Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
thats why the insurance deductible went up :P
For streaming audio check out subsonic - GhettoBSD APPROVED!
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Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
i have yet to get the evo and i do live in a 4g area...i've played with the one in stores and love it. i have over 2000 contacts with comments, etc. on my tp2 w6.5 using goodthings2life's tweaks and cleanup and it sill lags a bit. i find it cannot handle this many contacts. i had no problems with my TP in that regard. i believe i won't have a problem with my contacts on the evo...i tried syncing the one at the sprint store and it was so much smoother and faster...i didn't complete the sync, so not sure if it would present problems, but i'm certain i would be better. i can't thank goodthings2life enough for tweaks and cleanup (especiall classic t9, etc.). anyway, rooting? how is it done? risks? etc. |
Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
briefly, rooting your phone is akin to "unlocking it." I'm sure you have heard that phrase before.
With a rooted phone, you are now able to change the actual operating system, the thing you do everything with. Different operating systems offer different things, usually an increase in speed and new options for customization. As with windows mobile, you are also able to obtain additional features not available 'for free' with the stock system, such was wifi tethering. The risk you run is "bricking your phone," which basically means you damage the phone's chips where you can not do anything with it. Thus its a brick. But honestly, past experience has shown that even if you "brick" your phone you are actually able to recover somehow. usually with a lot of help by the experts. As long as you follow the instructions step by step, you'll be ok! But there is a very big DISCLAIMER. You NEED to READ a LOT before you attempt it. That way, you are at least familiar with the process and won't skip any steps. Similar to driving on the freeway for the first time. Most people can't just get on and go when they're learning how to DRIVE because they don't have the sense of awareness and safety necessary at speed over 70 MPH. So read up on rooting, the different methods and FAQs. Once you're an 'instant expert' and if you feel the need to do so, root your phone! It is generally safe, as long as you follow the guides. But beware, if you take your phone in for "service" (whatever issue you may have not caused by rooting) and they see your phone is rooted or worse, with a different operating system (referred to as a ROM) then you'll probably lose all rights to warranty and insurance. But fret not! You can always restore to "stock rom." Other reasons to root: tweaks on battery life, speed, access to system otherwise not available. good luck! |
Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
No idea... it only takes a few minutes. Get it out of the way now and when froyo does drop you'll be a few less steps from having it on your phone. In the meantime you'll enjoy better battery life and a more customized experience. I must admit though, I did have the phone for like 4 hours before I rooted My wife is a stay at home mom, she was getting about 8 hours out of her battery with moderate to heavy use... perhaps signal in the area had a part to play but none the less I told her I would take care of it for her. I rooted her phone, tossed Fresh Evo .53 on it and now (under the same conditions with regards to location and useage) she gets 14 hours... if that isn't reason enough alone to root then I don't know what is. To rooting! Have a great 4th of July if you're in the US.
If somehow I've helped you... please hit thanks!
Device: HTC Evo 4G | Rom: CM7 + 4G + HDMwIn | Kernel: CM7 By no means is it required, but if you appreciate my work feel free to buy me a beer |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
Hi Goodthings, I can't thank you enough for all you work and assistance on this site. It has helped me immensely. THANK YOU!!
I purchased a nice new EVO from BestBuy, and, I ended up returning it and going back to my TP2. I could not get it to sync correctly with outlook on my pc. I used the sync program that came on the sdcard from HTC..... It was screwing up my contacts, not syncing some, combining data from one with another........ etc. I basically live (business wise) from outlook. I couldn't sync the emails or tasks, not to mention that the calendar sync, as well as the contacts sync totally sucks. I read in one of your posts that you were using Touchdown on your EVO, and was wondering how it was working for you. I know that that software works with an exchange server (or exchange server hosting service, I think) and was also wondering if you knew of another way to get my outlook data to sync with an android phone (NOT using gmail. Gmail = sux) with the same success and ease of use that we had with windows mobile on our TP2? I am really bummed that i had to return my EVO, I loved it except for that reason. Well........ There were a few little things that urked me along the way too, but they were going to be easy to change. I just couldn't get past the no email, screwed up contacts... sync thing. Thanks again Quote:
Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
I dunno man, I never had an issue. I was a huge tp advocate but this is so much more efficient. I have Outlook, gmail and yahoo on this with no hiccups. It's also great to not have lag. I played with an HD2 and there was still lag.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Re: Who really sees a need to root this phone?
I'm rooted with Damage Control 3.2.3. My battery life has been the best with this ROM compared to others.
HTC Touch Pro ------> HTC Touch Pro II ------>HTC Evo 4g