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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2010, 11:13 AM
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Re: Best Buy bought EVO bricked by OTA update, where to return? Sprint/BestBuy won't

My phone got messed up bad from the OTA. (Bought from Radioshack)

Took it to a sprint repair center, they were going to order me a replacement. But it wouldnt be avail till Monday. Luckily my local Shack is getting one in today! Sucks they cant sell it, but paid customers do come first.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 12:44 AM
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Re: Best Buy bought EVO bricked by OTA update, where to return? Sprint/BestBuy won't

so not sure if this thread was reassuring... I have an honest question, please don't beat me down for violating my warranty with a root.

I rooted my phone so I can tether and I am about to update to a patched version of the recent update. I; however, am scared that this will root my phone... If this does happen, can I still go to sprint to get it unbricked?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Best Buy bought EVO bricked by OTA update, where to return? Sprint/BestBuy won't

Originally Posted by abjc89 View Post
so not sure if this thread was reassuring... I have an honest question, please don't beat me down for violating my warranty with a root.

I rooted my phone so I can tether and I am about to update to a patched version of the recent update. I; however, am scared that this will root my phone... If this does happen, can I still go to sprint to get it unbricked?
LOL huh? u rooted but you afraid it will root you fone, just flash it to a stock rom, and if it bricks ya fone (i'm on damage control patched ota version and i'm fine) they gonna give you a new one anyways, so no worries
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 05:47 AM
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Re: Best Buy bought EVO bricked by OTA update, where to return? Sprint/BestBuy won't

Depending on where you purchased your Evo, within the first 30 days of owning that said phone...that store has to warranty exchange that phone for a new one. Indirect stores are liable for the first 30 days (Best Buy, Radio Shack etc)..If you purchased it from Sprint, then take it back to Sprint. Now onto the Evo exchanges...in 2 days this phone will have been out for 30 days...so pretty much everyone out there is still within there 30 day warranty. It generally takes 2-3 months for Refurbished Phones to circulate to the stores or even Sprint's warehouse...so until then you will be getting a new phone, not a refurb.

A lot of companys do finger pointing...is called Reps being miss informed..or not informed at all. They go off the top of their head with your question and try to explain it...most of the time wrong. If you are trained correctly in this field...they tell you how warranty's work...30 days is within the company you purchased it from...after 30 days you have 1 year within the company...or the manf of the phone...if you have extended warranty that extends throughout the 2 year contact you have with said cell company. Replace your phone whenever there is a issue.. your still covered..

That help any?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2010, 01:48 AM
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Re: Best Buy bought EVO bricked by OTA update, where to return? Sprint/BestBuy won't

ok this is how a purchase from best buy is supposed to go for a bricked phone due to the update.

we are supposed to exchange it if we have stock. unfortunately, stock is ver limited right now. if not, we can do a rain check and hold one when we get one in or we advise the customer to go to a sprint REPAIR CENTER. they (sprint repair center) knows that they (sprint OTA) bricked the phone and are taking care of customers. it is VERY important that it be a REPAIR CENTER. it is not a return, but a repair under warranty. the last thing i want to do is send a customer to a different store to solve a problem, but in this case we may have to.
Disclaimer: I am a BBYM mgr. The opinions expressed here are my views and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Best Buy.
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