Originally Posted by sanjsrik
I disagree.
Ifad=closed system from start to finish
Evo=Open system, based on anyone with half an idea to contribute.
That alone should be more than enough reason for someone to use an Evo or ANYTHING non fruit.
As for your "assertion" that this is becoming a sexist thread, you decided not to read at least TWO of the replies including mine which were anything BUT sexist.
Thanks for not reading.
I agree with your comment about one is open and one is closed...
but I think you're missing that other posters point. For the simple fact that you're bashing the iDevice especially when you don't have experience with one...it really is, using your word, "closed" minded. Is kinda like Steve Jobs and his Flash thing...
I went thru the wow stage...to the where is the camera? where is the usb port...I can only do WHAT?!?!...stage...
then I saw the iPad for what it is...it is a device that lands smack between the laptop and the high end smart phone.
oh...I forgot...I jailbroke my iPad less than 24 hours after FedEx delivered it...