I agree with your comment about one is open and one is closed...

but I think you're missing that other posters point. For the simple fact that you're bashing the iDevice especially when you don't have experience with one...it really is, using your word, "closed" minded. Is kinda like Steve Jobs and his Flash thing...

I went thru the wow stage...to the where is the camera? where is the usb port...I can only do WHAT?!?!...stage...

then I saw the iPad for what it is...it is a device that lands smack between the laptop and the high end smart phone.

oh...I forgot...I jailbroke my iPad less than 24 hours after FedEx delivered it...

Last edited by amw1972; 07-11-2010 at 11:05 PM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: Evo or iPad?

I am a woman and the only other people I know with evos are women. We all seem to be able to make the evos work just fine. Some of us - including me-have even rooted it the long way (gasp). At my house, we also have an ipad wifi in the future for books and movies. They are different tools in my opinion.
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